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Art in the scaffolding. a socio-cultural project. Initiatives sheltered living for psychologically vulnerable people ‘De Hulster’. Saint-Jacobschurch in the scaffolding. History.
Art in the scaffolding a socio-cultural project Initiatives sheltered living for psychologically vulnerable people ‘De Hulster’
History Since 1997, De Hulster, has been organizing an annual art exhibition for their clients and families in the ‘Kostershouse’. Although with many enthusiasm, the whole event took place mainly in the personal world of psychiatry and counseling. Because the ‘Kostershouse’, a home for sheltered living for mentally vulnerable people in Leuven, was situated next to Saint Jacobschurch', the idea was born to use this church as the central location in which “Art in the scaffolding” should be held.
Aims to achieve Started from a call from the “Association of Flemish Care Institutions” and “Anders Gewoon” at all the Mental Health organisations in Flanders, an initiative was launched in March 2006 with the following principles and aims to achieve: • Mental health is important. Together, let us do something about it! • Talk about it, break the stigma • Do something for Flanders and this during the Day for World Mental Health, every year held in mid October. • Provide a dialogue at the local level that develops and improves the social participation and integration of people. • Use art and creativity to improve the encounter between the world inside and outside psychiatry• The process is as important as the final result• Try to work towards a more sustainable way of cooperation.
Partnerships Directly from the start in 2006, we have built an interesting collaboration with various partners. Each is within this broad socio-cultural project, in its way a vital link in this story of meeting, collaboration and participation. • Initiatives sheltered living for psychologically vulnerable people ‘Walden’ and ‘De Hulster’ • Mater Dei kindergarten, primary and secondary school • NGO ‘Stad en Architectuur ’ and ‘Vrienden van St Jacobskerk’ • UPC KULeuven, campus Kortenberg • City Counsel/Culture Kortenberg • Sacred Places vzw • City Counsel of Leuven
The power of “Art in the scaffolding” lies in the cooperation that exists between the various partners. A cooperation based on equal, mutual learning and understanding and the Saint-Jacobschurch itself. A church which has been closed for more then 40 years attracts many onlookers.
Quotes about art in the scaffolding • Art in the scaffolding brings people together in a nice athmosphere. • You can learn to increase your social life again.
Quotes about art in the scaffolding • We can show our own qualities, people get to know you on a different way. • Art in the scaffolding changes the image of mental health care, you can exell the stigma.
Quotes about art in the scaffolding • I enjoy to see other people enjoying the event • The are no differences, everybody can enjoy, everybody can have stress • I get touched, worlds seem to come together • It’s nice to involve the children at school • There is an atmosphere of sociability, without difference
Quotes about art in the scaffolding • Its possible to tell something about your life, without having to talk explicitly about problems • There is a big acces from different points of view
Quotes about art in the scaffolding • It’s nice to be in process in an atmosphere of equality. • Inspired by the exposition, people can ask things about sheltered living and mental health care.
Narratives (Edwin) “Art in the scaffolding” is an initiative from “De Hulster”, scheltered living, where residents and other people get the chance to work and create their own art-woks in a workshop at the Kostershouse. At the workshop residents and other mental health users come together to create. At Art on the scaffolding, they can exposit (and sometimes even sell) the artworks. Every year in October the event “Art in the scaffolding” takes place, and lots of people or residents or mental health use expose their work. There is nice and good work, created by the participants. “Art in the scaffolding” makes it possible to come out with our own artwork. This work can be made on ourselves, but there are also some collaborations between the artists with some qute and nice results as outcome. It’s not only drawings on paper that are made. There are also residents who work with clay making sculptures. Paintings and even installations are possible. In the workshop everybody is free to do what he or she wants. There are no bounded orders, so the artists are free to create the way they like. Because of this individual freedom at the workshop there are some surprising results. We feel free to make what we want, ant that’s why it’s possible to develop a personal style in the artwork. That is the big difference from the art-school, were the orders are obliged and rules must be followed. Since we are free to do what we want in the workshop, it’s easier to do it your own way than in the art-school. With lots of interesting and good creations as a result. “Art at the scaffolding” is a good practice, every year a lot of interested people are involved. The project is growing year by year and more and more people are willing to participate to come to a beautyful result.
Narratives (Katrien) I enjoy kunst in de steigers every year. You can feel the energy and tension the weeks before the event starts. All the people involved feel it and it feels like we’re all one big family working towords something together. It has the atmosphere of a festival. The weekend that the event takes place, I enjoy people experiencing the event itself. I see my colleages getting nervous when they’re performing. I enjoy seeing everyone having fun, dancing, eating, talking … It’s a place where people meet. I see people doing things I didn’t know they could do, I see colleges and clients being proud of what they have achieved.
Art in the scaffolding Appearance of Wodan Scalden
Art in the scaffolding Circus in movement
Art in the scaffolding “Cofee-time” Beautiful artwork
Art in the scaffolding Creations exposed on the old churhwall
Art in the scaffolding Artwork versus scaffolding
Art in the scaffolding Taiko performance Inge and Peter dancing Tango
Art in the scaffolding Tocht Ik ben mijn voetenlopend over onverharde wegen,telkens het gevoelvan een andere ondergrond. scherpe stenen dampend gras drassige plassen zompig moeras Langzaam gaat de tocht steeds voort. Onderwegnaar het einddoel vande finale bestemming.
Art in the scaffolding • We ’ll continue with this event, since it’s to valueble for so many people • We would like to expand our partnerships in an international way and invite you to work together in a Grundtvig-partnership