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Nicaragua Land of lakes and volcanoes

Join us on a mission to provide crucial medical and dental care to impoverished communities along the San Juan River in Nicaragua. Support our cause by donating funds, medical supplies, or medications. Contact us for more information.

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Nicaragua Land of lakes and volcanoes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NicaraguaLand of lakes and volcanoes

  2. WCMA Medical & Dental Mission San Juan River Relief - Nicaragua February 12 - 21, 2010

  3. San Juan River - NicaraguaLocation of the Mission

  4. San Juan River - NicaraguaCountry Background (Source:AmeriCares) - Nicaragua is located in a region that is at high for natural disasters. - The political turmoil that began with the Sandinistas against Somoza, severely hurt the country’s economic development. - The 1980s were marked by declining output and rampant inflation as the Sandinista government fought the Contras.

  5. San Juan River - NicaraguaImportant Facts (Source: Pan American Health Org.) • Nicaragua is the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Still, it is the safest country in Central America. • With a population of 5.3 million, 48.3% live in poverty. 17% of them live in extreme poverty (UNICEF). • 48% of the population live on less than $1.00 a day. • 40% of the population has not access to medical health care (UNICEF).

  6. San Juan River - Nicaragua Country Background • Impoverished populations concentrated in rural and peril-urban areas. • Deaths are associated with respiratory diseases, neonatal sepsis, diarrhea, and mal nutrition. • The political environment welcomes medical missions. • Medical cooperation plays a critical role. The Pan American Health Organization has named Nicaragua a priority country for assistance.

  7. San Juan River - NicaraguaThis is Nicaragua

  8. San Juan River - NicaraguaThis is Nicaragua

  9. San Juan River - Nicaragua • Primary

  10. San Juan River - NicaraguaA Country in Need

  11. San Juan River - NicaraguaA Country in Need

  12. San Juan River - Nicaragua

  13. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission

  14. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission

  15. San Juan River - NicaraguaSabalos Lodge

  16. San Juan River - NicaraguaSabalos Lodge

  17. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission – San Carlos Hospital (pop. 20,000)

  18. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission – San Carlos Hospital

  19. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission-Boca de Sabalos- (population: 2644)

  20. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission-Boca de Sabalos- (population: 2644)

  21. San Juan River - NicaraguaBoca de Sabalos

  22. San Juan River - NicaraguaBoca de Sabalos

  23. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission – El Castillo (Population:2,041)

  24. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission – El Castillo (Population:2,041)

  25. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission – El Castillo

  26. San Juan River - Nicaragua The Mission – El Castillo

  27. San Juan River - NicaraguaThe Mission – El Castillo

  28. San Juan River - Nicaragua

  29. San Juan River – Nicaragua

  30. San Juan River - NicaraguaItinerary • Friday 12th – Leave to Nicaragua – arrive in Managua • Saturday 13th – Sightseeing • Sunday 14th – Fly to San Carlos and Take boat to Sabalos Lodge • Monday 15th to Thursday 18th – See Patients • Friday 19th – Back to Managua • Saturday 20th – Sightseeing • Sunday 21st – Back to USA

  31. San Juan River - Nicaragua WCMA Medical & Dental Mission to Nicaragua “Help us, help them” We are still accepting & welcoming monetary donations, medical equipment & medicines. If you have any questions, please contact: - Martha E. Seegers at: marthaeseegers@aol.com - Drs. Oscar & Rosa Torres

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