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october 5, 2012 | meter reader working group

october 5, 2012 | meter reader working group. Chad Nelson. Manager, generation and load administration. Requirement for reporting net generator output. Generation and Load Netting. Fundamental Requirements. Real-Time System Reliability Power System Model

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october 5, 2012 | meter reader working group

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  1. october 5, 2012 | meter reader working group Chad Nelson Manager, generation and load administration Requirement for reporting net generator output Generation and Load Netting

  2. Fundamental Requirements • Real-Time System Reliability • Power System Model • Security Constrained Economic Dispatch • Forecast and Planning • Installed Capacity Requirement • Installed Capacity • System Impact Studies • Accurate Market Settlement • Energy Market • Capacity Market • Network Load

  3. Station Service Requirements • OATT Section II.22.3 • Network Resource Obligations: The following obligations of the Network Customer are specific to a generator Network Resource. … (c) Station Service: When the Network Customer’s generation facility is producing electricity, the Network Customer must supply its own station service power. If and when the Network Customer’s generation facility is not producing electricity, the Network Customer must obtain station service capacity and energy from another supplier or another of its resources.

  4. Definitions • OATT Section I.2.2 • Regional Network Load . . .shall include all load designated by the Network Customer (including losses) and shall not be credited or reduced for any behind-the-meter generation. • Seasonal Claimed Capability is the summer or winter claimed capability of a generating unit or ISO-approved combination of units, and represent the maximum dependable load carrying ability of such unit or units, excluding capacity required for station use.

  5. Simple Generator Station Point of Interconnection Net2 Net1 Generator Step-Up Transformer Net Gross Unit Aux Transformer Auxiliary Bus Generator Station Service

  6. Simple Generator Station 2 Point of Interconnection Net2 Net1 Generator Step-Up Transformer Auxiliary Transformer Auxiliary Bus Net Station Service Generator

  7. Simplified Power System Model Point of Interconnection Net2 Net1 Generator Step-Up Transformer Real-Time SCADA Net Net ≈ Net1 = Net2 RQM Gross Generator

  8. Point of Interconnection Net2 Net1 Other Point(s) Of Intercon-nection Generator Step-Up Transformer Auxiliary Bus Auxiliary Transformer Net Station Service Gross Unit Aux Transformer Auxiliary Bus Generator Station Service Station Boundary

  9. Simplified Power System Model No Difference Point of Interconnection Net2 Net1 Generator Step-Up Transformer Real-Time SCADA Net RQM Net ≈ Net1 = Net2 Gross Generator

  10. Point of Interconnection Net2 Net1 Net1 Net1 Generator Step-Up Transformer Generator Step-Up Transformer Generator Step-Up Transformer Net Net Net Unit Aux Transformer Unit Aux Transformer Unit Aux Transformer Gross Gross Gross Auxiliary Bus Auxiliary Bus Auxiliary Bus Generator Generator 1 Generator Station Service Station Service Station Service

  11. Simplified Power System Model Point of Interconnection Net2 Net1 Net1 Net1 Generator Step-Up Transformer Generator Step-Up Transformer Generator Step-Up Transformer Net Net Net Gross Gross Gross Generator C Generator A Generator B SCADA = Net A + Net B + Net C ≈ Net1 A + Net1 B + Net1 C = Net2 = RQM

  12. Point of Interconnection Net2 Net1 Generator Step-Up Transformer Net Gross Unit Aux Transformer Auxiliary Bus Generator Load Not SS – mill, hospital, etc. Station Service

  13. Simplified Power System Model Point of Interconnection Net2 Net1 Load Generator Step-Up Transformer Load Not SS – mill, hospital, etc. Net Real-Time SCADA = Net Or Net - Load Net ≈ Net1 ≠ Net2 Gross RQM = Net1 or Net2 Generator

  14. Net2 RQM

  15. Op-18 Working Group Examples

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