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Meter Reader 90 Day Working Group Response to the Markets Committee August 2005 Directive

Meter Reader 90 Day Working Group Response to the Markets Committee August 2005 Directive. Presented to the Markets Committee Susan Clary (CMP) and Carmel Gondek (NU) December 12, 2006. MC’s August 2005 Directive to MRWG.

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Meter Reader 90 Day Working Group Response to the Markets Committee August 2005 Directive

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  1. Meter Reader 90 Day Working GroupResponse to the Markets Committee August 2005 Directive Presented to the Markets Committee Susan Clary (CMP) and Carmel Gondek (NU) December 12, 2006

  2. MC’s August 2005 Directive to MRWG The Markets Committee (MC) requests that the Meter Reader Working Group (MRWG) develop a recommendation(s) for consideration by the MC related to meter data errors that are discovered after the final settlement has been conducted by ISO-NE. (emphasis added) The recommendation(s) should result in both an expected reduction in the occurrence of such data errors and, because it is not possible to eliminate all potential data errors, provide a means to resolve them within the ISO-NE settlement process. The MC requests that the MRWG focus its efforts on stakeholder process changes and improvements that would preferably not result in an extension of the time period required to complete the final billing process. The MC recognizes that changes to Manuals and/or Market Rule 1 may be required to implement any recommendation that is ultimately approved. To the extent that the MRWG develops a recommendation(s) that would require extension of the time period needed for final billing to occur (i.e. a post 90 day resettlement), the MC requests that such a recommendation be vetted with the NEPOOL Budget and Finance Subcommittee prior to presentation to the MC.

  3. Recommendations • Stage 1 • Implement RBA for Meter Data Errors • Eliminate Intra-month Resettlement • Free up ISO Settlement resources • Agreeable to ISO and 90 Day Working Group • Stage 2 • Implement Process Improvements • Expanded Time Lines for Data Reconciliation and RBA Processes • Automated ECHO Reports Generated by ISO • Stakeholder Review of Directly Metered and Profiled Load Assets

  4. Review Revisions to Market Rules & Manuals Necessary to Implement Stage 1 • Market Rule 1 – Section III.3 • Exhibit ID ISO New England Billing Policy • Manual 29 • RBA Meter Data Error – Submittal Form

  5. Stage 1 - Meter Data RBA • RBA Time Line for Meter Data Errors • 30 Days after Invoice containing Data Reconciliation Activity, submit RBA • Asset Owners, AMR or HP AMR • Form developed to standardize process • ISO has 3 days to Post RBA Notice • Meter Readers have 90 days after the correction limit to resolve and resubmit final settlement quantities

  6. Why 2 Stages? • ISO – Limited IT Resources • Scope of Stage 2 work must be determined • Revised timelines and development of automated ECHO Reports – programming necessary to achieve results • Timeline for implementing Stage 2 needs to be developed • 90 Day working group recommends implementation no later than 3rd Quarter 2007

  7. Stage 2 – Process Improvements • Revise Existing Time Line for Data Reconciliation Process • Start reconciliation process on first calendar day after settlement month • Incorporate time in the process for stakeholders to review Directly Metered and Profiled Load Asset hourly data in advance of financial results • Provide Meter Readers time to investigate questions that asset owners may have with hourly metered values • Goal – Reduce the need for meter related RBA

  8. Stage 2 – Process Improvements Cont. • ISO Generated ECHO Reports • Standardize format for asset owners to receive hourly metered values • Automated timeline for delivering Directly Metered and Profiled Load Asset data to asset owners • Comprehensive set of data to asset owners to review • Goal – Reduce the need for meter related RBA

  9. Stage 2 – Process Improvements Cont. • Timeline and ECHO Reports for RBA for Meter Data Error • Work with ISO to create a timeline for addressing the RBA for Meter Data Errors that meet needs of the Market Participants and ISO • Incorporate ECHO reports and asset owner review of hourly data in advance of final financial settlement

  10. Existing 90 Day Timeline

  11. Proposed 90 Day Timeline With Process Improvements

  12. Proposed POST 90 Day Timeline

  13. Next Steps and Proposed Schedule • Obtain MC approval to implement Stage 1 – RBA process for addressing Meter Data Errors • Approve changes to Market Rule and Manuals • MC Vote in January 2007 to implement Stage 1 • Proposed schedule: • ISO IT completes their review of scope of work needed to implement Stage 2 by February 2007 • ISO and 90 Day Working Group agree on deliverables by March 2007 • Implement Stage 2 Process Improvements by 3rd Quarter 2007

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