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Welcome to. Mount Grace High School Academy Trust. www.mountgrace.leics.sch.uk. Additional Information. To view the prospectus: Use direction arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate Click to return to the Contents page Press ‘Esc’ to exit. 2014-2015. Contents.
Welcome to Mount Grace High School Academy Trust www.mountgrace.leics.sch.uk Additional Information • To view the prospectus: • Use direction arrow keys on • your keyboard to navigate • Click to return to the • Contents page • Press ‘Esc’ to exit. 2014-2015
Contents • Special Educational Needs • Special Educational Needs • Assessments & Reports • Assessment & Reporting System • Homework • Key Stage 3 Teacher Assessments • Calendar Dates • Calendar Dates 2014-2015 • Further Information • School Policies • Further Information • Mount Grace Staff • The Teaching Staff • The Associate Staff • List of Governors • The List of Governors • The School Day • Times of the Day • School Meals Service • Health & Welfare • Attendance • Visits / Admissions • School Security • Disabled Pupils • School Nurse • Getting to School • Discipline • Rewards • Insurance • Code of Conduct • Bullying Policy • Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy • Uniform & Equipment • Safety in School • Equipment • Valuables • Mobile Phones • Uniform & Equipment Continued • Uniform • Uniform • Supplier • Girls’ PE Kit • Boys’ PE Kit • Activities & Finance • Activities & Finance • Charging Policy • The School Curriculum • Health, Careers & Relationship Issues • Community • Department Overviews • English • Maths • Science • Art • Design Technology • French • Geography • History • ICT • Music • Physical Education • Religious Education • Life Skills Contents 2
The Teaching Staff Mrs Y Bauld Catering Assistant Mr S Benford Inclusion Team Mrs B Bennett Food & Textiles Technician Miss M Bennett Admin Manager/Attendance Officer Miss Mitch Bennett Cook Supervisor Mrs P Bevan Receptionist (job share) Mrs N Boulton Reprographics/Library Technician Mrs S Cation Catering Assistant Mrs L Child Catering Assistant Mr S Clarke Cover Supervisor Mrs M Cobley Inclusion Team (Science) Mrs L Collidge Life Skills Administrator Mrs R Crisp Librarian Miss K Cummings Inclusion Team Mrs D Dixon Lunchtime Manager Ms A Egan Headteacher's Personal Assistant Mrs T Elliott PE Technician Mrs J Emery Lunchtime Supervisor Miss J Finn Learning Support Assistant Mrs E Gardiner Inclusion Team Leader/Higher Level Teaching Assistant Mrs S Geary Lunchtime Supervisor Mrs A Harris Catering Assistant Mrs W Hopwood Cover Manager Mrs S Inman Higher Level Teaching Assistant Mrs M Jeyes Higher Level Teaching Assistant Mr S Jordan Site Manager Mrs K Mason Pastoral Support Manager Mrs P Mason Lunchtime Supervisor Mr I Ratheram Systems Manager Mr D Reeves Premises Officer Mr J Rowan Inclusion Team Mrs K Shaw Higher Level Teaching Assistant Mr D Statham ICT Technician Mr P Stevens Laboratory Technician Mrs A Stothard Lunchtime Supervisor Miss D Tanser Finance Officer Mr S Taylor Design/ICT/Site Technician Mrs P Tomkins Receptionist (job share) Mrs P Wainwright Business Manager Mrs S Widdows Catering Assistant Mr J Thomas HEADTEACHER Mrs C Aguilar English Mr A Barnacle Curriculum Leader for Boys' PE Miss L Beale Curriculum Leader for History /Humanities Mr J Bevan Asst Head (Achievement)/Curriculum Leader for Science Mr P Bup Curriculum Leader for ICT Mrs E Chamberlain Asst Head (Inclusion) /Behaviour Support Manager /SENCO Miss S Chapman Curriculum Leader for English Mr D Collins Curriculum Leader for Music Mrs J Crone Maths Mr A Curtis-Lowe Art, Design & Technology Mr T Dunne YEAR 8 HEAD/Asst Head (Pastoral)/Humanities Ms B Gill Humanities Mr G Hack Curriculum Leader for Geography Mr N Hind Physical Education (Primary Links) Mrs C Hughes Curr Leader for Religious Education Mrs L Lee Science Miss A Lester Humanities Mr T Looby Music Mr D Marshall Mathematics Miss H Morgan YEAR 9 HEAD/Curriculum Leader for Design and Technology Mr J O’Gara Maths Mr D Oaten English Mr J Padvis Curriculum Leader for French Mr M Pallett Curriculum Leader for Life Skills/Physical Education Mrs K Rooney English Mrs J Sawkings Curriculum Leader for Girls' PE Mrs J Smith Curriculum Leader for Maths Mrs H Speake French Mrs C Stilgoe YEAR 7 HEAD /Science Mr J Stilgoe Curriculum Leader for Art Mrs L Webb Science Mrs J Wilson Art, Design & Technology Mount Grace Staff Mount Grace Staff Associate Staff 3
List of Governors The school day starts at 8.30am when registration is taken. The daily times are as follows: Registration / Assembly 08.30 am 08.50 am Lesson 1 08.50 am 09.55 am Lesson 2 09.55 am 10.55 am Break 10.55 am 11.20 am Lesson 3 11.20 am 12.20 pm Lesson 4 12.20 pm 13.20 pm Lunch 13.20 pm 14.00 pm Lesson 5 14.00 pm 15.00 pm Pupils will be involved in full school assemblies, year assemblies and collective acts of worship. The character of this collective worship will be mainly Christian. Parents may wish to exercise their right to withdraw their children. Before doing so they are asked to arrange an appointment with the Headteacher. The hours spent on teaching each week, excluding registration, assemblies and breaks adds up to 25 hours. School Meals Service At Mount Grace we are very proud of our own independent Catering Service. Our Cook Supervisor, Mitch Bennett, and her team provide a varied range of breaktime snacks and hot meals that are cooked on the premises. Any small profits made are reinvested into improving the quality of the service as well as contributing to wider school projects. The service is committed to offering a wide range of healthy options. Only those pupils who are actually going home for lunch are permitted to leave the school premises at lunchtime. Parents should notify the school in writing at the start of each year if their child is to go home for lunch and will become their responsibility. Chair Mr J Herbert Vice Chair Mr P Brown Headteacher Mr J Thomas Governors Mr D Cahill Mr T Dunne Mr C Harvey Mrs C Herd Ms S Hooton Mr J Leigh Mr R Parkin Ms J Sansome Clerk to Governors Mrs P Wainwright The School Day List of Governors Applications for free meals should be made to: Education Welfare Department County Hall Glenfield Leicester LE3 8RF The School Day 4
