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W A RNR WASTE AND RECYCLING NATIONAL REPORTING. Current NZ Position. No national database Lack of consistency, methodology and frequency - OAG report Historically - SWAP completed across test sites and extrapolated OWLS – online waste levy system Waste space is data rich.

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  2. Current NZ Position • No national database • Lack of consistency, methodology and frequency - OAG report • Historically - SWAP completed across test sites and extrapolated • OWLS – online waste levy system • Waste space is data rich

  3. Internationally • Strategic issue of data collection and reporting well recognised • Regulatory frameworks • Economic instruments • Data collection models

  4. Concerns Sweet spot

  5. Key considerations Risk • Commercial exposure and sensitivity • Governance: systems and information sharing Ease (of use) • Easy web-based access • Consistent reporting outputs • Ability to upload historic data Cost • Low cost – demonstrate a cost benefit • Resource commitment

  6. What is WaRNR? • Web-based tool • Robust system and user governance levels • Collect total waste data • Links industry data to SWAP • Aligns with industry practices and international reporting standards • Recognises waste as ‘products’ – similar to supermarket SKUs • Provides aggregated reporting • Display formats: pie chart, bar chart and data tables • Outputs: printed, export to excel, HTML onscreen • Modular in design

  7. Data collection • Total waste - not just waste to landfill • Volume • Composition (Primary or secondary classification levels) • Infrastructure database • Recognises user governance framework and business rules

  8. Evolution of the data model • Waste is a series of products • Data becomes richer as it moves through the model • Richer data is linked to ‘Operator Type’ • Operator Type or Roles provide the framework

  9. Richer data collection

  10. Reports • Waste by Composition and Volume • Potentially Divertible Materials from Landfill • Recyclables by Composition and Volume • Waste Data Gaps • Closed loop waste reporting • Performance to Targets and Benchmarks by Composition and Volume

  11. Drilling into the detail • Waste by Composition and Volume • Receiver type: Landfill, Cleanfill, Market, All • Regional level: National, Regional, Specific landfill • Receiver: Filtered by Regional selection, single or multi-select • Waste classification: SWAP P/S or SIMPLE P/S • Start/end dates: User selected range of dates • Report output: % Pie and table, bar chart and data table • Census Data: includes the per person data from the census

  12. Outputs

  13. Strategic Benefits • National database: volume, composition and infrastructure • Evidence-based platform for improved: • Analysis • Decision making • Strategic review and deployment • OECD reporting • Industry surveys • Regulatory impactstatements • Environmental report cards

  14. Future potential MODULAR DEVELOPMENT • Construction & demolition waste • Liquid & Hazardous waste • Contaminated sites DATABASE DEVELOPMENT • Record consent conditions and status or waste disposal facilities • Recording of councils progress against their waste minimisation and management plans and other waste-related activities

  15. Current status • Completed phase one • Working to obtain necessary funding • Then commence phase two and three concurrently

  16. Moving forward • WasteMINZ: ‘Guardian of the data’ • Secure funding partner • Broaden stakeholder engagement • Commence system development • Form technical advisory group • Manage data collection • Commence pilot • Rollout

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