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Explore the essential tasks and requirements for organizing the supply of medications and medical wares in pharmacies. Learn about proper storage conditions, quality control measures, and key responsibilities of authorized personnel in pharmaceutical settings.
Organization of work of pharmacy with commodity supplies.
A pharmacy must have an obligatory assortment of medications. It is today registered in Ukraine over 19000 names of medications and over 100 wares of the medical setting. A commodity supply is mass of medications and wares of the medical setting, which is in the field of appeal and subject realization. To the commodity supplies belong:
commodities which are present in a presence in a pharmacy and it the separated structural subdivisions - commodity, purchased and prepaid a pharmacy and leave on responsible storage for a supplier or those, that are in transit - commodity supplies which are handed over on processing
Commodity supplies in a sum and in days set for every pharmacy individually. It depends on many factors – commodity turnover, top-level quantity of medicinal preparations. Surpluses of commodity supplies conduce to binding of facilities, absence of medications in a pharmacy – to the loss of the visitors.
If there are drugs that require special storage conditions (Strong, poisonous, narcotic, Psychotropic, immunologic, termolabilni, flammable, flammable, explosive products, herbal and other raw materials) must be properly equipped with separate room (zone) for their storage.
Basic tasks the department of supplies is: 1. Reception of medicines and second commodities of pharmacy assortment, which enter pharmacy from a wholesale pharmaceutical enterprise (will make, to the factory). 2. Providing of correct storage of commodities. 3.Vacation of commodities to other departments of pharmacy, hospitals, organizations and establishments, fastened on a pharmacy on a supply. 4.Making of concentrates, ready-to-cook foods, laboratory-packing works.
Each pharmacy stock (base) should be appointed at least one authorized person with appropriate authority and is responsible for development, implementation and operation of quality. An authorized person must personally serve duties, have higher pharmaceutical education and work experience for specialty at least two years.
Authorized persons with application check amount, price, total worth of commodity, and conduct collation them with information of invoice. The special attention is spared verification of amount of acceptanced commodity. Receiving control which consists in checking of original appearance is conducted to that end, to marking, packing, blocked of commodity.
If there are doubts in quality medications, we must sent it for an analysis in state inspections and for the answer of laboratory they are kept separately and will not realize. With application check terms of fitness. On medicines, a remaining term of fitness must be not less than 60%, but for bacterial preparations - a not less than 40% term of fitness which is marked on a label.
The authorized person checks up accordance of the got medications accompanying documents in relation to amount, dosage, numbers of series, terms of fitness, registration status, name, medical form, producer. Every series of medications must be accompanied by conclusion in relation to quality, which seems a producer, notarized the seal of supplier.
At a negative result the authorized person makes an act about found out defects which are foundation for returning of party to the supplier. The copy of act is given in a territorial inspection, which after the additional verification and selective test takes measures in relation to informing of other pharmacies about found out off-grade or falsifyed medications and controls the actions of provider for their elimination, utilization or returning (in the case of off-grade series) a producer.
In the case of origin of doubt in relation to quality of medications at implementation of visual control the authorized person takes away the standards of doubtful medications and sends them in a territorial inspection for passing of laboratory researches. In a time of such researches, to the final decision of question about quality, series of doubtful medications are in a quarantine, isolated from other medications, with denotation “Trade is prohibited to the separate order”.
Requirements include the followings parameters: temperature, relative humidity of air, air exchange, gas composition of air and luminosity. Temperature of storage – one of the most considerable indexes of the mode of storage. Chemical, physical and chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes increase with the increase of temperature. A temperature is measured in degrees to centigrade (0 Ñ ). A few modes of storage are foreseen.
In apartments for storage a certain temperature and humidity of air must be supported, periodicity of verification of which is carried out not rarer 1 time per days. For looking after these parameters storage facilities must be provided thermometers and hygrometers which are fastened on the internal walls of • depository far from heater, • devices on height of (1,5-1,7) m from a floor • in the distance not less than 3 mfrom doors. The map of account of temperature and relative humidity must be led in every department.
In the apartments of storage medications take a place separately: - in severe accordance with toxicological groups: list And (poisonous and narcotic matters); list (drastic matters) and general list. Medications of lists And and must be saved in obedience to operating orders; - in accordance with pharmacological groups; - depending on the method of the use (internal, external);
- medications of "angro" are accordingly with the aggregate state (liquid separately from friable, gaseous et cetera); - in accordance with physical and chemical properties of medications and influence of different factors of external environment; - taking into account the set terms of fitness for medications; - taking into account character of different medical forms.
All of medications depending on physical and physical and chemical properties, action on them of various factors of external environment, are distributed on such: - which require protecting from light; - which require protecting from the action of moisture; - which require protecting from evaporation; - which require protecting from the action of enhanceable temperature;
- which require protecting from a mionectic temperature; - which require protecting from the action of gases which are contained in an environment; - fragrant, paint; - disinfectant facilities.
The list of medications which require protecting from light, belong: antibiotics, halenic preparations (tinctures, extracts, concentrates), medical plants, organo, vitamins and vitamin preparations, corticosteroids, essential oils, fat butters, salts of HI, and HBr acids, nitrates, nitrites, amino-and amidoconnections, phenic connections, derivates of fenotiazyna.
It follows to keep medications which need protecting from the action of light in-container from dark slide materials (to the glass container of orange glass, packing, from an polymeric materials, painted, in a brown or orange black), in a dark apartment or in closets, painted in a middle a black paint with the densely driven in doors or in the densely hammered together boxes with the densely driven in lid.
For storage of especially sensible to light medicinal matters (nitrate of silver, proserini), a glass container is pasted over a black opaque paper . Medicinal matters which need action of light, for example, preparations of iron of protoxide, it follows to keep in the glass container of small capacity of light glass in the bright world. The action of direct sunbeams is assumed.)
Storage of medications which require protecting from moisture To medications which require protecting from the action of moisture, belong: hygroscopic matters and preparations (for example, acetate to potassium, dry extracts, medical plants, salt nitric, nitrous, halogenhydrogen and phosphoric acids, salts of alkaloids, sodium metallo-organicss, antibiotics, enzymes, medicinal matters which are characterized after the pharmacopeia article as such, that as easy as anything dissolve in water, and also medicinal matters, maintenance of moisture of which must not exceed a level, set DF and other NTD .
Features of storage of medications which require protecting from the action of elevated temperature To medications which require protecting from the action of elevated temperature, belong: - group of medications which require protecting from weathering - fusible matters; - bacterial preparations (vaccines, wheys, toxoids, but other); - antibiotics; - hormonal preparations; - vitamins and vitamin preparations; - preparations which contain glycosides ; - medical fats and butters; - ointments on fatty basis and other matters
It follows to keep medications which require protecting from the action of elevated temperature at a room (18-20 С), cool (12-15 С) temperature. The lower temperature of storage is required on occasion (for example, for ATP 3-5 С, that must be it is indicated on a label or in instruction to application of preparation. It follows to keep bacterial preparations in the industrial packing separately after the names, at a temperature, indicated for every name on a label or in instruction to application.
List of medications which require protecting from the action of reduced temperature, such the physical and chemical state of which after freezing changes and at the next warming to the room temperature does not recommence belong (40 % sol. of formaldehyde, solutions of insulin but other).
Features of storage of medical digister • Optimum terms for storage of medical digister temperature (18-20 C ), humidity of air - (30-40 %). At storage of medical digister which contains nutritives, for prevention of spoilage of it by barn wreckers, recommended to dispose in the places of storage a small bottle with a chloroform in the cork of which a tube cutting-in for weathering vapor a chloroform. A chloroform is added as far as his weathering