Health & Welfare • Attendance • Attendance throughout the term is compulsory. The only valid reasons for absence are pupils’ own illness. We can no longer issue a Holiday Request Form. The alternative is now a “Request for an Authorised Absence in Exceptional Circumstances”. This form, available on the website, should only be completed if you genuinely consider the absence is due to such exceptional circumstances. Once the form is received, the Headteacher will consider the request and may invite you into school for further discussion of the circumstances involved. • A child who has been absent from school must, on return, bring a note explaining the absence and preferably a doctors appointment card/prescription copy; this helps to ensure that no pupil can be absent without the knowledge of parents. • If a child is expected to be absent for more than three days, it would be helpful if parents would let us know at once rather than waiting for the child's return to school. • Our Educational Welfare Officer visits us on a regular basis to review attendance records. • The school undertakes to follow up any unexplained absence as quickly as possible and the co-operation of parents is greatly appreciated. • In line with Government regulations: • Over 95% attendance • The total number of pupils on roll for 2012/2013 was 562 • The percentage of half-day sessions missed through authorised absence was 5.3% • The percentage of half-day sessions missed through unauthorised absence was 1%. • Parents are asked not to send children to school who are feeling unwell in the morning. We have few facilities to deal with sick children in the school; if a child falls ill or has an accident while at school we make arrangements for the parents to be informed and the child to be sent home. To do this we need a telephone number at which parents can be reached and to be informed of any change of telephone number or address. Mobile phone numbers have become increasingly useful to us over the past few years. If necessary, seriously ill children will be taken to one of the local hospitals. • Children are expected to take part in the Physical Education programme and either a note or medical certificate should be sent prior to any withdrawal from activities. • Following Health and Safety advice, pupils are NOT allowed to wear jewellery in PE lessons. Visits/Admissions Parents are welcome to view the school at any time during the year and appointments can be made through the school office. School Security The Governors’ Health and Safety Committee has reviewed safety and security issues at Mount Grace. The Governors’ policy of vigilance and raising awareness of everybody on the site to strangers enhances security. Some alterations to the school building are being made to improve security. Governors will continue to monitor the situation. Disabled Pupils The suitability of the Mount Grace buildings for disabled pupils will depend on the nature of the disability. However, alterations to the building have been undertaken to allow access for the disabled and to provide appropriate facilities where possible. The school does not, however, have disabled lift access to its 2nd and 3rd floor teaching areas. School Nurse The School Nurse is available for consultation with parents, staff and students. Please contact her through the school or on (01455) 441998/441869. Absence Line Number: 08442393577 Absence Text Message Number: 07624 806881 Health & Welfare Health & Welfare 5
Health & Welfare Continued.. If there is a breach of school rules we reserve the right to punish pupils. This can take various forms: extra work, removal of privileges, detention during or after school, relocation to different classes, internal or external exclusion. These have been discussed with the Governing Body and have its approval. The actual punishment is determined by the nature of the offence, the surrounding circumstances, the frequency of a pupil’s involvement in such activities and, most importantly, the nature and character of the child. Parents are always informed in advance of after school detentions and are involved in the disciplinary process. Co-operation between home and school is of prime importance but the Governing Body and the LA are kept informed of all major disciplinary issues. Rewards The school operates numerous systems to reward pupils for a range of achievements. Awards are presented at the end of the school year. In addition pupils may receive ‘Well Done’ postcards, ‘Positive Pupil’ notifications and within each department there are a wide range of incentives. Code of Conduct PUPILS OF MOUNT GRACE HIGH SCHOOL WILL: Be polite and well mannered Listen carefully and do what staff ask Arrive on time with all that is needed Walk safely in corridors and keep to the left on stairs Respect other people’s property Complete classwork and homework on time Hurt nobody by word or action Getting to School School buses are provided by Leicestershire County Council for children travelling from Sapcote. Your child will receive a bus pass and details of times and pick-up points during the summer holidays 2014. If you have any queries please telephone the School Transport Helpline on 0116 305 8777 for general advice or advice on entitlement to transport. Children who live in Hinckley either walk, cycle or catch a service bus to school. We hope parents will support us in our efforts to ensure their safety and their good behaviour. As both cyclists and pedestrians we expect that children will know and take notice of the Highway Code, respecting other road users. We would also expect cycles to be in good working order. If a bicycle is found to be unsafe or the rider has behaved irresponsibly on the way to or from the school, parents will be informed and requested not to allow their child to come to school on a cycle. The school positively encourages the wearing of cycling helmets. All bicycles should be securely locked during the school day. Discipline We take a positive approach to discipline. Ofsted said that “Pupils feel very safe in school. Bullying is rare and pupils are confident that any problems will be dealt with quickly by adults.” “Pupils are consistently respectful towards each other and adults, and listen carefully to the views of others. Good manners are a strong feature of the school and pupils are increasingly encouraged and helped to manage their own behaviour.” (Ofsted 2013) In matters of behaviour we encourage pupils to show thought and care for people and property. Sensible behaviour and active participation in the maintenance of high standards are our aims. Clearly we have rules but these are kept to a minimum and are based on common sense. We expect pupils to be prompt, neat in appearance and polite in speech, to move sensibly and with purpose in school and to bring nothing into school that could be harmful to themselves or others. There is a Code of Conduct (see opposite) which children have helped to formulate. This is updated annually and is upheld by everyone in the building. Additionally, the school has a Bullying Policy (see next page). We do not experience many instances of bullying but it is important that parents, staff and children know what to do should an incident occur. Health & Welfare Health & Welfare 6
