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Global Intellect on Egyptian grounds

Global Intellect on Egyptian grounds. Well,, We are not afraid of innovation. Why didn’t IBM keep the operating system ? Why didn’t Western Union buy the telephone ? Why didn’t Microsoft create the browser ? Why didn’t Netscape create the search engine ?

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Global Intellect on Egyptian grounds

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  1. Global Intellect on Egyptian grounds

  2. Well,, We are not afraid of innovation • Why didn’t IBM keep the operating system? • Why didn’t Western Union buy the telephone? • Why didn’t Microsoft create the browser? • Why didn’t Netscape create the search engine? • Why didn’t AT&T createAOL? • Why didn’t Sears create Wal-Mart? • Why didn’t American Airlines create Southwest? • Why didn’t Citibank create PayPal? For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  3. Innovation Drives Economic Growth • Technological innovation has been linked to three-quartersof the United States growth rate. • Two-thirds of UK private-sector productivity growth between 2000 and 2007 was a result of innovation. • 90 percent of the variation in the growth of income per worker across countries is attributable to innovation. • The societal rates of return to R&D are at least twice the estimated private returns. 3

  4. BioTech City Kick off

  5. What is BiotechCity BiotechCityis a .. • Registered non-governmental social society with a scientific background • A youth think thank that takes leaping steps towards a public/youth science and technology parkin Egypt Our goal is to enhance scientific research in Egypt generally and bio-based researches specially. In addition to a number of other goals that are basically trying to find solutions to problems currently facing Egypt.

  6. What is BioTech City • As young scientists we are sure that the progress and flourish of our country depends on a strong R&D base and we must use that base to develop our own products and solutions to problems facing our society. • In order to do that we need a highly capable minds and skilled hands but above all we need scientists who believe that we will are really going achieve something. Simply, our goal is to provide the right creative and stimulating environment for anyone who has the desire and passion to work on their own idea and dream. For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  7. Our Vision • Set the corner stone for building a youth public science park • suitable and inspiring environment for scientists and especially the biotechnologists. • implanting the concept of “Investing In Science” to the Egyptian Stock holders, Business men • increase public awareness concerning the benefits of scientific research and its requirements as well. • Help building a national R&D base vision and strategy

  8. Our Goals • Encourage research-based partnerships between governmental sectors and private sectors, thus helping in the development and the commercialization science. • Introducing to the private sector the necessity of having an advanced infrastructure, equipment and facilities that help in the nourishment of the R&D Encourage the knowledge-based projects by providing the required facilities, • The establishment of highly qualified and well equipped training centers and research labs. • Help in production of world-class Publications • Initiate large scale applied research scientific projects • Provide a suitable environment in which scientists could work. • Provide the tools required for having qualified researchers. • Integration of science and innovation in the Egyptian industrial sector. • integrate the scientific research in the Egyptian development plans. • Encourage the investment in modern educational tools and scientific projects. For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  9. Strategy

  10. Current Stage – Phase 1 • Organizing innovative Workshops , Courses , Conferences , Exhibitions and Symposia. • Providing Scholarships , Study tours, Trainings and visits to international laboratories, institutes, science parks and factories as well. • creating the link between researchers or inventors and the suitable companies that could commercialize and publicize for the products and ideas. • Organizing individual and group competitions that in which the participants could know how to start small project and work for its sustainability. • Organizing scientific activities, projects and various sessions as well, targeting the undergraduate university students as well as the school student; • Increase the public awareness concerning patency and copy rights

  11. Current Stage – Phase 1 • Making brain storming sessions with business men in order to find out what kinds of products they will be interested in invest in. • Presenting science and technology based inventions to them • Inviting business men to scientific activities in order to show who applied research benefit their business • Drag investments into research units and projects. • Encourage businessmen to form research incubators and R&D facilities in order to solve industrial problems that face their business and to open new business opportunities to them. For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  12. Our Activities For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  13. The first International Biotechnology Innovation Conference (IBIC-Egypt) • In 2009, we started introducing the concept of having a Biotechnology Science Park - which is an oriented research based facilities - in Egypt by adding a simulation of the Science Parks to our conference the first International Biotechnology Innovation Conference (IBIC-Egypt 2010) held in November 2010 at Cairo University, and the conference recommendations stated the importance of having a Science Park in Egypt and how it can reflect on our country economy. • In other words, initiating a Bridge between Science and Business, and a non – profit organization is the most excellent mean to build this Bridge.

  14. For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  15. IBIC 201224th – 26th November 2012Cairo – EgyptThe Big Surprise

  16. Research Database • One of the biggest initiatives that BioTechCity is taking is the Scientific Database project, we wish to make a national non-obligatory data base that contains the scientific research capabilities, infrastructure and scientific human resources and potentials.

  17. GenCity project • Assist university students and graduates to improve their skills • Teach university students how to • Be innovative • employ sound scientific methodology not only at their career but their lifestyle as well. • Help them to come up with their own innovative ideas • Provide them with the sufficient environment to apply and manage their own projects • Provide funds for their ideas • assist them to develop their skills on how to conduct a scientific research, write scientific papers and to prepare reports and proposals

  18. In Last Round • Deinking project • DNA Polymerase enzyme production project • Electrophoresis Device • Thermal Cycler (PCR machine) • Production of Human Insulin (still going) 12 new project (March 2012) For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  19. BioTechCity Scientific Newsletter - March 2012 • An online monthly Biotechnology newsletter that contains small articles on the latest research and scientific activities that are taking place in Egypt • It also publishes funding opportunities, scholarships, grants and the latest world wide breakthroughs in science and technology • This newsletter will be the cornerstone for BioTechCity journal For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  20. Junior Club • Is an incubator for young Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics students (STEM) under the goal of science to society ,, • This year’s scientific projects are three sequencing projects • Further phases of the project will include secondary schools students

  21. Young Scientists Incubator

  22. My Rights Project • Social responsibility towards ourcommunity after 25th of January revolution is a non-scientific project that aims to give knowledge about the world declaration of human rights and whatare the responsibilities of each individual to the society. • This project is done as a cooperation with Democratic dream organization, and the Egyptian Human Rights Society.

  23. So lets sum this up For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  24. Why are we Here??All Hands on Board • International Study tours • The Scientific Database • GenCity project practical work • IBIC – 2012 partner • BioTech City Newsletter. • Junior Club “Science to Society” • May be some of you will say that we are too young and are not experienced enough for such project, For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  25. Contact Us • Www.biotech-city.com • Phone : 01005212830, 01061778199 • email: info@biotech-city.com • Eslam_mo@hotmail.com For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

  26. Thank You Global Intellect on Egyptian grounds For more information please contact us at : info@biotech-city.com or visit our website: www.Biotech-City.com

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