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Behavior Progress Monitoring

Behavior Progress Monitoring. Tools and Strategies Using Excel Cathy Jensen cjensen@ttsd.k12.or.us. Types of Data. Combined reinforcement / data: Daily Percentages Green / Yellow / Red Data only: Health and Behavior Monitoring. Daily Percentage: Elementary. Daily Goal: 70% total

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Behavior Progress Monitoring

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  1. Behavior Progress Monitoring Tools and Strategies Using Excel Cathy Jensen cjensen@ttsd.k12.or.us Jensen, April 2014

  2. Types of Data Combined reinforcement / data: • Daily Percentages • Green / Yellow / Red Data only: • Health and Behavior Monitoring Jensen, April 2014

  3. Daily Percentage:Elementary Daily Goal: 70% total As the student experiences success, increase the goal to 80-85%. Jensen, April 2014

  4. Daily Percentage: Secondary Daily Progress Report Teachers: Please indicate YES (2), SO-SO (1), or NO (0) regarding the student’s achievement for the following goals. Daily Goal: _____ Daily Score: _______/______ = ______% Jensen, April 2014

  5. Cheat Sheet Jensen, April 2014

  6. Summary Data Jensen, April 2014

  7. Sample Graph Jensen, April 2014

  8. Green / Yellow / Red Student Name: Date: 7 greens and 0 reds = Treasure Box Green: Safe hands and feet. Stay in your area. Follow directions. Working and trying hard. Use kind words. Yellow: Using mean words. Not listening to the teacher. Red: Dangerous behaviors. Hurting others. Running away from grown-ups. Jensen, April 2014

  9. Jensen, April 2014

  10. Sample Graph Jensen, April 2014

  11. Setting up GYR • Include the student • Green behaviors: Expected, positive student behaviors that are within the student’s current repertoire. May include acceptable alternative behaviors from the FBA. • Yellow behaviors: Mildly disruptive, irritating behaviors • Red: Dangerous behaviors, significant disruption Jensen, April 2014

  12. Notes on scoring GYR: • Score yellow if the student is yellow for more than half the time period • Score red if there are ANY red behaviors. Jensen, April 2014

  13. Health and Behavior Tracking • Not seen by the student • The form gives a daily graph that reflects the changes and patterns of behaviors Jensen, April 2014

  14. Health and Behavior Jensen, April 2014

  15. INSTRUCTIONS: At the times indicated, rate the student by circling the one number which best describes his behavior during the previous 30 minutes. If two or more numbers reflect his behavior, then circle the LOWEST number. If it is impossible to rate because of an absence, sickness, etc. use a felt tip pen to draw a line through the time(s) and associated numbers. CODES AND ASSOCIATED BEHAVIORS +3 = Follows school rules and expectations across all environments including: following directions, remaining in appropriate area, completing assigned tasks, and respecting personal space. +2 = Needs reminders to follow school rules and expectations. Difficulty completing work. Needs prompts at transitions. Minor problems with disrespectful tone of voice, but respects personal space and property. +1 = Completes little or no work. Does not remain in expected area. Disrupts property. 0 = Requires physical intervention or seclusion in order to remain safe. Makes verbal threats to peers or staff. Aggressive personal space violations. Jensen, April 2014

  16. Sample Data Jensen, April 2014

  17. Sample Chart Jensen, April 2014

  18. Interpreting Data • Look for overall trends • Outliers • Data above and below trendline. • Variability • As students make progress on GYR: Reds will decrease while yellows often increase temporarily. • Intensity of unwanted behaviors may decrease while frequency remains the same. Jensen, April 2014

  19. Will this data work? Look for: • Single page • Easy to understand and use • Quick and efficient to record • Rubric should be printed directly on the datasheet • Strong inter-observer agreement • Focus on accuracy vs precision • Should reflect development of positive behavior skills • Time increments: 15-45 mins • Equal time increments Jensen, April 2014

  20. Be wary of: Problems with the data sheet format: • Too complicated / too precise • Multiple pages • No rubric or directions • Time increments are too long • Time increments are unequal Problems with scoring: • Observers don’t agree on how to rate the student • Missing data Jensen, April 2014