Health & Welfare Continued.. Safe-guarding/Child Protection Policy (July 2013) Mount Grace High School fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support pupils in school. The School’s policy aims to safeguard and promote pupil welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate. Bullying Policy We believe that all members of Mount Grace High School should be able to participate in school activities without fear or constant anxiety. It is our agreed policy that no-one within the school should tolerate bullying or bullies. Bullying is defined as one or more people deliberately causing suffering to another by action, word or threat. Responses of people involved in an act of Bullying: a) If you have been bullied: 1 Don't feel guilty - it is not your fault. 2 Tell a friend you trust about the incident. 3 Tell a teacher or another adult. b) If you are a friend: 1 Listen carefully and sympathetically to what you are being told. 2 Treat the incident seriously. 3 Encourage your friend to tell an adult. c) If you are an adult: 1 Listen carefully and sympathetically to what you are being told. 2 Treat the incident seriously. 3 Deal with the matter or contact the appropriate member of staff. 4 Investigate thoroughly - collect written evidence. 5 Decide on the most appropriate form of action. This may include: (i) Instigating an appropriate punishment. (ii) Contacting parents of Bully and Bullied Person. (iii) Putting things right between Bully and Bullied Person (apologies, replacing or mending broken or torn items and/or making up for the hurt caused) (iv) Recommending to the Headteacher that external agencies be contacted. In cases of repeated or constant acts of bullying, parents will be invited into school to discuss their son/daughter's future behaviour and be made aware of any further action the school might take (Behaviour Contracts, Temporary Suspension, Governors' Disciplinary Sub-Committee, Permanent Exclusion). Safety In School To ensure the safety of your child while at school, please note the following: PE - Unsuitable clothing and/or footwear can be hazardous. Design - Goggles/Aprons are provided when required. Science - Children must wear goggles supplied by the school when instructed to do so by teachers. In both Design and Science it is essential that long hair is tied back and loose or trailing clothing secured. NB: In the interests of the health and safety of all who work or visit the school, Mount Grace has a Safety Policy which encompasses all the requirements of recent legislation. Copies of the Policy areobtainable from the school office. Equipment At Mount Grace your child will be supported with a wide range of books and equipment. We hope children will take full advantage of the facilities and look after them. If they are lost or damaged, pupils will be asked to pay the cost of replacement. To help them in their work the school expects children to have basic equipment of their own eg apen, pencil, ruler and coloured pencils. The school provides all children with a school planner. They are expected to have this with them at all times. Replacement planners will be charged for. Uniform & Equipment Health & Welfare Uniform & Equipment 7
Uniform & Equipment Continued.. Valuables All articles of clothing and other personal belongings must be clearly marked with the child's name. Children should not bring valuables or wear jewellery to school, other than ear studs or watches. If they have to bring money to school it should be paid in promptly or given to a member of the office staff for safe-keeping. Parents should note that the school cannot accept liability for the loss or damage of personal property of any kind as the school disclaims all liability for any such loss howsoever caused on the premises. Mobile Phones Whilst mobile phones are allowed into school, they are not to be used at all between 8.20am and 3.00pm and are to be kept out of view and switched off. Pupils who wish to make urgent calls are able to use the school office phone. Any pupils who are unable to follow this code will have their phone stored in the school office. Office staff will inform parents who will be asked to collect thephone. Uniform The school policy supported by the governors and parents is that full school uniform is worn. It is helpful in generating corporate responsibilities and is a relatively inexpensive and practical outfit. Sending your child to school in uniform sets a standard in appearance of which both parents and the school can be proud. Anyone whose personal circumstances make the purchase of uniform difficult should contact the school. Please note that clothing with a logo other than the school badge is not acceptable. SCHOOL UNIFORM Mount Grace High School Academy Trust uniform requirements 2014/15 are as follows: Plain black trousers or skirt Not acceptable for girls: leggings or very short tight skirts White school polo shirt with school badge Not acceptable: white polo shirt without school badge Navy sweatshirt with school badge Not acceptable: navy sweatshirt without school badge Sturdy plain black footwear Not acceptable: any coloured markings (including coloured laces), lightweight slipper shoes In PE lessons between October & March, pupils are permitted to wear plain black tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts. Those pupils wishing to purchase specific Mount Grace training tops may do so from the school itself. Supplier of Mount Grace’s Uniform J & R Swift Ltd, Parsons Lane, Hinckley Uniform & Equipment Uniform & Equipment 8
