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Starter task . Games were seen as a means of instilling certain virtues into players. What moral qualities were seen as worthwhile aspects of the game?. Leadership Integrity Loyalty Bravery Decision making ‘Correct’ behaviour Concept of fair play – obeying by the rules. June 04 - (ii )
Games were seen as a means of instilling certain virtues into players. What moral qualities were seen as worthwhile aspects of the game?
Leadership • Integrity • Loyalty • Bravery • Decision making • ‘Correct’ behaviour • Concept of fair play – obeying by the rules
June 04 - (ii) • Run by older boys/sixth formers/organising own events; • Teamwork/loyalty; • Captain/leadership; • Physical/hard work/fitness; • Tactics/decision-making; • Competitive in competitive society; • Self-discipline/work under pressure; • Testing courage and bravery; • Lead by example; • Sportsmanship; max 4
Jan 04 - Qu3 • (a) (i) • Football/rowing • 1. original versions from villages; • 2. played regularly/in leisure time; • 3. older boys in charge/self governing; • 4. developed rules/rationalisation; • 5. equal numbers on teams/devised limited space/introduced boundaries; • 6. inter-house/inter-school; • 7. improved equipment/kit/technological developments/coaching; (4 marks) • (a) (ii) • 1. social control/occupy boys free time/safety; • 2. preparing boys for roles in society; • 3. develop athleticism among boys/physical endeavour and moral integrity; • 4. adherence to letter and spirit of sport/sportsmanship/fair play; • 5. promote team building/loyalty; • 6. develop leadership; • 7. develop muscular Christianity; • 8. promote self-discipline/self control; • 9. character building; (5 marks)
3 (a) 5 marks for 5 of. • (sub max 3, don't need to make a direct link) CharacteristicsReflection of society Played occasionally 10. Little free time Few rules 11. Uneducated so no written rules Violent/injuries 12. Harsh lifestyles Male 13. Little money Low structure/unlimited time 14. Little transport/mobility numbers of participants Limited facilities/equipment needed Working classes Force rather than skill Local (b) 4 marks for 4 of: • Developed rules • Skills • Strategic/tactics • Kit to distinguish teams • Division of labour/e.g. attack defence/leadership/captain • Boundaries e.g. pitches • Facility/equipment developed • Competition - house/inter school Jan 09
Fanatical devotion to both the physical side of playing sport, but also the development of moral integrity
At university their was a desire for competition between former public school boys – therefore rules needed to be established for each game. Many major sporting activities were developed through public schools, can you list some? Process of codification led to many groups being set up to arbitrate over areas of disagreement – these groups become the original Governing Bodies of sport Codification
Jan 03 – a & b Exam question
Qu 2 (a) 3 marks for three from: 1 Rationalised; 2 Introduction of rules/fairness; 3 Limits/boundaries to time/space/structural; 4 Restrictions for player behaviour/conduct/less violent/more civilised; 5 Development of equipment/kit; 6 Codification of rules. 3 marks (b) Sub max 2 marks: Athleticism (physical values) 1 Manliness/physical/robustness 2 Pursuit of physical endeavour;/effort/striving; 3 Appreciating the value of healthy exercise/fitness; 4 Accepting the discipline of rule-regulated activity; 5 Accepting the discipline of physical preparation; 6 Moral integrity. Sub max 2 marks: Muscular Christianity (ethical values) 7 Working for a team/team work/putting team first/team spirit/loyalty to the cause; 8 Conforming to the rules/authority/principle of fair play/sportsmanship; 9 Playing honourably more important that winning; 10 Use of ‘God-given’ abilities; 11 Performance dedicated to God. Must cover both concepts for 3 max 3 marks
As games were developing in the public schools, society itself was developing In the UK was a change in working practices Largely rural City-based manufacturing farming communities industries MAIN REASON – INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. It permitted greater use of machinery & therefore increased the production of goods Industrial Revolution
Worked long, regulated hours – as machines never turned off • Move to the cities – URBANISATION • Live close enough to walk to work (usually in cramped terrace housing - built especially for housing the workforce) Leisure time changed completely • Leisure no longer governed by need to work on the land as farmers, now governed by the hours the factory demanded • Became normal to work a 12 hour day for six days a week • Sunday was day off BUT day of rest, so leisure time was very restricted Changes for the working classes
These were people who made money out of industrialization. • Factory owners • Doctors • Clergy They wanted their sons (and daughters) to be educated and they founded many schools for that purpose These schools followed the same sporting pattern of the public schools. • Saw the value of sport – character building, teamwork, sense of fair-play Growing middle class – largely as a result of the industrial revolution
Invented new sports to fill their leisure time: • Hockey • Badminton • Tennis They cycled & walked for recreation Factory Owners & Churches provided facilities for games to be played • Between 1860 & 1890 most of todays modern sports were invented & formalised This sudden boom in sport is part of RATIONAL RECREATION
INITALLY THE UPPER & MIDDLE CLASSES WANTED TO KEEP THEIR SPORTS TO THEMSELVES. They did not want the working classes involved for two mains reasons: 2. The rules governing a sport were often made to exclude the working classes. Only the gentleman amateur was permitted to play.
