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The legal basis of work in the pharmaceutical industry. Fundamentals of occupational safety in pharmacy as part of health and safety in the country.
The legal basis of work in the pharmaceutical industry. Fundamentals of occupational safety in pharmacy as part of health and safety in the country.
Decisive role in the formation and development of human labor plays. The development of science and technology has brought people to work their own characteristics: it has become more productive, but instead greatly increased price errors are more difficult was the consequences of accidents and fatalities. World Day of safety, which is celebrated annually on April 28, presents a report on the state of safety in the world of facts and figures.In one of the last states that each year as a result of production factors kills 2 million people happen to be about 270 million accidents at work, logged over 160 million occupational diseases, etc.
This applies to Ukraine, which is a result of accidents, injuries and occupational diseases annually loses about 1 billion game., While the production of more than 25,000 injured persons, including death - 900-1200 people.According to the world statistics 80% of accidents related to human factor. It is under these circumstances becomes urgent organization of learning the basics of public health and safety.Thus, labor is a system of legal, social, economic, organizational, technical and medical measures and means to preserve life, health and disability rights in the workplace.
Occupational safety as an integral part of the creation of security in terms of production applies to all enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership and activities for all citizens that work. Therefore, violation of labor protection responsibility before the law as an employer and employee.The value labor protection can not be overemphasized, because where create proper working conditions, human productivity is much higher and, more importantly, provided the conditions necessary for the preservation of health,
Among the list of major legislation on health chief, irrefutable is the Law of Ukraine "On Labour Protection" adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of 14.10.1992 year.Scope of the Act applies to all businesses and individuals that are under the law using hired labor, and all employees.
Public safety management in Ukraine in accordance with the relevant provisions of Articles 31-35 of the Law of Ukraine "On Labour Protection" exercise:• Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;• authorized central executive agency for supervision of labor;• ministries and other central executive authorities;• local administrations and local authorities.
State supervision over compliance with laws and regulations on labor protection also carry:• State Committee of Ukraine on nuclear and radiation safety;• the Fire Department and the Fire Department;• State Automobile Inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;• Institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.Higher observance and correct application of laws on health and safety is a direct responsibility of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and subordinate prosecutors.
Service labor protection: responsibilities, rights, structure, staffingPursuant to the Law of Ukraine "On Labour Protection" State Committee of Ukraine for Labor Safety issued an order № 255 from 15.11,2004, pursuant to which approved the typical situation of public service work.Customer labor protection is created by businesses and organizations in which the number of employees is more than 50 people. When an enterprise employing less than 50 workers, the functions of labor services can perform the procedure combining individuals with appropriate training.When an enterprise employing less than 20 persons to perform the functions of labor services may involve foreign experts on a contractual basis, with work experience of at least 3 years and have been training for safety.
Training and test knowledge of the safety of medical staff work carried out in accordance with legislation on hiring and occasionally 1 every 3 years.
The main functions of labor services in the enterprise, institution and an institution are:• develop comprehensive measures to achieve set standards and improve the existing level of safety;• audits compliance staff requirements regulations on labor protection;• reporting on health by established forms;• carrying out staff induction training on health;
Experts service work are entitled to:• issue heads of structural divisions binding regulations to address the existing deficiencies. Prescription safety specialist can cancel only employer.The requirement consists of 2 copies, one of which appears to supervisor facility, shop, second - remains in public service work and kept for 5 years.• stop work production, stations, vehicles, machinery and equipment in the event of violations that endanger life or health of employees;• require removal from the work of persons who have not been provided by the law of medical examination, training, instruction, testing and do not have access to the relevant works or does not comply with regulations on health;
- require removal from the work of persons who have not been provided by the law of medical examination, training, instruction, testing and do not have access to the relevant works or does not comply with regulations on health;- send employer submissions on liability of officers and employees who violate the requirements for safety;- make proposals for encouraging workers active in improving safety;
Cabinet of labour proyection work includes the following activities:• training, knowledge test and training of workers on labor protection, first aid to victims of accidents and rules in case of accidents;• series of classes, lectures for employees;• Conduct induction (scheduled and unscheduled) briefing on safety of all employees; • organization promoting safe and harmless working conditions at the company;• promotion of the newest advances in science and technology, modern means of collective and individual protection.
Cabinet of labor tasks, equipment, organization of work Cabinet labor protection is an organizational and a training center promoting knowledge on health among workers who created the company with a staff of over 400 persons per order (order) of the employer or authorized person. The enterprises with up to 400 employees labor protection cabinet can be combined with room for training sessions. The main objectives of the study labor protection of the enterprise is the organizational and technical work on training employees on safety, promoting the need to create safe working conditions.
Cabinet of labor protection of the masses be equipped with: • legislation and public trans-sectoral and sectoral norm.documents labor protection, methodical and reference books, educational programs; • textbooks, and visual aids and accessories (posters, displays, charts, models, models, film, video and filmstrips and other visual learning tools and instruction on safety, hygiene and fire safety); • technical facilities (projection, audio and video, educational control machines, exercise equipment, computers, test equipment, etc.).
Public control of safety, the role of committees on safety and authorized labor collectives.Public enforcement of occupational safety legislation is carried out by labor groups and trade unions through their elected bodies and representatives.Competent labor groups on health spending designed to appropriate checks and make proposals to the employer to eliminate violations pursuant to regulations on safety and health.