Uniform & Equipment Continued.. Activities & Finance In addition to a full daily programme of lessons pupils are encouraged to participate in activitiesorganised by teaching staff during the lunchtime and after school. We have strong sporting, dramatic and musical traditions. There are teams for football, rugby,basketball, hockey, netball, cricket, athletics and swimming. Over the past three years we have wonArea and County trophies galore in rugby, hockey, netball, soccer and athletics. The music, dance and drama groups perform regularly. Past successes have included ‘Rocky Monster Show’ ‘Mount Grace has got Talent’, ‘Vitalize’ (singing group) and ‘We will Rock You’. The Library and computer network are available at lunchtime. We offer a wide range of visits throughout the year as follows: Year 7 Tamworth Castle, Twycross Zoo, Globe Theatre, Harry Potter Studio Tour, Medieval Day and Places of Worship. Year 8 Curve Theatre, French Residential , Civil War Day and Places of Worship. Year 9 Holocaust Centre, Leicester University (Science), Drayton Manor, Leavers’ Ball, The Towers Outdoor Pursuits Centre, Buddhist Meditation Centre A Ski Trip to France, Multi Faith Roadshow, Theme Days, Sherwood Pines Mountain Bikingand various Drama / Music Productions also take place. Charging Policy The Governors support the policy that, within the resources available, education should be free andto that end will use available funds to the full, particularly to support the disadvantaged. We hope that parents will continue to support the work of the school where funds are not readilyavailable from normal channels, for example, for some extra curricular activities, as withoutparents' support activities will not take place. Families who are in receipt of certain benefits should contact the school for information about thefurther support that is available to them. Girls’ PE Kit White with red trim School Polo Shirt (from Swifts) Black Skorts (Skirt with Shorts) Black/Red Reversible Games Shirt (from Swifts) Black Hockey Socks Trainers with non-marking soles Hockey or Soccer Boots Shin Pads Black Tracksuit (Optional) Boys’ PE Kit White with red trim School Polo Shirt (from Swifts) Black Shorts (Not Cycling Shorts) Black Football Socks Black/Red Reversible Games Shirt (from Swifts) Shin pads Rugby / Soccer Boots Trainers or Plimsolls with non-marking soles Black Tracksuit (Optional) NB: Shin Pads are necessary for both Football & Hockey Supplier of Mount Grace’s Uniform J & R Swift Ltd, Parsons Lane, Hinckley Activities & Finance Uniform & Equipment 9
The School Curriculum • The normal timetable is sometimes changed to offer additional curricular opportunities, e.g. fieldwork, educational visits, visitors to the school, theme days or weeks, school productions and workshops with other schools. • The school is happy to answer individual questions at any time and positively welcomes parental participation in the progress of each child. • Health, Careers and Relationship Issues • Good health is actively promoted in all years with modules based around eating well, looking after your body and general wellbeing. Pupils will be encouraged to recognise and discuss the implications of current social concerns including sex and drugs education. The areas covered in sex education in Year 9 are relationships, contraception, STDs and AIDS. This work promotes lasting, loving relationships and is underpinned by the following policy, ratified by the Governors: • Community • Life Skills modules also focus on the importance of “Community” at a range of levels: • Electing a School Council to help bring about changes at Mount Grace • Helping to understand the workings of our local Hinckley communities • Increasing awareness and understanding of other cultures and • communities • Increasing awareness of global economic and environmental issues The following descriptions are accurate at the moment and include the developments required by the GCSE examinations and the National Curriculum. Mathematics is taught in sets from Year 7, whilst Science, English and French sets are established from Year 8 onwards. Other subjects are taught in mixed ability classes in Years 7 and 8 whilst in Year 9 pupils are set by ability in the vast majority of their lessons. The school curriculum is based, for all years, on a 25 period week timetable. Students study the following subjects: “In most lessons relationships are excellent. Activities are well planned and proceed at a good pace. Pupils make strong gains in skills, knowledge and understanding in all subjects. Work in books is detailed and thorough… The subject knowledge of teachers is notably strong.” Ofsted 2013 The School Curriculum The Governors believe that sex education is an important aspect of a child’s development. At this school sex education is introduced not merely from a biological viewpoint but also within a moral framework. Relations between the sexes are shown with full regard to the moral and legal aspects of decision-making. It is not taught in isolation but within the framework of a personal development programme dealing with many aspects of growing up. Parents wishing to know more about this aspect of their child’s education should contact the school for further information. Select a subject from the table below to find out more.. • English • Maths • Science • Art • Design Technology • French • Geography • History • ICT • Music • Physical Education • Religious Education • Life Skills The School Curriculum Skip Curriculum Pages 10
The School Curriculum - English • The Department aims: • To develop the spoken and written language capabilities of all pupils • To encourage the evaluation and appreciation of language in the environment and literature • To educate the imagination through ideas expressed in literature, discussion and written work • To enable pupils to cope effectively with the requirements of the National Curriculum and GCSE • These aims are achieved through the following National Curriculum Attainment Targets: • Speaking and Listening • a) Learning to share and explore ideas - to talk and listen to discussion about their own and others' work • b) Formal discussion - informed talks, debates, etc • Reading • a) Individual / group reading for pleasure • b) Group / individual / class reading for evaluation & appreciation of content & language used to express it • c) Study skills to enable children to access and manipulate information • Writing - including spelling, handwriting and presentation • a) In various ways - expressing, creating, reporting, summarising, evaluating, persuading, etc • b) With sense of "audience" - the teacher, other pupils, friends, oneself, etc • c) With accuracy - punctuation, structure, word usage, etc • The department uses a policy of rough drafting written work so that children appreciate the need to experiment with ideas and structures. Classwork is compiled, over the year, in an A4 sized work book. Core tasks are produced on paper, moderated and levelled and kept in an on-going portfolio of work. Targets for improvement stem from these tasks. A regular weekly homework focuses upon spelling and vocabulary. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 11
