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From the ECM alternative to Cloud Connected Content.

From the ECM alternative to Cloud Connected Content. 2005 Alfresco aimed to disrupt the ECM industry through the power of open source. The Alfresco Platform. Document Management Records Management Web Content Services Enterprise Collaboration Open Source Platform. Why Alfresco ?.

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From the ECM alternative to Cloud Connected Content.

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  1. From the ECM alternative to Cloud Connected Content.

  2. 2005Alfresco aimed to disrupt the ECM industry through the power of open source

  3. The Alfresco Platform Document Management Records Management Web Content Services Enterprise Collaboration Open Source Platform

  4. Why Alfresco ? Lower Cost Simple Faster Adoption

  5. Maidenhead, UK Global Headquarters Atlanta, US Headquarters Alfresco is now the largest open source content management company in the world. Founded in 2005, with offices in London & Atlanta Over 3.5 million community downloads 250+ global channel partners 2,500 customers in 55 countries, including…

  6. Media & Entertainment Government Finance Software Retail Travel & Logistics Manufacturing Education

  7. Some customers in Eastern Europe NCHA

  8. Enterprise deployment Enterprise scale support Alfresco Products Mid level Single CPU Allow customization Alfresco Enterprise Entry level Priced by usage Simple (no customization) Alfresco Standard Alfresco Team Free to use No support Does not include certain product features Alfresco Community

  9. Certified Alfresco Enterprise Releases Enterprise-only deployment & system administration features Service Packs & Upgrade Support Technical Assistance Customer Portal & Issues Tracking System Certified Partner Network Alfresco Enterprise SubscriptionWhyPaying ?

  10. Alfresco is now the largest open source content management company in the world. • 10 month average payback period • $1.3 million in IT & training cost savings • 53% ROI in three years • Flexibility and Open Standards praised

  11. Financial Summary • Forrester interviewed 4 Alfresco’s customers and built the TEI analysis. • Forrester found that these organizations benefit from the deployment of Alfresco’s ECM solution in the form of: • Avoided software license and maintenance fees • IT maintenance cost savings • Use of less expensive developer resources • IT cost avoidance due to use of open source stack • Integration and development efficiencies Source: Forrester Research, Inc.

  12. Customer Quotes “Alfresco enables our projects to be built more simply, with less effort, and they are more maintainable over time.”(Director of software and infrastructure solutions at a large health insurance company) “The rate of change at Alfresco as compared to other vendors is phenomenal. It was one of the reasons why we were so keen of looking into it further. They are very innovative. The pace of change, the amount of features that came in, was incredible. It has got some real competitive edge elements to it.” (Senior IT manager at a financial service company) “Alfresco is right up with the commercial players. Almost in any kind of RFI/RFP now, I will look at a professional open source company alongside the commercial vendors.” (Senior IT manager at a financial service company)

  13. Alfresco is Different Lower Cost Simple Faster Adoption Drive Innovation to users

  14. These are people. ECM wasn’t built for them… so they aren’t using it.

  15. People .

  16. People move.

  17. Your enterprise content is in here somewhere. (it’s time for a new approach to content management)

  18. 2012Alfresco aims to disrupt the industry again, with the power of the cloud

  19. What is Cloud Connected Content? • Accessible from any device – phone, tablet, PC • Integrated & even synced with other cloud services • Easily published to social media channels • Collaborated on inside or outside the firewall • Yet, still controlled and administered by the Enterprise

  20. Why isn’t it available today? • Legacy proprietary vendors are trapped in legacy architecture • Can’t deliver a true multi-tenanted, integrated cloud solution • Mobile apps only work with on-premise service • No integrations with cloud services or social media • Hard (and risky) to adapt their license business model to the cloud • Up-start, cloud-only vendors lack depth, integration & customization • Don’t deliver full enterprise control over security & policy • Don’t deliver on-premise or behind-the-firewall options • One-size-fits-all approach doesn’t fit business processes

  21. The cloud connected content platform. Introducing…

  22. Designed for people… • A consumer-like UI, focused on socializing content • Access and edit content from any device, anywhere • Use the content productivity tools of your choice • Publish content to social channels • Collaborate inside oroutside the firewall

  23. … building on a strong foundation • 10x faster* user dashboard queries • 3-4x faster content uploads • 25% faster loading the Document Library • 50% faster loading Document Details • Significantly improved search and indexing times • Proven platform, deployed at 2500+ enterprises * Improvements over Alfresco Enterprise 3.4

  24. Accessible anywhere • Browse • Search • Download • View • Socialize • Edit • Email • Upload & Tag • View activities • iPad & iPhone • Open Source

  25. Publish content to social channels • Publish directly to… • Central Credentials Management • Add social publishing to your content workflow • Add multiple & future channels • Publish content and linked status updates • Publishing History — where & when

  26. A modern,social interface • “like” content • sort on popularity • post comments • “follow” your favorite content creators • see & filter content activity streams

  27. Corporate Systems Social Media Channels WebDAV CMIS CIFS Sharepoint Protocol CMIS JSR-168 Connectors Desktop Web Services CMIS WebDAV Open Web APIs Public Alfresco Cloud Open Web APIs CMIS CMIS-based Alfresco Sync Mobile

  28. Cloud Connected Content roadmap Alfresco Enterprise Cloud Sync released Alfresco Mobile app launches Alfresco in the cloud beta launches Alfresco in the cloud GA OCT 2011 FEB 2012 SPRING 2012 SEP 2011 SUMMER 2012 JAN 2012 SPRING 2012 Alfresco Enterprise 4 launches Alfresco Dropbox integration released Alfresco Community 4 released

  29. The Alfresco 4 Business Case • Increased User Adoption = Increased ECM ROI • More integrations with cloud services & user tools = Increased Productivity & Lower Company Risk • Performance, Scalability & Admin Improvements = Lower Operating Costs • B2B Collaboration Outside the Firewall = Higher Employee Productivity & Supply Chain Optimization

  30. Alfresco Enterprise 4 is the most user-friendly, cloud-connected, mobile-ready enterprise content management platform in the world. And it’s ready Feb 2, 2012, at alfresco.com/alfresco4

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