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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Explore the dangers of false religions, cults, and erroneous theologies within and outside of the church. Discover the confusing and diverse nature of the Emerging Church Movement and its conflict with biblical truths.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. What’s Emerging? The Errors of Post-Modern Theology There are dangers from without the church - theologies from false religions and cults There are dangers that arise from within the church - theologies from traditions, experience & marketing

  3. The Emerging Church Movement The Emerging Church Movement (ECM) is hard to define: “It’s a movement that is purposely foggy and amorphous, fluid and diverse - and most in the movement what to keep it that way.” Phil Johnson 2006 Shepherd’s Conference

  4. The Emerging Church Movement Its common tie is the desire to reach post-modern people in a post-modern way: “to prepare missional leaders who incarnate the story of Jesus with humility and authenticity and who communicate the story with fidelity to scripture, appreciation of the Christian tradition, and sensitivity to the needs and aspirations of postmodern culture” - Biblical Seminary - 2008

  5. The Emerging Church Movement “The Master's Seminary exists to advance the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping godly men to be pastors and/or trainers of pastors for excellence in service to Christ in strategic fields of Christian ministry.

  6. The Emerging Church Movement Reaching the next generation according to its own characteristics is nothing new - but it is detrimental Healthy churches diminish generational differences with the wisdom of the aged passed on to the youth When you cater to the selfishness of a group, you embed that selfishness and its immaturity

  7. Modernism The scientific age & rationalism brought the idea that man can figure things out for himself Scientists became the priests of modernism Modernism attacked the authenticity of the Bible and our means of knowing truth Literary theories resulted in a rejection of the Scriptures by liberals

  8. Modernism Evolutionary theory was applied to religions resulting in their belief the Bible also evolved. Neo-evangelicals yielded to the pressures of modernism and accepted the basic premises of liberalism Modernism surpassed logic and the scientific method to become philosophies of rationalism & scientism

  9. Post-modernism It rejects objective truth for subjective philosophies in which reality is determined by the individual The only absolute for them post-modernist is that there are no absolutes Truth is ever changing & contradictory beliefs can be held at the same time It arose out of the failures of modernism

  10. Post-modernism Modernism reduced God to a being of man’s imagination - small, weak and of very little aid or comfort A generation raised on media is not impressed by evangelical entertainment - or its shallow teaching The “emerging church” is just the next step of “seeker sensitive” outreach and next phase of liberalism

  11. Biblical Incompatibility Modernism conflicts with the Bible Post-modernism contradicts the Bible Post-modernism destroys the gospel, & the gospel destroys post-modernism The gospel demands belief in propositional truths that transcend all cultures

  12. Gospel Truths 1) God exists Exodus 3:14 2) God created the world Gen. 1; Ps. 148; Isa. 45; John 1; Col. 1 3) Man is sinful by nature & practice Genesis 3; Romans 1-3 4) God holds man accountable Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:11-15

  13. Gospel Truths 5) Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God Luke 22:70; Matthew 1:23 6) Jesus lived a sinless life Hebrews 4:15; John 8:46 7) Jesus willing died on the cross as the atonement for sin Matt. 26:28; Rom. 5:6-8; 1 Pet. 3:18, Rev. 1:5, 8) Jesus physically rose from the dead Each gospel, Acts, the Epistles, 1 Cor. 15

  14. Gospel Truths 9) Jesus physically ascended to heaven Acts 1 10) Jesus will keep His promises to forgive those who repent & believe 11) Jesus will return for His disciples John 14:1-3, 1 Thess. 4:16-17 12) We can know that we have eternal life - 1 John 5:13

  15. Biblical Incompatibility Post-moderns reject propositional truth and Jesus’ absolute statements such as John 14:6 Only in a make-believe world can someone claim to be a follower of Jesus and also reject His teaching

  16. Emergent Nonsense and Heresies Post-moderns strategies range from being silly to outright heresy Examples of common aberrations: 1) Crude language 2) Dialogue instead of sermons 3) Ancient-Future Worship (AFW)

  17. Emergent Nonsense and Heresies Dangerous and heretical practices: 1) AFW practices of Catholicism - lectio divina, repetitive prayers, the rosary, Stations of Cross, etc. 2) Diminishing or rejecting the Scriptures - Brian McClaren, Donald Miller, Marcus Borg, Rob Bell, etc. 3) Redefining sin / salvation

  18. Conclusions How do you reaching the Post-modern? Preach the word & let the Holy Spirit work God’s word will do its work – Isa. 55:11 The Holy Spirit will do His work

  19. Conclusions God’s word is truth – John 17:17 Jesus is truth – John 14:6 – Abiding in Him we will know the truth and it will makes us free – John 8:31-32

  20. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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