The School Curriculum - Maths • The aims of the Mathematics Department are that all children should: • Enjoy Mathematics • Achieve success, commensurate with their ability • Extend their knowledge through exploration • Understand the application of Mathematics in other subject areas • The National Curriculum forms the basis of our work but each child is provided with materials designed • to cater for their own learning needs and mathematical ability. • Our core text books are National Framework Mathematics and Maths Frameworking but we supplement these with appropriate sections from National Curriculum Mathematics, Maths in Action, Letts Key Stage 3 Maths and activity practice. • Our attention to children as individuals ensures that those of very high ability and those who may need extra help are engaged in work which is of an appropriate level, reinforcing, extending and stretching their mathematical capabilities to the utmost. • The children are encouraged to practise and apply skills by carrying out investigations and problem-solving exercises based on their real experience of mathematics. Pupils are continually encouraged to make self-assessments of their own progress as part of the learning process. • On completion of units of work the children are tested. From the results of these tests, togetherwith their written work, oral work and aural tests, a profile of achievement is completed. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 12
The School Curriculum - Science The Science Department offers all pupils the opportunity to develop an intensive knowledge and understanding of the many and varied topics that are found under the umbrella of Science. Many new and exciting initiatives will be introduced this year, as a result of our newly-acquired Specialist Science Status, such as working with Year 6 pupils in primary schools. We are adapting the QCA Schemes of Work to meet the challenges of the new curriculum – in particular the aspects of ‘How Science Works’. Within the new curriculum we are introducing ‘level-assessed tasks’ throughout Years 7, 8 and 9 which enables pupils to work out which level they are working at and what steps they can take to reach the next level. End of topic tests also contribute to the overall level that pupils achieve. We have a big emphasis on practical work where pupils usually work in pairs. As pupils advance to Year 8 they are put into sets based on their overall performance in Year 7. In this year, and in Year 9, each group is taught the three Science disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics one lesson per week by specialist teachers. The course aims to show pupils what an important part Science has to play in their lives, and we hope to open their eyes to its 'everyday' applications. This is supported by visits to current exhibitions and places of scientific interest. After undertaking this Science scheme, pupils have an excellent basis on which to build as they continue their Science studies at GCSE level at the Upper School. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 13
The School Curriculum - Art Art and Design aims to stimulate creativity and imagination. We encourage our pupils to explore visual, sensory and tactile experiences, developing their knowledge and understanding of contemporary art and also from different times and cultures. Our pupils use colour, form, texture, pattern and a range of materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. Through art, craft and design activities, our pupils learn to make informed judgements and aesthetic and practical decisions. They explore ideas and meanings in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers. Throughout the Key Stage 3 experience, pupils are encouraged to use sketchbooks and are taught to use a broad range of media to create two and three dimensional work. Year 7 The emphasis is on improving and developing observation and drawing skills using a range of materials. Pupils produce work that is two and three dimensional. Year 8 Pupils explore the work of artists and craftspeople, developing their knowledge of colour, texture, shape and form. They are able to construct three dimensional forms using traditional and contemporary techniques and are encouraged to consider the aesthetics of their finished work. They learn how to manipulate images through the use of ICT, producing stimulating and expressive pieces of art. Perspective drawing enables pupils to develop further their observational skills. Year 9 Year 9 pupils create both two and three dimensional pieces of work, researching a variety of artists and art movements. They experiment using a range of techniques, exploring surface and repeat patterns, increasing their knowledge of applied decoration. They are taught the skills to produce ceramic forms and through experimentation they are able to gain a sound knowledge of decorative and embellishment processes, which will enhance their work. They are encouraged to work independently, exploring their own ideas. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 14
The School Curriculum - Design Technology Design and Technology makes a unique contribution to the Mount Grace curriculum by helping pupils prepare to cope with rapidly changing technology. This is achieved by: 1) Teaching creative thinking skills and giving pupils opportunities to apply them to real situations. 2) Teaching them to actively look for needs, wants and opportunities and respond to them, as creative problem solvers, with ideas, products and systems. 3) Giving them the chance to see how practising designers work and how products evolve. 4) Teaching the balance and compromise that takes place between appearance, function, social and environmental impacts and industrial practice when things are designed and made. 5) Teaching about the impact of historical changes in technology and how past technology still influences our lives today. 6) Giving pupils access to high tech equipment to enable them to produce high quality products. 7) The importance of the phrase WHAT IF? Pupils are given the opportunity to use a balance of old and new technology to create increasingly sophisticated, high quality products, combining materials and outcomes across different specialist areas. Pupils should enjoy the experience as they make discoveries about what has gone before and about what is now open to them. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 15
