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Scholarship of Teaching & SCL/LCE

Scholarship of Teaching & SCL/LCE. Prof. Dr.Ir . Ichsan Setya Putra Telkom University 27 Januari 2014. Prof. Dr.Ir.Ichsan S.Putra Dosen Program Studi .... sekaligus Ketua SPM ITB. FACULTY MEMBERS : Who Are We? What Qualities Do We Value? NOW: We primarily see ourselves as..

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Scholarship of Teaching & SCL/LCE

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  1. Scholarship of Teaching&SCL/LCE Prof. Dr.Ir. IchsanSetya Putra Telkom University 27 Januari 2014

  2. Prof. Dr.Ir.Ichsan S.Putra Dosen Program Studi .... sekaligus Ketua SPM ITB

  3. FACULTY MEMBERS: • Who Are We?What Qualities Do We Value? • NOW: We primarily see ourselves as.. • SUBJECT MATTER SPECIALISTS • NEW CHALLENGE: We need to also see ourselves as… • PROFESSIONAL EDUCATORS • All professionals value their own Professional Development very seriously. L. Dee Fink: The JOY and RESPONSIBILITY of TEACHING WELL Mengajar Efektif & Kreatif Prof. Dr. Ichsan S. PutraKomisi Pembelajaran - Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA

  4. WHO We Are - WHAT We Value • We are Professional Educators. • We value being First-Rate Professionals. • We valuelearning how to do our work as well as possible. L. Dee Fink: The JOY and RESPONSIBILITY of TEACHING WELL Mengajar Efektif & Kreatif Prof. Dr. Ichsan S. PutraKomisi Pembelajaran - Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA

  5. FACULTY as “PROFESSIONAL EDUCATORS”: • What would that mean? • That faculty members, as college teachers, will: • Be familiar with the literature on college teaching, • Use the ideas of “best practice” in their own teaching, and • Engage in continuous improvement regarding current ideas on teaching and their teaching. L. Dee Fink: The JOY and RESPONSIBILITY of TEACHING WELL Mengajar Efektif & Kreatif Prof. Dr. Ichsan S. PutraKomisi Pembelajaran - Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA

  6. Interacting with Students Knowledge of the Subject Matter Designing Learning Experiences Managing the Course FUNDAMENTAL TASKS OF TEACHING Beginning of the Course L. Dee Fink: The JOY and RESPONSIBILITY of TEACHING WELL


  8. Quality of Teaching (now) Time RATE of Improvement from: DIFFERENT WAYS of Learning About Teaching 1 + 2 + 3: Ideas from Literature on College Teaching 1 + 2: Learning from Others 1: Only from Own Experience L. Dee Fink: The JOY and RESPONSIBILITY of TEACHING WELL


  10. Boyer: Scholarship Reconsidered The Boyer Model Taxonomy • …give the ..term “scholarship” a broader more capacious meaning, one that brings legitimacy to the full scope of academic work. • Boyer p. 16

  11. Scholarship of Teaching Scholarship of Integration Scholarship of Application Scholarship of Discovery • 1990 Carnegie Report Scholarship Reconsidered Boyer, E.L., . Scholarship Reconsidered, Priorities of the Professoriate, Carnegie, 1990

  12. Shulman: Taking Learning Seriously An intelligent act becomes scholarship when: • It becomes public • It is critically reviewed and evaluated by one’s community • Members of one’s community begin to use, build upon, and develop these acts of mind and creation. Shulman, L. (1999). Taking learning seriously. Change. 31(4), pp. 5-7

  13. Glassick et al: Scholarship Assessed Standards of Scholarly Work(Glassick, Huber, Maeroff) • Clear Goal • Adequate Preparation • Appropriate Methods • Significant Results • Effective Presentation • Reflective Critique

  14. Mary Taylor Huber Scholarship of Teaching Defined Sustained inquiry into the question of when, how, and under what conditions students learn. -- Huber

  15. Glassick et al: Scholarship Assessed Standards of Scholarly Work(Glassick, Huber, Maeroff) • Clear Goal • Adequate Preparation • Appropriate Methods • Significant Results • Effective Presentation • Reflective Critique

  16. Example of Adequate Preparation

  17. Example of Effective Presentation

  18. Harris & Cullen: Leading the Learner Centered Campus, Jossey Bass 2010 Our Current Challanges • New Knowledge • Change in Perception • Demographic Changes • Industry & Market Changes • Process Needs

  19. Educating Engineers for the 21st Century: the Industry View The Royal Academy of Engineering, 2006 Industry & Market Changes Engineers to have a sound knowledge of the engineering fundamentals within their discipline as well as social & interpersonal skill set including communication, team working, & business skills

  20. Vest, Educating Engineers for 2020 & Beyond, http: mitworld.mit.edu Industry & Market Changes …called for engineering graduates to “write & communicate well, think about ethics & social responsibility, conceive & operate systems of great complexity within a framework of sustainable development & be prepared to live & work as global citizens

  21. Kalantizis & Cope, Transformation in Language & Learning: Perspectives on Multiliteracies Industry & Market Changes …is replaced by ‘multiskilled’ all round workers who are flexible enough to be able to do complex & integrated work. Their strength is not in career stability & content knowledge but in range & versatility.

  22. Demographic Changes

  23. Harris & Cullen: Leading the Learner Centered Campus, Jossey Bass 2010 Perfect Storm For Shifting Paradigm Instructional Centered Vs Learner Centered

  24. Paradigma Sebagai Cara Memandang http://www.evidentcrimescene.com/cata/photo2/photo2.html http://www.filmphoto.net/camera_filters.html

  25. Fish is Fish

  26. Student is Student Coming Late !!!

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