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Evolutionary Journey: From Abiotic Molecules to Modern Life Forms

Explore the conditions of early Earth leading to the synthesis of abiotic molecules, formation of protobionts, and origin of self-replication. Discover the fossil record, including prokaryotes, stromatolites, and the oxygen revolution. Trace the evolution of eukaryotes, multicellular organisms, and the Cambrian explosion. Dive into the geologic time scale, from the Archean to Phanerozoic eons, highlighting significant periods and epochs. Uncover the milestones of life on Earth, from the Cambrian to the Cenozoic era, including the rise of mammals and humans. Delve into the history of Earth's epochs, from the Holocene to the Paleocene, and witness the development of modern climate features and the appearance of humans.

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Evolutionary Journey: From Abiotic Molecules to Modern Life Forms

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  1. Tree of Evolution • Conditions of Early Earth (greater radiation and igneous activity) lead to the synthesis of abiotic (non-living) molecules • nucleic acids (RNA) & amino acids • led to the formation of protobionts (droplets with membranes that maintained the internal environment) • origin of self replication to produce new organisms • Sources for the carbonaceous molecules could have come from meteorites or from the substrate. Environment in early Earth (~3.6 billion years ago) was a reducing environment (electron adding) creating the opportunity for the formation of new molecules from methane and ammonia.

  2. Fossil record • Prokaryotes • Stromatolites - beds of sediment containing the byproducts of bacterial metabolism (shows blooms followed by extinctions) • oldest ~3.5 billion years - anaerobes • halophiles • methanogens

  3. Fossil Record • photosynthesis and the oxygen revolution (cyanobacteria) • prokaryotes start using oxygen as a source of reducing energy to form new molecules • photoautotrophs

  4. Fossil Record • Eukaryotes (~2.1 billion years ago) • arose from the symbiotic relationship and transfer of genetic material between prokaryotes • organisms resemble simple single celled algae • Endosymbionts - mitochondria & plastids • endosymbionts take over the role of energy making paving the path for multicellular organisms • genetic annealing (combining of genomes) and colony formation leads to specialization and the multicellular organism • multicellular organisms (~1.5 billion years ago) • most confined to areas of water and heat (snowball Earth hypothesis) resembling small algae • Cambrian explosion (explosion of life ~ 700mil years ago)

  5. Geologic time scale • eon - longest division • Archeon - 1st eon of Earth ~3.9 to 2.5 billion years ago • Proterozoic - lasted for the next 2 billion years • Phanerozoic - most resent with evidence of life • era - there are three eras per eon • Paleozoic - ~543 million years ago "Age of Invertebrates" • fossils of both land and plants • Mesozoic - ~248 million years ago "Age of Reptiles" • dinosaurs • Cenozoic - ~most recent "Age of Mammals" • appearance of humans

  6. Geologic time scale • periods • Precambrian - all periods before the paleozoic era • rocks lack index fossils • fossil evidence is contained in stromatolites- layers of bacteria and algae • content is high in valuable metals - Au, Ag, Cu, ... • Cambrian • invertebrates • trilobites is the most common index fossil ~500 million years ago

  7. Geologic time scale • Ordovician • invertebrates • graptolites are the most common index fossil - lived in colonies • Silurian - appearance of terrestrial animals • Devonian - Age of the Fishes - 1st fossils of lungfish found • Carboniferous - appearance of reptiles and vertebrates

  8. Geologic time scale • Permian - formation of Pangaea - nearly 1/2 of known fossils extinct by the end of the period • marks the end of the Paleozoic era • Triassic - Jurassic - Cretacious are periods of the Mesozoic • rise and fall of the dinosaurs • Paleogene, Neogene, & Quarternary are periods of the Cenozoic • formation of modern climate features and the rise of man

  9. Geologic time scale • Epochs (part of the Cenozoic) • Holocene… Historical time begins (.01mil yrs) • Pleistocene… Ice Ages… Humans appear (1.8mil yrs) • Pliocene… Origin of genus Homo (5.3mil yrs) • Miocene… Continued radiation of species (23mil yrs) • Apelike ancestors of humans • Oligocene… Origin of primate groups (33.9mil yrs) • Eocene… Angiosperms dominate (55.8mil yrs) • Paleocene… massive radiation of mammals, birds, & insects (65.5mil yrs)

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