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Chapter 13 Management of Resources Application and Technical Measures. An overview. Allocation of quotas Fishing licenses Transfer of quotas Cod equivalent Catch limit surveillance Flexibility
Chapter 13 Management of Resources Application and Technical Measures
An overview • Allocation of quotas • Fishing licenses • Transfer of quotas • Cod equivalent • Catch limit surveillance • Flexibility • Quota measures aimed at protecting undersized fish, preventing discards and accounting for by-catch
Applicable laws • The Fisheries Management Act No. 116/2006 • The Act concerning the Treatment of Commercial Marine Stocks No 57/1996 • The Act on Fishing in Iceland’s Exclusive Fishing Zone No 79/1997 • The Act on Fishing Outside Iceland’s Exclusive Fishing Zone No 151/1996
Allocation of quota shares • All economically important species are under the individual transferable quota system (95-97% of total value) • Quota shares in each species allocated to individual vessels • Quota shares are allocated to vessels based on three years fishing experience • For straddling stocks or shared stocks it is the best 3 years of the last 6 years • Fishing experience can be transferred between vessels of the same owner • Has to be applied for specifically • Quota shares are attached to vessels and are not allocated to owners or operators
Allocation of quota shares ctd. • The Directorate of Fisheries (the Directorate) is responsible for calculations and allocations of quota shares • An example: • Total catch, from all Icelandic vessels in a given species the past three years is 240.000 tons. In those three years one vessel in question fished 2.400 tons. The “permanent” quota share of that vessel is 1% • Quota shares are transferable between vessels • The Directorate publishes quota shares by species and vessels on it’s website
Allocation of catch quota • For each fishing- or calendar year in question, the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture decides TAC’s for all species under the ITQ • The Directorate is responsible for calculating and allocating catch quotas to vessels • An example: • TAC in a given species is 60.000 tons. The quota share of our vessel is 1%. The annual catch quota for that vessel in that given species will therefore be 600 tons. • Catch quotas are transferable between vessels • Information on catch quotas by species and vessels is available on the Directorate’s website
Licensing • Applications for fishing licenses are sent to the Directorate and such licenses are issued and validated by the Directorate • Information on valid fishing licenses sent electronically daily to the Coast Guard and Food and Veterinary Administration • All owners of seaworthy vessels have the right to get a fishing license • One may not commence on a fishing trip unless having sufficient quotas for expected catches attached to the vessel or holding a special fishing license indicating what fisheries one is allowed to participate in • Five types of fishing licenses: • General fishing license (ITQ) • Hook and line fishing license (ITQ) • Costal fisheries license: Valid one year • Recreational fishing license: Valid one year, special provisions on other validated licenses if to be used for business purposes • Special fishing license – valid for each season. Such as: • Mackerel license • Licenses explicitly allowing fisheries in other countries jurisdictions • Lumpfish license • License to fish with Danish seine in certain areas etc. • The fee for a fishing license is 22.000 ISK (approx. 140 €)
Licensing – Other countries • Competent authorities in other countries apply for fishing licenses for vessels on grounds of relevant agreements • The Directorate of Fisheries issues the licenses and validates that all conditions are met • The Coast Guard authorises the licenses electronically through the VCC system • The Directorate issues fishing licenses to Icelandic vessels fishing in other countries’ jurisdictions on grounds of relevant agreements • The Coast Guard sends a notification of the license for authorisation to the competent authority of the country in question
Cod equivalents • An important measurement in the Icelandic ITQ system is the “Cod equivalent” • For various reasons, especially quota transfers and to facilitate the use of species conversion, cod equivalents for all species are calculated and issued by the Ministry for Fisheries and Agriculture. • Cod equivalents are calculated annually as the ratio of the catch value of individual species, subject to management restrictions, to the value of gutted cod. Calculations of value are based on the total catches and total value of these species, according to information from the Directorate of Fisheries.