Ex-public school boys formed most of the original teams/clubs who dominated the F.A. Cup BUT in the industrial north & midlands. Teams of working class players were beginning to emerge • One of the problems of urbanisation was the lack of SPACE to play sports • Often only land available was land belonging to the local factory owner or church The use of this land lead to: • Many factory- and church –based teams • Reduction of the working week to permit a half-day on Saturdays
Church groups – Everton, Bolton, Fulham, Aston Villa & Barnsley Old Boys teams – Leicester Employee's team – Manchester City Early Closure team – Sheffield Wednesday http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_FA_Cup_winners
Workers having a half day would pay and watch their local football team • Paying spectators gave the teams money which they then used to bring in better players NOT ALL SPORTS became professional at this time. Rugby League was quick to follow in the north of England. Many sports remained strictly amateur until quite recently, WHY? Professionalism
Qu 2 (a) (i) 1 boys brought activities from villages and schools; 2 played regularly in free time; 3 devised initial rules/individual schools versions; 4 (this allowed) inter House competitions; 5 later adopted standardised rules; 6 (this allowed) inter-school competitions; 7 structural changes boundaries/time limits/numbers on teams/strategies/roles/skills/ techniques/kit; 8 Leadership/captain roles/games elite. (3 marks) (do not credit fair play) (ii) 1. British Empire/colonising other cultures/exporting British traditions; 2. Officers; 3. Teachers to schools/blues/colours; 4. Clergy through church; 5. Employers through employees; 6. Establishing the modern sport club structure/regional/national; 7. Creating National Governing bodies/administration structures; 8. Ex public school boys high status/jobs/influential/government; 9. University 3 marks (do not credit old boys on their own/armed forces)
A table showing the social changes leading to rationalisation of sport – So the pre-industrial & post-industrial Britain Use page 169 2. Exam Questions – • Factors affecting rationalisation June 03 – Q3 (b) Jan 04 – Q2 Home learning
(b) Formation 1. Increase in number of fixtures/competitions; 2. more widespread playing of sport required nationally agreed rule structure/regulations; 3. different versions developed by different schools; 4. to set up competitions/leagues; 5. deal with professionalism/commercialism. Prevention 6. Desire to maintain control of sport; 7. preservation of amateur ideals; 8. maintain exclusivity of sport/not mix with lower classes; 9. did not like losing to professionals. 5 marks
Jan 04 Qu 2 At the beginning of the 20th Century, the extent and nature of a person’s participation in sport were influenced by their social class and gender. (b) Discuss the reasons why people from the working class had fewer opportunities to participate than those from the upper and middle classes. (4 marks) b) • Lack of leisure/free time; • Lack of money/resources/diet/health/facilities; • Restrictive membership schemes/regulations; • Amateur regulations; • Limited demand for professionals in sport; • Traditional working class (animal/cruel) sports frowned upon/considered uncivilised/banned; • Encouraged to become spectators;