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Building a Greener Future: Zero carbon homes Communities and Local Government

Building a Greener Future: Zero carbon homes Communities and Local Government. Contents. Climate change Government’s domestic agenda Zero carbon homes Code for Sustainable Homes and EPCs Questions. Global warming is a real and urgent problem. Global emissions (GtCO 2 e). Non- CO2 CO2.

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Building a Greener Future: Zero carbon homes Communities and Local Government

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  1. Building a Greener Future:Zero carbon homes Communities and Local Government

  2. Contents • Climate change • Government’s domestic agenda • Zero carbon homes • Code for Sustainable Homes and EPCs • Questions

  3. Global warming is a real and urgent problem Global emissions (GtCO2e) Non- CO2 CO2 Stern Review (2006). IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2006).

  4. Climate Change Impact

  5. Climate Change impact on the UK • … for the UK this means • warmer temperatures • wetter winters and drier summers • More extreme weather • higher sea levels • Unless we do something !

  6. And the Government is responding strongly on the domestic climate change agenda • UK targets: • 12.5% reduction of greenhouse gases from 1990 baseline by 2008-2012 under Kyoto Protocol • Government target to reduce CO2 by 20% by 2010 and goal of 60% by 2050 • Climate Change Bill - will establish 60% goal as legal target, enabling powers, reporting and set up Climate Change Committee • Wide package of measures - from regulatory change ot behaviour change

  7. Buildings make a significant contribution to climate change • Carbon emissions from energy use in buildings account for nearly half of UK emissions, our homes 27% • 1/3 of the energy that we use to heat homes is wasted through poor insulation. (1) Source: Dukes 2003 and BRE data

  8. Our response: Towards zero carbon development • One third of the homes standing in 2050 will have been built between now and then • Ruth Kelly announced in December 2006 that new homes will be zero carbon by 2016, with steps towards that in 2010 (25% improvement) and 2013 (44% improvement) • This will be supported by • Stamp duty exemption for zero carbon homes • Code for Sustainable Homes • Planning Policy Statement on Climate Change • Energy Performance Certificates

  9. The Code for Sustainable Homes • What is it? • A single national standard cover aspects of sustainable design and construction of a home • A mark of quality – enabling developers to demonstrate the sustainability of their homes and differentiate themselves from their competitors

  10. What does the Code mean to industry and householders? • Enabling developers to demonstrate the sustainability of their homes and differentiate themselves from their competitors • Empowers home buyers to drive demand for more sustainable homes

  11. Categories • Flexibility • Energy Efficiency • Water Efficiency • Minimum Standards at each Level of the Code • Materials • Surface Water Run Off • Waste • Minimum Standards at Code entry level • Pollution • Health & Well-Being • Management • Ecology • No minimum standards Code for Sustainable HomesMinimum Standards

  12. 2010 • 2013 • 2016 • Energy / Carbon improvement as compared to Part L (Building Regulations 2006) • 25% • 44% • Zero Carbon • Equivalent Energy standard in the Code •  •  •  Code & the future of Building Regs

  13. Energy Performance Certificates • EPCs will be eventually be needed every time a building is constructed, sold or let. Phased in from 1 August 07 • Commissioned by the seller/landlord • ‘Made available’ to prospective buyers or tenants • Given to eventual tenant or purchaser • Energy graphs in estate agents’ particulars • Shows current and potential energy performance and recommendations for improvement

  14. Questions?

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