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Cell Structures, Functions and Transport

Cell Structures, Functions and Transport. COMMON CELL TRAITS. A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions. COMPARING CELLS. The size & shape of a cell relates to its function . (job it does). Prokaryotic Cells (proh KAYR ee yah tihk).

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Cell Structures, Functions and Transport

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  1. Cell Structures, Functions and Transport

  2. COMMON CELL TRAITS • A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions.

  3. COMPARING CELLS The size & shape of a cell relates to its function. (job it does)

  4. Prokaryotic Cells(proh KAYR ee yah tihk) • cells without membrane-bound structures • EX: bacteria pond scum

  5. Eukaryotic Cells(yew KAYR ee yah tihk) • cells with membrane-bound structures • EX: animals, plants, fungi and protists

  6. Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7-2 Cytoplasm Nucleolus Nucleus Cell Membrane Go to Section:

  7. Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Function • Nucleus • Nickname: “The Control Center” • Function: • Holds the DNA • Directs all cell activities • Contains instructions for everything the cell does Parts: Nucleolus: • dark spot in the middle of the nucleus that helps make ribosomes Nuclear Membrane: • separates nucleus from cytoplasm • controls movement of materials in & out of nucleus

  8. Cell Membrane • Outer covering, protective layer around ALL cells • For cells with cell walls, the cell membrane is inside the cell wall • Function: Protects the cell, and allows food, oxygen, & water into the cell & waste products out of the cell.

  9. Cytoplasm • gelatin-like inside cell membrane • constantly flows • Also known as protoplasm

  10. Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7-2 Cytoplasm Nucleolus Ribosomes Nucleus Cell Membrane Go to Section:

  11. Ribosomes • Ribosomes • Function: makes proteins • Found in all cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic • Float freely or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) • Ribosomes are made in the nucleolus

  12. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) • Nickname: “Roads” • Function: The internal delivery system of the cell

  13. Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7-2 Cytoplasm Nucleolus Ribosomes Nucleus Cell Membrane Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Go to Section:

  14. Endoplasmic Reticulum • 2 Types: • Rough ER: • Rough appearance because it has ribosomes • Function: helps make proteins, that’s why it has ribosomes • Smooth ER: • NO ribosomes • Function: makes fats or lipids

  15. Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7-2 Cytoplasm Ribosomes Nucleolus Nucleus Cell Membrane Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Complex Go to Section:

  16. Golgi bodies • Golgi Complex • Nickname: The shippers • Function: packages, modifies, and transports materials to different location inside/outside of the cell • Appearance: stack of pancakes

  17. Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7-2 Cytoplasm Nucleolus Ribosomes Nucleus Cell Membrane Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Bodies Go to Section:

  18. Lysosomes • Lysosomes: circular, but bigger than ribosomes) The word "lysosome" is Latin for "kill body.“ • Nickname: “Clean-up Crews” • Function:digest things; digest food or break down the cell when it dies. Break down food molecules, cell wastes & worn out cell parts

  19. Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Animal Cell Section 7-2 Cytoplasm Nucleolus Ribosomes Nucleus Cell Membrane Mitochondria Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Bodies

  20. Mitochondria • Mitochondria • Nickname: “The Powerhouse” • Function: Energy production • Breaks down food to make ATP • ATP: is the major fuel for all cell activities that require energy Some muscle cells have 20,000 mitochondria

  21. Animal Cell Cytoplasm Nucleolus Ribosomes Nucleus Cell Membrane Mitochondria Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Bodies

  22. Centrioles Centrioles: cylindrical structures that are composed of groupings of microtubules. Function:found in animal cells and play a role in cell division.

  23. Now let’s talk about structures only found in PLANT Cells!!

  24. Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Plant Cell Section 7-2 Vacuole Cell Membrane Go to Section:

  25. Vacuoles • Vacuoles • Function: stores water • This is what makes lettuce crisp • When there is no water, the plant wilts

  26. Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Plant Cell Section 7-2 Vacuole Chloroplasts Cell Membrane Go to Section:

  27. Chloroplasts • Chloroplasts • Function: traps energy from the sun to produce food for the plant cell • Green in color because of chlorophyll, which is a green pigment

  28. Chloroplasts

  29. Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Plant Cell Section 7-2 Vacuole Chloroplasts Cell Membrane Cell Wall Go to Section:

  30. Cell Wall • Cell Wall • Function: provides support and protection to the cell membrane • Found outside the cell membrane in plant cells • Is made of cellulose • Found in plants, algae, fungi, and most bacteria.

  31. Plant Cell Cytoplasm Smooth ER Vacuole Ribosomes Chloroplasts Cell Membrane Cell Wall Nucleolus Golgi Bodies Nucleus Mitochondria Rough ER

  32. Comparing Plant and Animal Cells Plant Animal

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