Competent person of labor groups on health:• elected by a simple majority vote at a general meeting of the enterprise (hospital); • receive training on safety at the expense of the organization and carry out their duties during working hours, work with the commission on safety;
• at least 1 time a year report on its work to the general meeting, where they were elected;• have the following responsibilities:- to monitor the working conditions of its regime and characteristics of recreation, employment of women, minors and disabled;- ensure workers' clothes, preventive nutrition, detergents, etc.;- to control the issue of benefits and compensation for work in difficult and hazardous working conditions, compensation for damage to the employer to employees in case of violations of health, medical examination and instruction, use of funds for health and safety and so on.
Trade unions shall monitor compliance by employers legislation on labor protection, the provision of safe working conditions and good manufacturing life for employees, providing them with the means of collective and individual protection.They have the liberty to check the status of environment and safety in the workplace, the degree of implementation of relevant programs and obligations of collective agreements, to make employers, public authorities presentation on safety.
Approximate block diagram of public controland implementation of measures for safety in health careinstitution (for example, trade union)
According to the order № 72 of 03.08.1993 was approved "Model Regulations of the Commission on safety."Commission on safety organized in groups (hospitals) employing more than 50 people per decision of the employees and is a permanent consultative body working group, created to raise him to cooperate in the field of health and safety of the area and is formed on the basis of equal representation of employers and employees.
Committee on the protection Works:• holds the rights and interests of workers in the field of labor;• analyzes and security conditions in the workplace and provides recommendations to the employer;• has the right to appeal to the head of the proposals for the regulation of relations in the sphere of laborestablish the guilt poterpiloh;• chaired by the chairman, elected at its meetings.
Investigation of accidents at work should be carried out according to the number KM in 1112 from 25.08 in 2004 "Procedure for investigation and registration of accidents”.Investigations conducted in pazi occurrence of an accident, sudden worsening health worker receiving the wound, injury, occupational diseases, getting heat stroke, burns, electric shock, receiving other injuries that led to the loss of employee performance on day 1 and more or cellar led to his transfer to another (lighter) work at least 1 day in the case of the disappearance of the employee during the performance of job duties, as well as the death of an employee at the company.
About one accident victim, or an employee who discovered it, or someone else - witness the accident shall immediately inform the supervisor and take action to provide the necessary assistance.In case of accident, supervisor of work must:• Arrange urgent first aid to the victim and to provide, if necessary, its delivery to health facilities;• report the incident, the employer, trade union leader, whose member is the victim, or a person authorized by employees on safety if the victim is a member of the union;• Save the arrival of the commission to investigate the accident situation in the workplace and the equipment in the condition in which they were at the time of the accident.
The employer received notice of an accident shall immediately• report on the use of communications about the accident: 1.your executive management of the Fund at the location of the company;2.company, which employs the victim (if the victim is an employee of another company);3.public fire at the location of the enterprise (in case of an accident that occurred due to fire);
4. Establishment of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, serving the company (in case of acute occupational diseases (poisoning));New Order Commission, whose activities must be linked to the investigation of an accident, of at least 3 people.
Commission commitments in 3 days: • examine the place of the accident victim to get an explanation, if possible, to interview witnesses an accident and people involved in it;• Determine compliance of the sling and its security requirements of labor protection legislation;• determine if the accident is connected with the production;• identify persons who have committed violations of the legislation on health and safety, to develop measures to prevent similar accidents in the future;• make the act of investigating an accident on Form N-5 in triplicate, and the act of an accident, the air 'yazynyy the production, in the form of I-1 in six copies, if the accident is recognized as being associated with the production ;• in the case of acute occupational diseases (poisoning) associated with the production, in addition to the act form H-1 also draw in quadruplicate card account occupational diseases (poisoning) on Form N-5
Acts of the form H-5 and H-1 form signed as chairman and all members of the committee.
An accident that is related to production are recognized those that occurred with employees during work duties, including on a business trip as well as those that occurred during the period:• Stay in the workplace, on the premises or elsewhere, which involves the use of production facilities, including during working time and overtime, the employer or tasks after hours, during holidays, weekends, holidays and days off;• training before work and bringing order to the workplace after the manufacturing process;• coming to work or to work on a vehicle owned by the company or by another means of transport provided by the employer;• use of own vehicle on behalf of the enterprise with the permission or on behalf of the employer in the prescribed manner;
• elimination of the consequences of the accident and emergency man-made or natural origin;• provide necessary assistance or rescue people perform actions related to the prevention of accidents, accidents do not admit that is related to the production, those that occurred with employees:• the place of permanent residence in the field and shift settlements;• When employees for personal use of vehicles, machines, equipment, tools, that are owned or used by the company; • in the case of alcohol, toxic or drugs that have the appropriate medical report;• when the offense is set conviction;• in the case of suicide.
Penalties for companies, organizations and institutions for violation of legislation on labor protection.Violation of occupational safety legislation, regulations failure by officials of the State Labour Inspection legal or natural person who, in accordance with the law using hired labor, brought to penalties in the manner prescribed by law.Failure to pay the fine legal or natural persons who are under the law using hired labor, entails calculating the amount of penalty interest at the rate of two per cent for each day of delay.
Penalties for officials and employees for violations of laws and regulations on health and safety in accordance with the Kodeks of Ukraine of Administrative Offences. Persons who are fined, bring it to the cash register enterprises in the workplace.Decision imposing a fine may be appealed within one month in court.Due to the application of penalties to entities or persons under legal use hired labor to the State Budget of Ukraine.