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COMPETITIVE WORKFORCE ALLIANCE REGIONAL JOBLINK/ONE-STOP CAREER CENTERS MANAGERS MEETING. October 3, 2008 Charlotte, NC An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
COMPETITIVE WORKFORCE ALLIANCE REGIONAL JOBLINK/ONE-STOP CAREER CENTERS MANAGERS MEETING October 3, 2008 Charlotte, NC An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
NORTH CAROLINA JOBLINK CAREER CENTER SYSTEM The Commission on Workforce Development and Division of Workforce Development, in partnership with local Workforce Development Boards, and state and local agencies, oversees the JobLink Career Center System in North Carolina.
The JobLink Career Center Vision • To improve NC’s workforce and strengthen our state’s economy by developing a system that: • Offers Labor Market Information • Provides Access to Career Training • Serves as the connection between Employers and Qualified Workers and meets other employer needs • Promotes Lifelong Learning
Who are JobLink customers? • Employers • Job Seekers of All Ages • Individuals seeking training & support services
EMPLOYER SERVICES • Orientation to JobLink system and promotions of (including solicitation of job listings) services through in-person and telephone contacts • Service capacity which allows employers to list job openings in a variety of ways and to have customer choice in referral methods • Labor exchange services delivered through the internet-based JobConnector system and the ESCS system. • Employee recruitment assistance and screening and referral of qualified candidates • Work with employers to list job openings. Providing information to improve the quality of referred candidates by helping the employer provide a better description of hiring requirements • Job Fairs (online/in-person) • Provide interview space
EMPLOYER SERVICES – cont’d • Information and preparation for Career Readiness Certification • TAA information for employers • Assist in providing Rapid Response services when major layoffs occur; services related to WARN notices • Provide information on Work Opportunity Tax Credits, Earned Income Tax Credits, hiring incentives, and other information • Provide information on the labor market and training programs to bridge economic and workforce development • Information on customized outplacement assistance per request of employer • Education and training resource referrals • Promotion of programs available in the community
Career Readiness Certification (CRC) The Career Readiness Certificate is a portable credential that: • Promotes career development and skill attainment for the individual • And confirms to employers that an individual possess basic workplace skills: • Reading for Information • Applied Math • Locating Information These are the skills that most jobs require.
Career Readiness Certification (CRC) - contd. Three (3) Levels of Certification – The three levels allow an individual to advance his or her reading, applied math, and locating information skill levels in order to qualify for more jobs. • Bronze – This level certifies the individual possesses core employability skills for approximately 30% of the jobs • Silver - This level certifies the individual possesses core employability skills for approximately 65% of the jobs • Gold - This level certifies the individual possesses core employability skills for approximately 90% of the jobs
Career Readiness Certification (CRC) - contd. Why do We Need a Career Readiness Certificate? • To build a strong workforce by bridging the skills gap • To provide an economic development tool with the CRC database proving the skill level of our strong workforce.
Career Readiness Certification (CRC) - contd. The following is created from information available as of 10/1/2008 for all of North Carolina. • 16,757 individuals have achieved a score which entitles them to various certificates. The total number of certificates achieved are greater than the number of individuals because some people have achieved more than one certificate. • Certification Level Achieved Certificate Percent Total • Bronze 23.8% - 4,110 • Silver 54.9% - 9,460 • Gold 21.3% - 3,667 • Total certificates earned: 17,237 CRC website and database http://www.crcnc.org/
Incumbent Worker Program The North Carolina Incumbent Workforce Development ensures that today’s workers can meet tomorrow’s challenges. • North Carolina's Incumbent Workforce Development Program provides funding to established North Carolina businesses to provide educational and skills training for current workers. • It is designed to benefit businesses by enhancing the skills of employees, thereby increasing employee productivity and the potential for company growth. • Training in portable skills results in a highly skilled and versatile workforce that contributes to North Carolina's ability to attract new business and creates an environment conducive to expansion. • Businesses interested in applying for Incumbent Worker Program funding can contact the local Workforce Development Board.
JOB SEEKER SERVICES • Outreach and orientation to JobLink Services and registration • Initial assessment of skill levels, aptitudes, abilities and supportive service needs; and brief career guidance • Intake, labor exchange services, job search and placement assistance, such as: • ESCS/JobConnector System • Job Fairs (online/in-person) • Access to a variety of labor market, career and training information for local, regional, and statewide job markets • Information and access to internet filing for unemployment insurance benefits • Resume preparation services • Information on training programs and providers, cost information and performance, information on financial aid, and consumer reports on effectiveness of specific providers
JOBSEEKERS SERVICES –cont’d • Information on and referral to supportive services and community resources • General JobLink follow-up services (non program specific) • Provision or linkage to pre-testing reading and math aptitude assessments in support of Career Readiness Certification (CRC) • Preferential services for veterans • Job screening and referral services • Job development, discussion of employment potential, and advice on career advancement • Short-term pre-vocational service, such as interviewing skills, resume writing and soft skills development • Reemployment services for targeted groups to move customers from unemployment and dislocated worker statuses to employment
JOBSEEKERS SERVICES –cont’d • Employment counseling and career planning(group or individual) • TAA information for customers who meet eligibility criteria • Access or linkage to Career Readiness Certification (CRC) • Program intake eligibility determination (i.e. WIA, TAA) , including required reading and math assessments • Case management • Comprehensive and specialized assessments of skill levels and service needs • Development of an individual employment plan • Follow-up activities • Provision of supportive services
Contact the Division of Workforce Development JobLink Unit Linda Strong, JobLink Manager (919)329-5267 lstrong@nccommerce.com Helpful Website http://www.nccommerce.com/en