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FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13 Indicative Results ITEC NORTH EAST LIMITED July 2013. Data has been suppressed due to small base size. Introduction.

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  1. FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13 Indicative Results ITEC NORTH EAST LIMITED July 2013 Data has been suppressed due to small base size

  2. Introduction • This report shows your organisation’s indicative results for the FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13 which took place between November 2012 and May 2013. • We can only supply indicative results until we have return 10 of the 2012/13 ILR which we use to check your final population during the survey period. After this, we complete our analysis and carry out quality assurance checks to generate the overall measure. • The data presented in the slides is un-weighted for age, gender and highest level of learning. The final FE Choices Learner Satisfaction 2012/13 scores may be different. • These results are for your information only and should not be published outside your organisation. 2

  3. Profile of respondents • We received a total of 167 valid responses for your organisation(167 online, 0 paper). • The table on the following slide shows the profile of learners who responded to the survey. • Where percentages do not sum to 100% this is due to rounding. 3

  4. Profile of respondents • The ‘base size’ is the total number of learners answering each question. • Where the sub group base size is less than 10 these results should be treated with caution due to the small number of learners responding. If less than 3 learners responded within the sub group then the result is not shown; this is to ensure the confidentiality of the learners who responded to the survey. • Guidance to accompany these slides (FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13, Indicative Results) is available on the Provider Extranet. 4

  5. Profile of respondents 5

  6. Overview of responses Please rate each of the following... (0=very bad, 10=very good) 6

  7. Detailed analysis Q1 How good or bad was the information you were given when you were choosing your course? 0=very bad,10=very good Gender, Age and Level Mean score: Data has been suppressed due to small base size Data has been suppressed due to small base size 7 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13. Total base size for this question: 167.

  8. Detailed analysis Q2 How good or bad was the help staff gave you in the first few weeks? 0=very bad,10=very good Gender, Age and Level Mean score: Data has been suppressed due to small base size Data has been suppressed due to small base size 8 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13. Total base size for this question: 167.

  9. Detailed analysis Q3 How good or bad is the teaching on your course? 0=very bad,10=very good Gender, Age and Level Mean score: Data has been suppressed due to small base size Data has been suppressed due to small base size 9 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13. Total base size for this question: 167.

  10. Detailed analysis Q4 How good or bad is the respect staff show to you? 0=very bad,10=very good Gender, Age and Level Mean score: Data has been suppressed due to small base size Data has been suppressed due to small base size 10 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13. Total base size for this question: 167.

  11. Detailed analysis Q5 How good or bad is the advice you have been given about what you can do after this course? 0=very bad,10=very good Gender, Age and Level Mean score: Data has been suppressed due to small base size Data has been suppressed due to small base size 11 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13. Total base size for this question: 167.

  12. Detailed analysis Q6 How good or bad is the support you get on this course? 0=very bad,10=very good Gender, Age and Level Mean score: Data has been suppressed due to small base size Data has been suppressed due to small base size 12 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13. Total base size for this question: 167.

  13. Detailed analysis Q7 How good or bad are the college/provider staff at listening to the views of learners? 0=very bad,10=very good Gender, Age and Level Mean score: Data has been suppressed due to small base size Data has been suppressed due to small base size 13 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13. Total base size for this question: 167.

  14. Detailed analysis Q8 How good or bad is the college/provider at acting on the views of learners? 0=very bad,10=very good Gender, Age and Level Mean score: Data has been suppressed due to small base size Data has been suppressed due to small base size 14 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13. Total base size for this question: 167.

  15. Detailed analysis Q9Overall, how good or bad do you think the college/provider is? 0=very bad,10=very good Gender, Age and Level Mean score: Data has been suppressed due to small base size Data has been suppressed due to small base size 15 FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey 2012/13. Total base size for this question: 167.

  16. UKPRN:10003430

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