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DIP – 5. Organizing Function

DIP – 5. Organizing Function. Lim Sei Kee @ cK. Organizing. Process of arranging people and resources to work toward a common goal. Organizing decisions divide up the work that needs to be done, allocate people and resources to do it, and coordinate results to achieve productivity.

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DIP – 5. Organizing Function

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  1. DIP – 5. Organizing Function Lim SeiKee @ cK

  2. Organizing • Process of arranging people and resources to work toward a common goal. • Organizing decisions divide up the work that needs to be done, allocate people and resources to do it, and coordinate results to achieve productivity.

  3. Importance of organizing • Divide up the work • Arrange resources • Coordinate activities

  4. Fundamentals of Organizing • The organization chart is a diagram that illustrates the reporting lines between units and people within the organization. • The organization chart conveys four kinds of information: • The boxes represent different units. • The titles in each box show the work performed by that person. • Reporting relationships are shown by the lines connecting superiors and subordinates. • Levels of the organization are indicated by the number of vertical layers in the chart

  5. Organization Chart for Home Depot(adapted from Figure 11.1) Chairman of Board and CEO Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer Executive Vice President, Legal Executive Vice President, International Technology Executive Vice President, Operations Executive Vice President, Marketing Executive Vice President, Human Resources Executive Vice President, Merchandising Vice President, Investor Relations Senior Vice President, Real Estate Senior Vice President, Operations Senior Vice President, Customer Service President, Mexico President, Atlantic President, Western

  6. Fundamental Concepts of Organizing • Differentiation means that the organization is composed of units that work on specialized task using different work methods and requiring employees with unique competencies. • Division of labor means that the work of the organization is divided into smaller tasks. • Specialization is the process of identifying particular tasks and assigning them to departments, teams, or divisions. • Integration means that the various units must be put back together so that work is coordinated.

  7. Five Elements of Vertical Design • Hierarchy is a pyramid showing relationships among levels. • Span of control refers to the number of employees directly reporting to a person. • Factors influencing span of control include: • The competence of both the manager and the employee. • The similarity or dissimilarity of tasks being supervised. • The incidence of new problems in the manager’s department. • The extent of clear operating standards and rules.

  8. Five Elements of Vertical Design (cont.) • Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability • Authority is the right to make a decision. • Responsibility is an employee’s duty to perform the assigned task. • Accountability is the manager’s expectation that the employee will accept credit or blame for his work.

  9. Five Elements of Vertical Design (cont.) • Delegation is the process of giving authority to a person (or group or team) to make decisions and act in certain situations. • Practices useful in effective delegation include: • Establish goals and standard • Ensure clarity • Involvement • Expect completed work • Provide training • Timely feedback

  10. Five Elements of Vertical Design (cont.) • Centralization and Decentralization • Centralization is the concentration of authority at the top of an organization or department. • Decentralization is the delegation of authority to lower level employees or departments. • Key factors affecting decision to centralization or decentralization. • Cost of decisions • Uniformity of policy • Competency levels • Control mechanisms • Environmental influences

  11. Horizontal Organizational Design • Functional Design • Product Design • Geographical Design • Network Design

  12. Functional Design • Function design means grouping managers and employees according to their areas of expertise and the resources they use to perform their jobs.

  13. Functional Design (cont.) Potential Benefits • Supports skill specialization • Reduces duplication of resources & increases coordination • Enhances career development & training within functional area • Allows superiors and subordinates to share common expertise • Promotes high-quality technical decision making Potential Pitfalls • Inadequate communication • Conflicts over product priorities • Difficulties with interunit coordination • Focus on departmental rather than organizational issues and goals • Develops managers who are experts in a narrow field

  14. Harley-Davidson Organization Chart(adapted from Figure 11.2) CEO General Counsel Controller Manufacturing Merchandise Owners Groups (HOGS) Strategic Planning Engineering Human Resources

  15. Product Design • Product design means that all functions that contribute to a product are organized under one manager.

  16. Product Design (cont.) Potential Benefits • Permits fast changes in a product line • Allows greater product line visibility • Fosters a concern for customer demand • Clearly defines responsibilities for each product line • Develops managers who can think across functional lines Potential Pitfalls • Not allowing efficient utilization of skills and resources • Not fostering coordination of activities across product • Encourages politics and conflicts in resource allocation across product lines • Limits career mobility for personnel outside their own product lines

  17. General Dynamics Organization Chart(adapted from Figure 11.3) Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Information Systems & Technology Combat Systems Marine Systems Aerospace Land Systems Armament Systems Ordnance & Tactical Systems Aviation Services Bath Iron Works Electric Boat

  18. Geographical Design • Geographical design organizes activities around location.

  19. Geographical Design (cont.) Potential Benefits • Has facilities and the equipment used for production and/or distribution all in one place, saving time and costs • Able to develop expertise in solving problems unique to one location • Gaining an understanding of customers’ problems and desires • Getting production closer to raw materials and suppliers Potential Pitfalls • Duplication of functions, to varying degrees, at each regional or individual unit location • Conflict between each location's goals and the organization's goals • Adds levels of management and extensive use of rules and regulations to coordinate and ensure uniformity of quality among locations

  20. Starbucks Organization Chart(adapted from Figure 11.4) CEO President Executive VP, Legal Executive VP, Supply Chain & Coffee Executive VP, Partner Resources Executive VP, Chief Financial Officer Senior VP, Coffee President, Japan President, Europe, Middle East, Africa President, North America VP, Southwest VP, South Central VP, Northwest President, International United Kingdom Australia Thailand

  21. Network Design • Network design subcontracts some or many of its operations to other firms and coordinates them to accomplish specific goals.

  22. Network Design (cont.) Potential Benefits • Ability to gain special knowledge and skills of others without having to hire employees • Brings together people with different insights • Allows managers the flexibility to work with a wide variety of different suppliers, customers, and other organizations Potential Pitfalls • Other organizations may fail to live up to established deadlines • Managers must constantly monitor the quality of work provided by other organizations • Employees in the outsourced organization may not commit to the same values and sense of time urgency to which employees in the networked organization are committed

  23. DreamWorks SKG Network Design(adapted from Figure 11.5) Computer Hardware/ Software Legal Marketing Makeup Artists Spielberg Katzenberg Geffen (Films) (Animation) (Music) Future Games Costume Designers Technicians Agents Actors Media Relations Talent Scouts

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