The School Curriculum - French • The Department aims: • To encourage positive attitudes towards speakers of foreign languages and a sympathetic • approach towards other cultures and civilisations as well as towards foreign language learning • in general. • To build a sound foundation for those who will take examinations at 16 and beyond. • As well as the use of a text book, pupils will have the opportunity of using interactive material containing a variety of learning activities. Listening, speaking, reading and writing, games, songs and other ICT tasks will soon be available on the school network. Pupils will also have the opportunity of doing assessments interactively through the network. • Furthermore, we are considering the possibility of pupils accessing this material by internet at home. • Pupils will be given the opportunity of purchasing an individual workbook and CD with audio material for them to work through at home at their own pace and to encourage parents to join pupils in the fun of learning French. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 16
The School Curriculum - Geography The Geography Department aims to provide a course that is relevant, varied and interesting. The content of the course is governed by the National Curriculum. The children learn a wide range of skills and use a variety of resources throughout their time at Mount Grace. Year 7 In Year 7 pupils experience an intensive course in map interpretation using different scales. The local region and, more particularly, the urban area of Hinckley are investigated in detail and are compared with settlements and their patterns elsewhere in Britain. Year 7 concludes with a scientific study of weather recording and interpretation, followed by a study of the continent of Asia. Year 8 In Year 8 the emphasis shifts initially to the global scale. Pupils are taught major elements of natural regions and are introduced to the concept of ecosystems. Many themes concerning the European Union and Great Britain are also investigated during this year. Furthermore, there is a strong element of Environmental Geography with respect to National Parks and tourism in areas of considerable ecological importance (eg Skiing in the Alps). Year 9 Year 9 pupils investigate some of the main elements of physical geography including rock types, volcanoes, earthquakes, river patterns and their characteristics. Later, the main types of industry are studied in detail by citing specific examples. Economically developing countries and globalisation are two further themes covered in this year. Pupils are provided with the opportunity to create and interrogate computer databases and spreadsheets as well as using ICT to present and research information on different parts of the world. A unit on skills teaches pupils various cross-curricular skills, which will be particularly useful to pupils opting to follow Geography at GCSE in Year 10 and 11. Colleagues from JCC offer GCSE taster classes to all Year 9 pupils. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 17
The School Curriculum - History • Our History course covers some of the key people and events from the last 1000 years. • In Year 7 pupils will gain key skills for learning about History. They will undertake an in-depth • study of the medieval period, including the Norman invasion, knights and castles, a peasant’s • life and the importance of the church. We also cover some aspects of local history, including • the Battle of Bosworth. • In Year 8, we start by exploring Henry VIII, looking beyond his wives to the enormous changes he made in England. We cover other famous people including Elizabeth I, Charles I and Oliver Cromwell. We finish the year by exploring Britain’s Industrial Revolution. • Year 9 includes a study of slavery and the Black Peoples of the Americas, both world wars and women’s history. We also examine the Holocaust and consider how the dropping of the atom bomb has changed world politics. • During their 3 years with us, we hope to develop pupils’ understanding of; • cause and effect • diversity • historical significance • bias and reliability of source material • We do this using a variety of teaching methods that encourage pupils to think for themselves. We aim to give them the confidence to construct and communicate their ideas in a range of ways including extended writing tasks, presentations, role plays and poster activities. • We hope the course will help pupils to understand different views of the past, and be able to empathise with people whose lives were very different to their own. • We organise several trips each year, including a castle tour and a visit to Beth Shalom Holocaust centre. We also organise a series of History theme days, which include Medieval, Civil War and World War 1 events, including a Tea Dance! • History is taught twice a week in mixed ability groups in Years 7 and 8. In Year 9 pupils are streamed. We hope there is something for everyone, be it bartering pigs and chickens to survive a medieval winter, or meeting a survivor of the Holocaust. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 18
The School Curriculum - ICT The ICT National Strategy is taught to Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils for one lesson per week. Throughout the year pupils will be given opportunities to develop an independent approach to learning especially via the proactive use of the school Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The VLE empowers learners by giving them more choices, making learning and teaching resources more accessible in and out of school without the limitations of time and space. Pupils’ understanding and application of various software titles such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher and Word is developed. They are encouraged to consider the limitations and capabilities of ICT by evaluating the impact of ICT in society. Raising pupils’ awareness of the dangers of online communication is also a key part of the ICT programme to help them to be safe, recognise danger and be responsible online. ICT Suites are the key resources and platform for supporting the discrete ICT curriculum and ICT across the curriculum. There are three 30 machine computer suites, a half network in Music and laptops within departments along with computers within the Access Room and Library. The school actively promotes the use of ICT across all subjects. There