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Accelerator Safety Order Revision Process August 18, 2009

Accelerator Safety Order Revision Process August 18, 2009. Scott L. Davis, Acting Director Environment, Safety, and Health. Accelerator Safety Order Revision Charge. Deputy Director of Field Operations (DDFO) charge memo, dated April 24, 2009

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Accelerator Safety Order Revision Process August 18, 2009

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  1. Accelerator Safety OrderRevision Process August 18, 2009 Scott L. Davis, Acting Director Environment, Safety, and Health

  2. Accelerator Safety Order Revision Charge • Deputy Director of Field Operations (DDFO) charge memo, dated April 24, 2009 • Work with the Integrated Service Centers (ISCs) and Site Offices to: • Prepare a Justification Memorandum consistent with DOE Order 251.1C, Departmental Directives Program • Revise DOE Order 420.2B, Safety of Accelerator Facilities • Revision Should: • Provide clear roles, responsibilities, and requirements for safe operations • Not duplicate other laws, Orders, or requirements

  3. Actions Taken to Date • DOE ad-hoc team developed to conduct a “Gap Analysis” of DOE Order 420.2B and existing rules, guidance, and standards • Team includes SC-31 and representatives from the ISCs and two Site Offices (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Brookhaven Site Office) • DOE ad-hoc team in the final stages of completing the “Gap Analysis” • 420.2B requirements compared against 10 CFR 835 and 851, General Counsel Guidance etc. • Will provide a roadmap for streamlining requirements • “Gap Analysis” will serve as the technical basis for Order revisions • Contractor involvement • Two representatives will be added to the ad-hoc team after completion of the “Gap Analysis” • Chief Operating Officer Representative and Chief Research Officer Representative • Contractor representatives will provide feedback on the “Gap Analysis” and input from the contractor perspective

  4. Next Steps • Ad-hoc team will: • Disposition comments on the “Gap Analysis” • Develop the initial “Draft” Order for internal SC review • Prepare the Justification Memorandum (JM) for the DDFO • “Draft” Order will: • Be developed with a minimum set of requirements • Be provided to the accelerator community as soon as practical • Concepts, approaches and issues will be discussed at this Accelerator Safety Workshop • Requests for comments from the accelerator community will be coordinated • The JM is to be completed by September 30, 2009

  5. Expected Outcomes • Eight SC Sites have accelerators that fall within the scope of the Order • SC accelerator inventory completed: • SC has 43 accelerator facilities with corresponding safety assessment documents • SC provides the leadership for the Department in accelerator safety programs • Our efforts must provide a sound technical basis for Order revisions: • Provide clear roles, responsibilities, and requirements for safe operations • Not duplicate other laws, Orders, or requirements

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