  21. System over-represents negative behaviors: • Behavior goals stated in the negative (i.e. “No yelling.”) • Response cost systems • “Poisoned Cues” – data system is used punitively Problems with types of data: • Tallies Jensen, April 2014

  22. Jensen, April 2014

  23. Jensen, April 2014

  24. Green: 1.Safe hands and feet 2. Follow directions 3. Work hard, correct mistakes 4.Eye contact with teacher 5. Using a polite voice 6. Participate in group activity Yellow: 1.Unsafe hands and feet 2. Not following directions 3. Not working hard or correcting mistakes 4.Avoiding eye contact with teacher 5. Using a loud voice 6. Not participating in group activity Red: A. Kicking B. Shoulder bump C. Physical flailing or lashing out D. Angry outburst (screaming or pounding on desk) E. Other physical aggression Jensen, April 2014

  25. People will complain about… • Lack of precision • Doesn’t indicate intensity • Not punitive enough • “I told him if he didn’t stop running he would get a red, and he ran away anyway.” • Kids escalate when they earn red Jensen, April 2014

  26. Keep in mind… • Data is for the stakeholders and should only be used in context – i.e. not the only type of data used for placement • The system can be adjusted to meet the needs of the team • Looking for patterns, progress • Reinforcement vs. motivation • A pointcard should be a tool for providing positive feedback. Jensen, April 2014

  27. Using Excel Jensen, April 2014

  28. Setting Up a New File • Type student Name. • Type in the names of the goals. • Delete un-needed rows Jensen, April 2014

  29. Deleting Rows (or Columns) Delete a row: • Click on the row number(s) to highlight the entire row. • Right click on the mouse to bring up a menu. • Choose Delete. Jensen, April 2014

  30. Adding a Row (or Column) • Add a row: • Click on the row number to highlight the row. • Right click on the mouse to bring up a menu. • Choose Insert. • A row will be added above the row you highlighted. Jensen, April 2014

  31. Formulas Addition: =sum(A1:A5) Average: =Average(A1:A5) Percentage =(A1/A5) Jensen, April 2014

  32. Copying Formulas • Click on the cell that you want to copy. • Hover the mouse over the bottom right corner of the cell until the curser turns into a + sign: • Drag the mouse to fill in the adjacent cells. Jensen, April 2014

  33. Formatting Cells Options: • Text • Number • Percentage Jensen, April 2014

  34. To format data as percentages: Select the cell, row, or column that you wish to format Right click to bring up a menu Choose “Format Cells” Choose the “Number” Tab Choose “Percentage” Choose the number of decimal places (I usually choose 0) Jensen, April 2014

  35. Updating Graphs Jensen, April 2014

  36. Click on the chart that you want to update. • Click on the green “Chart Tools” tab at the top of the screen. • Choose “Select Data” Jensen, April 2014

  37. Edit the cell ranges that you want included in the graph: Update the percentages by choosing “Edit”: Jensen, April 2014

  38. Highlight the percentages that you wish to include in the graph: Click the red x to go back to the previous box, then choose “OK". Jensen, April 2014

  39. Update the date range by choosing “Edit”: Jensen, April 2014

  40. Highlight the dates that you wish to include. Make sure that the row numbers match the rows you chose for the percentages. Jensen, April 2014

  41. Enjoy your new graph! Jensen, April 2014

  42. Troubleshooting: • Div/0 errors • Funny-looking trendlines • Adding variables will sometimes cause the dates to disappear. Jensen, April 2014

  43. Indicate a Plan Change • Create a column on the data entry sheet. • Format the column to percentages. • Find the dates that you want indicated and enter 100%. Jensen, April 2014

  44. Use the “Select Data” button to add “Plan Change as a new variable. Jensen, April 2014

  45. Click on the chart that you want to update. • Click on the “Layout” tab. • Click on the “Error Bars” button and choose “More Error Bars Options…” Jensen, April 2014

  46. The new variable will appear as individual dots on the graph. Click on one to select them. Jensen, April 2014

  47. Add a Trendline: • Click on the “Layout” tab. • Choose “Trendline.” • Choose “Linear Trendline” Jensen, April 2014

  48. Under “Vertical Error Bars,” choose “Both” and “No Cap.” Enter 1.0 in the “Fixed value” box. Jensen, April 2014

  49. Ta-da! Jensen, April 2014

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