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2. Introduction: What? Where? Who? Why? How?. What? Political party coalitions/alliances are increasingly a key feature of African politics. Yet, understudied subject.Subject of party coalitions/alliances is understudied.Aim of the study: to document, analyse, explain
1. The Politics of Party Coalitions in Africa
Edited by Denis Kadima
2. 2 Introduction: What? Where? Who? Why? How? What?
Political party coalitions/alliances are increasingly a key feature of African politics. Yet, understudied subject.
Subject of party coalitions/alliances is understudied.
Aim of the study: to document, analyse, explain & compare party coalitions in selected African countries
3. 3 Introduction: What? Where? Who? Why? How? What?
Definition of Coalition:
The coming together of a minimum of two political parties for a certain period, in pursuit of an agreed set of common goals to be reached by means of a common strategy, joint actions, the pooling of resources and the distribution of possible subsequent pay-offs.
The words alliance and coalition are used interchangeably.
4. 4 What? (continued) Research questions:
What brings particular political parties together in a coalition?
How are negotiations conducted?
Who is entitled to negotiate?
What are the objectives of these coalitions?
How are coalition partners selected?
What is the legal basis of party alliances?
How does the electoral system in use in the various countries impact on the nature of party coalitions in those countries?
5. 5 What? (continued) Research Questions (continued):
What role do ethnicity, race, class and ideology play in the formation (and collapse and revival) of party alliances?
Who are the driving forces behind the alliances?
How are alliance relationships nurtured?
How does the coalition affect intra-party dynamics and vice-versa?
How does the process of selecting coalition candidates impact on womens representation in Parliament?
What explains the longevity and effectiveness of some alliances while others fall apart or into desuetude?
What impact does coalition-related conflict have on intra-party dynamics?
What have been the consequences of particular alliances on individual political parties?
6. 6 Where? Who? Where?
The 5 countries under study are: Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique & South Africa
Criteria for selecting the 5 countries:
= 2 general elections or referenda,
Presidential & parliamentary regimes
FPTP & PR systems
Financial constraints: 5 countries in east & southern Africa
5 countries: a relatively representative sample
Who? Co-authors:
Dr Roukaya Kassenally (Mauritius)
Mr Samson Lembani (Malawi)
Mr Zefanias Matsimbe (Mozambique)
Mr Felix Owuor (Kenya)
Mr Denis Kadima (South Africa)
7. 7 Why? How? Why?
To fill in the knowledge gap
To learn lessons & develop good practices for political parties
To contribute to the vibrancy of multiparty democracy in Africa
Primary sources: interviews with representatives of parties under study (serving head of state, ministers, MPs, party leaders and various analysts)
Secondary sources (articles and books):
History of party coalitions + MoU
Theories of party coalitions
8. 8 How? Theories of Size and Ideology
Office-driven theories and Policy-oriented theories
Theories of New Institutionalism
Institutional procedures shaping pre-formation (legislative negotiation)
Behavioural norms (pacts, anti-pacts & no coalition with anti-democratic or anti-system parties)
Institution shaping post-formation
(decision-making within the coalition VSPs, MSPs)
9. 9 How? How do these theories apply in the African context?
The theories apply unevenly from country to country
Predictive models tend to be of limited interest in many African countries
They pay limited attention to opposition coalitions in favour of executive coalitions
They barely address some dominant features of African politics (pervasiveness of ethno-regionalist politics; identity-based voting behaviour; prevalence of presidential regimes; limited opportunities outside state; inadequate institutionalisation of democracy; and structural & organisational weaknesses of parties
These theories need to be broadened to encompass these important features for them to be meaningful in African contexts
10. 10 How? Book Structure
Chapter 1: The Study of Party Coalitions in Africa: Importance, Scope, Theory and Research Methodology
By Denis Kadima
Chapter 2: Party Coalitions in Post-Apartheid South Africa and their Impact on National Cohesion and Ideological Rapprochement
By Denis Kadima
Chapter 3: The Formation, Collapse and Revival of Political Party Coalitions in Mauritius: Ethnic Logic and Calculation at Play
By Denis Kadima and Roukaya Kasenally
Chapter 4: Making, Unmaking and Remaking Political Party Coalitions in Malawi: Explaining the Prevalence of Office-Seeking Behaviour
By Denis Kadima and Samson Lembani
11. 11 How? Book Structure (continued)
Chapter 5: RENAMO Uniăo Eleitoral: Understanding the Longevity and Challenges of an Opposition Party Coalition in Mozambique
By Denis Kadima and Zefanias Matsimbe
Chapter 6: The National Rainbow Coalition: Achievements and Challenges of Building and Sustaining a Broad-Based Political Party Coalition in Kenya
By Denis Kadima and Felix Owuor
Chapter 7: African Party Alliances: Comparisons, Conclusions and Lessons
By Denis Kadima
12. 12 Findings, Conclusions and Lessons Factors Influencing the Formation, Survival, Effectiveness and Collapse of Coalitions
Types of Political Regimes
Types of Electoral Systems
Ethno-linguistic and Regional Factor
The Ideology Factor
The Financial Security Factor
Personality of Leaders
Competition & Differences between Coalition Partners
Proximity of a general election
Inadequate Internal Democracy and Transparency
Coalition Agreement and Management Procedures
13. 13 Findings, Conclusions and Lessons Impact of Party Coalitions on the Political System
Ideological Harmony
Party System
Political Parties
From provincial parties/leaders to national parties
Political risks
Excessive caution by SA parties (IDs stance; ANC-DA at LG level)
Coalitions and Womens Representation
No strong correlation between party alliance and womens political under-representation
3 main factors influencing womens representation (type of electoral system, party quota system, party leaders commitment) to gender
SA and Mozambique ? Kenya, Malawi and Mauritius?
14. 14 Findings, Conclusions and Lessons Lessons Learnt and Good Party Coalition Practice
Legal framework needed for a well-functioning multiparty system & to prevent abuse
Repeal of legal provisions weakening the party system
To avoid extreme regulation of coalitions as this could infringe on freedom of association.
Not a mere coalition of the willing. Need for criteria for selecting pre-election alliance partners
Honesty and Mutual Trust
Conflict Management Mechanisms
Need to Involve the Constituents
Policy Dialogue
Need for an integrated policy platform