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Education. Bratislava, 5-7 May 2003 Angela Me Statistical Division UNECE. Education. Participation: Enrollment pre-primary basic upper secondary tertiary Educational status: Literacy and attainment Students’ progress through school: Efficiency. Education: Enrollment.

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  1. Education Bratislava, 5-7 May 2003 Angela Me Statistical Division UNECE

  2. Education • Participation: Enrollment • pre-primary • basic • upper secondary • tertiary • Educational status: • Literacy and attainment • Students’ progress through school: Efficiency NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  3. Education: Enrollment • Net enrollment ratios: • ratios of the number of children of official school age who are enrolled in school to the population of the corresponding official school age • Gross enrollment ratios: • ratios of the total number of children who are enrolled in school regardless of age to the population of the corresponding official school age NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  4. Net and Gross ratios Net enrollment ratios are better measure of the educational system’s coverage and internal efficiency, BUT few countries have data on net enrollments Gross ratios are affected by overage (particularly those due to repetition) and underage enrollments and they may be over 100% NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  5. Net and Gross ratios: sources • Administrative records combined with population data from census or projections • difficult to measure net ratios • Surveys and census ex: MICS, LSMS Enrollment in primary education: MDG 2 NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  6. MDG 2: Net enrollment in primary education Source: UNESCO NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  7. Net and Gross enrollment ratios in primary education Source: UNESCO NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  8. MDG 2: Gender differences (girls-boys) Source: UNESCO NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  9. Net enrollment in secondary education Source: UNESCO (1997) NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  10. Enrollment or Attendance? • The real issue in primary education is Attendance BUT difficult to obtain data • The UN Census Recommendations advocate for the measurement of attendance but countries often continue to collect enrollment NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  11. Enrollment and Quality of education • Quality measured by the Type of institution where boys and girls are enrolled? • Public/Private • University/Other institution NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  12. Gender disparities: Field of education (university) NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  13. Literacy: a measurement issue • Definition: A literate person is one who can, with understanding, both read and write a short, simple statement on his or her everyday life • Difficult to measure • It does not reflect the real issue NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  14. Literacy: a measurement issue • From literacy to Functional literacy • Knowledge and skills based • OECD and UNESCO survey programmes NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  15. Education efficiency • Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach grade 5 • Few countries have data • Proxy: repeaters NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

  16. % Repeaters Source: UNESCO NHDR Training Bratislava, May 2003

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