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Starter Task. In your groups, complete the following tasks. Define the term creativity . What isn’t creativity ? Based on your definition of creativity , do you think that you were being creative when you produced your AS Media projects (Preliminary Exercise and your Music Magazine)?
Starter Task • In your groups, complete the following tasks. • Define the term creativity. • What isn’t creativity? • Based on your definition of creativity, do you think that you were being creative when you produced your AS Media projects (Preliminary Exercise and your Music Magazine)? • You have five minutes to complete this task.
Session Aims • Analyse one of your pieces against Creativity theory. • You MUSThave given at least two example from your coursework for each theory (E-C). • You SHOULD be able to provide at least three examples from your coursework for each theory (B-A grade). • You COULD be apply medium specific theory to it (e.g. music video/newspaper theory) (A/A* grade). • Your assessment will take the form of an essay based homework assignment.
What is Creativity? • “The making of the new and the rearranging of the old” (Bentley, 1997).
Task • “The making of the new and the rearranging of the old” (Bentley, 1997). • According to Bentley’s definition, do you think you were being creative when you produced your AS/A2 Media products? • Explain why you think this using three detailed examples from your coursework. • You have five minutes to complete this task.
Task • “The making of the new and the rearranging of the old” (Bentley, 1997). • In what ways did your creativity skills develop from AS to A2 based on Bentley’s concept of creativity? • Illustrate your answer with three detailed examples from your coursework. • You have five minutes to complete this task.
What is Creativity? • Creativity imaginativelyinvolves thinking or behaving. • The imaginative activity is purposeful – set against a meaningful objective. • The processes must generate something original. • You could talk about media language- mediation: how did you communicate a preferred meaning?
What is Creativity? • The creation of bringing something new into existence • “this particular understanding of creativity involves the physical making of something, leading to some form of communication, expression or revelation”. • (David Gauntlett, 2007)
What is Creativity? • The creation of bringing something new into existence. “this particular understanding of creativity involves the physical making of something, leading to some form of communication, expression or revelation”. (David Gauntlett, 2007) • According to Gauntlett’sdefinition, do you think you were being creative when you produced your AS/A2 Media products? • Explain why you think this using three detailed examples from your coursework. • You have five minutes to complete this task.
What is Creativity? • The creation of bringing something new into existence. “this particular understanding of creativity involves the physical making of something, leading to some form of communication, expression or revelation”. (David Gauntlett, 2007) • In what ways did your creativity skills develop from AS to A2 based on Gauntlett’sconcept of creativity? • Illustrate your answer with three detailed examples from your coursework. • You have five minutes to complete this task.
Social Norms • Your coursework is often influenced by your • Social • Cultural • Environmental • Biographical • background and ideas.
Task • Have you tried to expand the boundaries of the social norms/dominant ideologies? Have you challenged stereotypes? Have you tried to be shocking, controversial or rebellious? Have you challenged generic conventions? • Have you reinforced social norms/dominant ideologies? Have you reinforced stereotypes? Have you been conformist or uncontroversial? Have you pastichedgeneric conventions? • Illustrate your answer with three specific examples from your coursework. • You have ten minutes to answer these questions.
Creativity and Technology • “If creativity is not inherent in human mental powers and is, in fact, social and situational, then technological developments may well be linked to advances in the creativity of individual users” • (Banaji,BurnandBuckingham, 2010).
Creativity and Technology • “If creativity is not inherent in human mental powers and is, in fact, social and situational, then technological developments may well be linked to advances in the creativity of individual users” (Banaji,BurnandBuckingham, 2006). • According to Banaji,BurnandBuckingham’sdefinition, do you think that technology helped you to be creative when you produced your AS/A2 Media products? • Explain why you think this using three detailed examples from your coursework. Explain exactly what piece of hardware or software allowed you to be creative. In terms of software, give an example of exactly what tool in the software allowed you to be creative. • You have five minutes to complete this task.
A2 Project Work • When producing your A2 product and ancillary tasks consider… • Whether you are being creative or not. • How your creative skills have developed from AS to A2.
Homework Assignment • Analyse the ways in which your AS coursework (Preliminary Exercise and Music Magazine) allowed you to be creative. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time. • Refer to specific and detailed examples from your products. • Use as much media theory and terminology as possible. • Hand written. • 30 minute time limit.
Essay Structure Introduction • Define Creativity (using an appropriate quote). • Briefly describe what products you created at AS and A2. Who were your audience? • Briefly answer the question. Do you think you were being creative or not? • Do you think your creativity skills developed from AS to A2? Explain why you think this.
Essay Structure You Must • Discuss whether your AS and A2 projects allowed you to be creative or not in relation to Bentley(1997)'s theory of Creativity. • Use specific examples from your AS and A2 coursework to assess how your creativity skills developed over time in relation to Bentley (1997)'s theory of Creativity. • Discuss whether your AS and A2 projects allowed you to be creative or not in relation to Gauntlett(2007)'s theory of Creativity. • Use specific examples from your AS and A2 coursework to assess how your creativity skills developed over time in relation to Gauntlett(2007)'s theory of Creativity.
Essay Structure You Could • Discuss how your AS and A2 projects reflected your social, cultural, environmental or biographical background and beliefs. • Did you challenge or reinforce stereotypes, generic conventions etc.? • How did your ability to do this develop from AS to A2? • Discuss the ways in which technology allowed you to be creative in relation to Banaji,BurnandBuckingham’stheory. • How did the development of your technology skills from AS to A2 affect your ability to be creative?
Essay Structure Conclusion • Conclude your answer by restating whether, in your opinion, your AS and A2 products allowed you to be creative or not and the degree to which, in your opinion, your creativity skills developed from AS to A2.
Next Lesson • Research and Planning.