is internet access in all classrooms via LAN (Local Area Network) or wireless. There is a lunchtime ICT club (3T) on Wednesdays and Fridays that supports students to develop their ICT skills in specific areas of their choice: web design, cartoon animation, computer hardware, computer graphics, movie maker, paint, Microsoft package etc. The ICT club encourages students to explore, share their talents and support each other. Pupils are also encouraged to use the Science ICT suite and Access room at lunchtimes for research and homework. The ICT and English departments run a MGHS Media Club. The aim of the club is to create a medium for young peoples’ voices to comment on past and current issues in Hinckley, UK, EU and the world from mainstream and local news media. Students also report day to day events at MGHS such as school plays, raising money for charity, sports, learning and teaching etc. Through the MGHS Media Club, young people have the opportunity to use and develop their multimedia talents in such areas as reporting, presenting, editing, graphics design, filming (camera person) and script writing. The East Midlands Broadband Consortium (EMBC) is the broadband internet provider for the Mount Grace High School network. Provision is carefully monitored and there are regular spot checks of individual pupils’ use of the facilities. All pupils are required to sign our agreement policies and breaches of these are taken seriously. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 19
The School Curriculum - Music Music at Mount Grace introduces and helps our students learn about music from different times, places and cultures through practical involvement. Listening, performing and composing encourages pupils to learn and develop their musical abilities, using a wide variety of traditional and modern approaches. Opportunities to play and compose music using electronic keyboards, guitars, percussion and singing in addition to using our newly installed computer facilities and specialist music software will enable all students to enjoy creating new and original music fit for the 21st century and beyond! Music facilities are available every day at lunchtimes, allowing students the opportunities to expand their experience, practise or to just enjoy playing with music as a creative art. Instrumental lessons are provided by visiting professionals – you will receive a letter about these before the end of the summer term. Extra-curricular activities, open to all, include various groups and happen throughout the week during lunchtimes including Vitalize, the school choir and various opportunities to perform. Please don't hesitate to contact Mr Collins should you have any queries, require advice on learning an instrument or would like to come and see what a 21st century music department looks like! The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 20
The School Curriculum - Physical Education • The PE Department at Mount Grace is committed to a challenging, varied curriculum that develops • children of all abilities to their full potential. It is the policy of the department to provide extra- • curricular clubs and teams to promote the development of excellence in a variety of major team • games, whilst still offering a "sport for all" approach via equality of opportunity. Mount Grace • completed over 800 competitive fixtures in the academic year 2009/10 • The PE department offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities using facilities at school, on playing fields adjacent to John Cleveland College and Hinckley Leisure Centre. • The focus during lessons is on delivering the National Curriculum key processes through a range of activities including: • Outwitting opponents in invasion games. • Accurate replication in gymnastics. • Exploring & communicating ideas through dance. • Performing at maximum levels in athletics. • Identifying and solving problems through striking & fielding activities. • Exercising safely & effectively in Health Related Fitness. • Coach Education. • To supplement the PE programme a wide variety of extra-curricular activities are offered including intra & inter-school fixtures and Area/County competitions, as well as other outdoor pursuits. The past few years has seen Mount Grace teams achieve unprecedented success in a wide range of sports including Football, Rugby, Basketball, Hockey, Netball, Cricket and Athletics. Mount Grace actively encourages pupils to join local sports clubs and have close links with several local clubs. • The Mount Grace PE curriculum in the academic year 2009/10 yielded fantastic Key Stage 3 results with 100% Level 5s and 52% Level 6s. • Mount Grace also has a well developed Gifted & Talented programme that has continually produced Level 7 and exceptional performance grades. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 21
The School Curriculum - Religious Education • The teaching of Religious Education at Mount Grace follows the guidance of the LA’s Agreed • Syllabus, and the QCA's non-statutory guidance for RE. • The aim of Religious Education is to encourage and to help all pupils to explore and express their • own response to the spiritual and religious approaches to life by enabling them: • To acquire a basic knowledge and understanding of the different religious beliefs and practices to understand • and respect how religious beliefs and values affect ways of living. • To develop a reflective and caring approach to life. • To gain an awareness of the spiritual dimension of life. • This is done by studying a variety of topics such as; ‘Who am I’, ‘Jesus - Man or God’, ’Belonging’, ‘The environment’, ‘A Code by which to live, moving on up or going round in circles’, ‘Prejudice and discrimination’, ‘Issues of Life and Death’, ‘Ideas about God’, The principal religion studied is Christianity but other major religions are also studied to reflect the multi-cultural nature of our country. • Through visits to different places of worship, use of artefacts and by meeting believers of different faiths, the pupils' experience and understanding will be broadened. • Pupils receive one lesson per week and are taught in learning groups. The work is differentiated to cater for all ability levels. • Parents may wish to express their right to withdraw their child from Religious Education for religious reasons. Before doing so, they are asked to arrange an appointment with the Headteacher or speak to the Head of RE to discuss any concerns over the RE curriculum. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 22
