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Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head Teachers Science Unit Curriculum Directorate

Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head Teachers Science Unit Curriculum Directorate. Curriculum Leadership For Head Teachers And Aspiring Head Teachers. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head Teachers Science Unit Curriculum Directorate.

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Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head Teachers Science Unit Curriculum Directorate

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  1. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Curriculum Leadership For Head Teachers And Aspiring Head Teachers

  2. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate The Science Unit – Curriculum Directorate Glen Sawle Manager Science Unit Ric Morante Senior Curriculum Adviser 7-12 Harry Vassila Senior Curriculum Adviser K-6

  3. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate There is a difference between learning for memorisation and learning for understanding

  4. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Students come into our classrooms with a range of existing ideas or conceptions of the physical world. They are not ‘empty vessels’ waiting to be filled

  5. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate What preconceived ideas do students bring to the learning situation? Where have they gathered the information from to lead to these preconceived ideas and conceptions

  6. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate • Why did they build the Great Wall of China?

  7. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Many of these conceptions differ in important ways from the view of the world scientists have constructed. (Many of these alternative or naïve conceptions are similar to views scientists held in previous eras)

  8. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate When presented with an idea that differs from their current conception They may: • Accept the new idea and reject the old • Accept the new idea but retain the old for use in some circumstances • Form a hybrid conception • Reject the new idea

  9. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate • The knowledge of the learner can assist or it can interfere with learning • Learning involves the construction of meaning • Meanings constructed by students may be different to those intended in the learning opportunity

  10. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate What is primary role of the teacher?

  11. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate • In the constructivists view of learning the role of the teachers is: • Stimulator of curiosity • Challenger of ideas • Resource person • Senior co-investigator • discussant

  12. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Content vs Concept • It is all too easy to fall into the trap of teaching content disguised as concept • This leads to students being able to approximate understanding without having any real understanding

  13. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Learning for understanding Learning for memorisation

  14. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Science Years 7 – 10 Syllabus

  15. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate The Objectives define in broad terms the associated • Prescribed Focus Areas (PFAs) knowledge and understanding • Domain: Knowledge and Understanding • Domain: Skills in working scientifically • Domain: Values and Attitudes

  16. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Syllabus outcomes define the intended results of teaching They are defined in terms of the intended results of student learning • at the end of Stage 4 and • at the end of Stage 5 P12-13

  17. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Indicative Hours • Essential content – 400 hr (DET Schools 500 hr) • Additional content • not mandatory • suggested only • not pre-requisite for following stages

  18. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Syllabus Requirements • Address all essential content (p 23) • Contexts (p 16) • Practical experiences (p 21) • Student Research Project (p 22)

  19. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate PFA Content • all PFAs must be addressed each year • each unit must address at least one PFA • Teachers select appropriate essential content to achieve the relevant Stage 4 or Stage 5 Outcome

  20. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate PFA Outcomes Stage 4 4.2 A student uses examples to illustrate how models, theories and laws contribute to an understanding of phenomena Stage 5 5.2 A student describes the processes that are applied to test and validate models, theories and laws

  21. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate PFA Content

  22. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Skills Content • The essential content reflects the skills that students should be able to demonstrate by the end of stage 5 • Teachers select appropriate essential content to achieve the relevant Stage 4 or Stage 5

  23. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate 4.17 A student evaluates the relevance of data and information

  24. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Knowledge and Understanding Content • addressed within the appropriate stage • Grouped as – • Models, Theories and Laws; Structures and Systems • Interactions Additional Content: • can be addressed in either stage • not mandatory

  25. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate

  26. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Cross-curriculum content areas • Information and Communication Technologies • Work, Employment and Enterprise • Aboriginal and Indigenous • Civics and Citizenship • Environment • Gender • Key Competencies • Literacy • Numeracy

  27. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Example ICT of cross-curriculum content

  28. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate Science Stage 6

  29. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate

  30. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate

  31. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate

  32. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate

  33. Curriculum Leadership Workshop for Science Head TeachersScience Unit Curriculum Directorate

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