Transfer of quotas • An issue that requires specific attention in the accession negotiations • Quota shares and annual catch quotas are transferable between vessels • Not valid unless the Directorate of Fisheries has examined it and confirmed that the transfer complies with relevant laws and rules. The Directorate registers quantities and prices of transfers • Information on transfers between vessels available on the Directorate’s website • Average price information by days and species available on the Directorate’s website • A transfer of quota share is a permanent transfer, i.e. after a share has been transferred, the annual catch quota will be allocated to the holder of the share at any given time • Transactions on quotas can be done electronically between vessels operated by the same owner
Transfer of quotas - limitations • Quotas, shares and catch quotas can be transferred between vessels, up to a certain limit: • Shares and annual catch quotas may not be transferred to a fishing vessel if the transfer would result in the vessel’s harvesting rights clearly exceeding its fishing capacity • The total catch quotas of fishing vessels owned by individual parties, individuals or legal entities, or owned by connected parties, may never amount to more than 12% of the total allocated catch (in cod equivalent) for all species subject to TACs and 5% of the total value of hook-and-line catch shares. • Furthermore, there are limits to the concentration of quota shares in individual species subject to quotas, calculated in cod-equivalents • Shares and catch quotas can not be transferred from vessels managed under the “hook and line system” to vessels in the “big system” • Each fishing year, the catch quota transferred from a vessel may not exceed 50% of the total catch quota allocated to the vessel
Catch limits • One is not allowed to commence on a fishing trip unless having a sufficient catch quota for expected catches attached to the vessel in question • With real time information on catches, (all catches from all vessels and areas registered at landing) the Directorate can act quickly on over-fishing of quotas • Operators are notified as soon as a registered landing indicates that they have over-fished, and they are given 3 working days to correct their quota status with transfers of quotas • Not allowed to commence on a fishing trip • If quota status is not corrected the fishing license is revoked • The Directorate is responsible for observations on catch limits under the coastal fisheries management scheme • Real time information on catches gives the ability to monitor the status of the fisheries closely • The Ministry for Fisheries and Agriculture is notified when catch limits are about to be reached • Fishing stopped
Flexibility • Certain flexibility built into the system, aims at preventing discards and increases possibility to account for possible by-catch • MRI is informed of catches accounted for by using the flexibility in the system, and can take such catches into account before issuing advice for quotas in the following years • Features • Transfer of quotas between fishing periods • Quota discount for landing undersized fish • Species conversion • Special provision allowing for 5% of fish to be landed as additional catches
Flexibility – Transfers between fishing periods • One can land 5% in excess of quota in each species • Will be deducted from next year’s allocation to the vessel • Increases the possibility to account for unforeseen by-catch in mixed fisheries • One can transfer 15% of unused quotas in each species to next fishing period • Recently changed from 33% • Information on possibilities/use of transfers between fishing years available at the Directorate’s website
Flexibility – Undersized fish • Special provision giving quota discount for undersized fish • Cod 50 cm (27 cm headed) • Haddock 45 cm (26,5 cm headed) • Saithe 50 cm (31 cm headed) • Redfish 33 cm • Has to be stored separately on board and weighed separately from other catches • Up to 10 % in each fishing trip accounting 5% to quotas • i.e. if catches are 100 kg, 10 kg can be specially accounted for as undersized, deducting 5 kg from quota • Important: One still has to land all undersized fish, even though it is more than 10% of catches
Flexibility – Species conversion • This option to change species applies to all ground fish species other than cod and works in such a way that excess catch in one species leads to a reduction in annual catch quotas of other species. For each species, this interspecies change is permitted for up to 2% in ground fish cod equivalences of the annual catch quota, and for the total quota portfolio it is allowed up to 5% in ground fish cod equivalences between species. • Calculated automatically in the Directorate’s quota database as soon as a landing leading to over-fishing is detected • Information on species conversion is available on the Directorate’s website for each individual vessel
Flexibility – Additional catches • Special provision allowing one to land 5% in excess of catches of demersal species and 2% of pelagics– annually • Catches have to be stored separately on board and weighed separately from other catches • Have to be sold at an auction fish market • 80% of monetary value goes into a special development fund run by the Ministry for Fisheries and Agriculture • To be explained in a presentation on funds • 20% of monetary value goes to the operator to account for harbour, landing, market costs and salaries • Important measure in the aim to prevent discards, especially in the lumpfish fisheries since lumpfish fishing license holders do not usually hold any quotas