The School Curriculum - Life Skills • The Life Skills curriculum aims to bring together a number of areas which are not "traditional" • subjects in themselves but have a major impact on all areas of learning. • Life Skills focuses on individual pupil progress and target setting, as well as introducing pupils • to a very wide range of topics. • By the end of Year 9 they will have undertaken modules in the following: • Target Setting • Career Planning • 'Amazing Brain' • Global Environment • Government & Democracy • Healthy Lifestyles • Finance & Budgeting • Respect • Law & Order • Applied Literacy • Enterprise • Relationships • Dealing with Drugs • Survival • Being a Young Leader • Life Skills modules are designed to help pupils develop self-confidence, extend their range of thinking about the opportunities in life and work generally, and prepare them to make informed decisions. • Many of the modules relate to the Citizenship programme of study and pupils are given the opportunity to discuss a range of issues which promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It is our hope that pupils are given the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an effective role in society at local, national and international levels. We feel that our Life Skills programme helps pupils to become informed, thoughtful and responsible citizens who are aware of their duties and rights. The School Curriculum The School Curriculum Curriculum Index Skip Curriculum Pages 23
Special Educational Needs • Any pupil may have a specific need at some point in their education career. At Mount Grace we aim to ensure full entitlement and access for SEN pupils to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. This is achieved by: • Educating pupils with SEN alongside their peers within the normal • curriculum. • Stimulating their interests and enjoyment in their own education. • Enabling them to become familiar with a body of skills, principles and • vocabulary to help them fulfil their potential. • Identifying and assessing pupils with SEN as early and thoroughly as is • possible and necessary. • Involving parents and pupils in the identification of SEN. • Meeting their needs by offering continual and appropriate forms of • educational provision by the most efficient use of all available resources. • Enlisting the aid of outside agencies whenever necessary. • Ensuring that subject teachers are fully informed as to the SEN of any of • their pupils. • Additional classes for select pupils in literacy and numeracy. • Support is also available for pupils whose continual behaviour gives cause for concern. The Behaviour Support Team may arrange in-class support, mentoring, anger management groups or advice from outside agencies. Assessment & Reporting System Over the last few years staff have spent a great deal of time discussing our assessment and reporting methods. Assessments are made in line with National Curriculum requirements and much effort is made to ensure that we are providing accurate information for pupils and parents. Pupils are regularly assessed, both through formalised tests and informal questioning and observation. In all subject areas pupils are working towards the National Curriculum statements. These will be assessed by teachers at the end of the Key Stage, in Year 9. Pupils will bring reports home once per term so that, as parents, you can monitor current levels of achievement. There will also be a formal consultation evening each year. Year 8 and 9 pupils will be set target levels to achieve based on prior achievement. Where concern is expressed by individual subject teachers in a termly report, an appointment will be made for you to meet with us to discuss your child’s progress. Homework Shortly after the start of the term your child will be given a Personal Planner. This contains information regarding Mount Grace as well as pages for recording homework, memos and achievements. Each subject area will provide pupils with details of homework expectations. We request your co-operation in ensuring that homework is done. Assessments & Reports Special Educational Needs Assessments & Reports 24
Assessments & Reports Continued.. Results of National Curriculum Assessments at the end of Key Stage 3 Summary of National Curriculum Assessment Results of pupils in the School (2013) and Nationally (2011, last published data) at the end of Key Stage 3. Teacher Assessments : Percentage at each level Key: Dis - Disapplied under sections 92/93 of the 2002 Education Act Abs - Absent What do the results mean? By the age of 11+ most pupils should have reached level 4 and at the age of 14, levels 5 or 6. Only the most exceptional child would reach level 7 in English and level 8 in Maths and Science The level your child reaches may give you a good idea of how he or she is measuring up to the National targets. It may also tell you how your child is doing compared to other children of the same age. Assessments & Reports Assessments & Reports 25
Calendar Dates 2014-2015 Autumn Term School Opens Thursday 28th August 2014 Mid Term Break Monday 20th - Friday 24th October 2014 School Closes Friday 19th December 2014 Spring Term School Opens Tuesday 6th January 2015 Mid Term Break Monday 16th - Friday 20th February 2015 School Closes Friday 27th March 2015 Summer Term School Opens Monday 13th April 2015 May Day Monday 4th May 2015 Mid Term Break Monday 25th May - Friday 29th May 2015 School Closes Friday 10th July 2015 Calendar Dates Calendar Dates 26
School Policies Mount Grace High School Policy documents • Accessibility • Anti Bullying • Attendance Management • Charging Policy • Child Protection • Collective Worship • Complaints Policy • Curriculum Policy • Disability Equality • Drug Education Policy • Gender Equality Policy • Gifted and Talented • Drugs Policy • Homework Policy • ICT Acceptable Usage Policy • Looked after Children • Rewards at Mount Grace • Safeguarding and Child Protection • Safeguarding Children in a Digital World • SEN Code of Practice • Sex and Relationships Policy Further Information Further Information 27
Further Information The information in this presentation was correct at time of publication. It was prepared for the academic year 2014-2015. It is hoped that no fundamental changes will take place either prior to or during this academic year but these cannot be predicted. The Open Evening for Year 6 Parents and Children is on Monday 7th October 2013 6.30 pm – 9.00 pm Further Information Further Information 28