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Rare birds of Michigan

Rare birds of Michigan. By Anthony Cervera. Pacific Loon. Size: 58-74 cm(23-29 in.). Wingspan: 110-128 cm (43-50 in.). Long body, rounded head and nape, relatively thin, pointed bill, dark flanks. Call: Hoarse croak often repeated. Food: fish and aquatic invertebrates. Tricolered Heron.

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Rare birds of Michigan

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  1. Rare birds of Michigan By Anthony Cervera

  2. Pacific Loon • Size: 58-74 cm(23-29 in.). • Wingspan: 110-128 cm (43-50 in.). • Long body, rounded head and nape, relatively thin, pointed bill, dark flanks. • Call: Hoarse croak often repeated. • Food: fish and aquatic invertebrates.

  3. Tricolered Heron • Size: 60- 70 cm(24-28 in.). • Wingspan: 95 cm(37 in.). • Long, slender neck and bill, dark neck and back, white belly. • Food: Fish, crustaceans, reptiles, and insects. • Call: Soft, nasal moaning.

  4. Glossy ibis • Size: 48-66 cm( 19-26 in.). • Long, down curved bill, long dark legs, body all dark. • Call: Nasal moaning “urm”. Croaks and rattles at breeding colony. • Food: fish, and frogs.

  5. King eider • Size: 47-64 cm( 19-25 in.) • Male: bold black-and-white with brightly colored head. Black body, white chest , light blue crown and nape, greenish face, and bright red-orange bill with large round orange knob outlined with black. • Female: brown with lack barring. • Call: a “croo croo croooo”. • Food: crustaceans, worms, and mollusks.

  6. Mississippi kite • Size: 34-37 cm(13-15 in.) • Long, narrow pointed wings, long black tail, head pearly gray, body darker grey. Pale patch on rear edge of wings, as seen from above. • Call: a high thin, whistled “phee,phew.” • Food: small mammals and insects.

  7. Ruff • Size: 22-26 cm. • Wingspan: 46-49 cm. • Call: no information found. • Food: insects and earthworms.

  8. Long-tailed Jaeger • Size: 28cm. • Call: “phew phew phew”. • Food: lemmings

  9. Rufous hummingbird • Size: 7-9 cm(3-4 in.). • Wingspan: 11 cm(4 in.). • Red throat and dull red body. • Call: buzzy sharp chirps. • Food: nectar

  10. Say’s phoebe • Size: 7cm(17 in.). • Long black tail, black bill, feet and legs black, fly catches from exposed perch. • Call: “pit-tsee-eur” • Food: flying and terrestrial insects.

  11. Scissor-tailed flycatcher • Size: 22-37 cm (9-15 in) • Dark wings and tail. White outer tail feathers tipped with black. Throat and chest white. Bright pink underwings visible in flight. Legs black. Bill black. Eyes black. • Call: Song a sharp and raspy "pup, peroo.“ • Food: insects

  12. Bell’s vireo • Size: 11-12 cm (4-5 in) • Wingspan: 18 cm (7 in) • Small songbird. Drab gray to greenish above. White to yellow below. One prominent wingbar and a more faint one above it. Faint white eyering. • Call: Song a loud, jerky, unmusical set of phrases, first ending on ascending note, then descending note. "Cheedle-cheedle-cheedle-chee, cheedle-cheedle-cheedle-chew.“ • Food: Insects and spiders.

  13. Blue Grosbeak • Size: 15-16 cm (6-6 in) • Wingspan: 28 cm (11 in) • Medium-sized songbird. Large silver-gray bill. Male deep blue with two brown wingbars. Female mostly brown with two brown wingbars. • Song is a long continuous musical warble, similar to that of Indigo Bunting but without paired phrases. Call is a low buzzy "bzzt" or a loud metallic "tink.“ • Food: Insects, other invertebrates, and seeds. Gathers in rice fields during migration.

  14. Painted Bunting • Size: 12-13 cm (5-5 in) • Small, bright finch. Male unmistakable with red chest, blue head, and green back. Female bright greenish yellow. Bill short and thick. Tail of medium length. Bill and feet blackish. Eyes dark brown. • Call: Song is high-pitched, thin, and sweet, consisting of short phrases of variable pitch. Call is a soft rising chip.

  15. The end

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