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cer and ger verbs

cer and ger verbs. Manger. Manger, and all verbs which end in – ger , will conjugate like a regular – er verb except in the “nous” form. We have already discussed this. It will conjugate as follows. je mange tu manges il mange elle mange on mange. nous mangeons vous mangez

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cer and ger verbs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. cer and ger verbs

  2. Manger • Manger, and all verbs which end in –ger, will conjugate like a regular –er verb except in the “nous” form. • We have already discussed this. • It will conjugate as follows.

  3. je mange • tumanges • il mange • elle mange • on mange • nous mangeons • vousmangez • ilsmangent • ellesmangent

  4. Autresverbes -ger • nager – to swim • plonger – to dive • corriger – to correct • encourager – to encourage • voyager – to travel • échanger – to exchange • changer – to change

  5. They are swimming. • Ilsnagent. • He is diving. • Il plonge. • We are traveling. • Nous voyageons. • You all are exchanging letters. • Vouséchangez les lettres.

  6. -cer verbs • Verbs that end in-cer are going to add a “ç” to the c in the nous form only. • Some –cer verbs are: • Placer – to place • Prononcer – to pronounce • Remplacer- to replace • Avancer – to go forward • Lancer – to throw • Commencer – to begin

  7. commencer • je commence • tu commences • il commence • elle commence • on commence • nous commençons • vouscommencez • ilscommencent • ellescommencent

  8. The students are pronouncing their words. • Les élèvesprononcentleursmots. • She is throwing the ball. • Elle lance le ballon. • We are not going forward. • Nous n’avonçonspas. • I am replacing my pencil. • Je remplacemon crayon.

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