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SEED MONEY FACILITY Strategia UE dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego

SEED MONEY FACILITY Strategia UE dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego. IV posiedzenie Zespołu roboczego ds. koordynacji wdrażania Strategii UE dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego Warszawa, 5 listopada 2012 Narodowy Punkt Kontaktowy ds. SUE RMB

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SEED MONEY FACILITY Strategia UE dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego

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  1. SEED MONEY FACILITYStrategia UE dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego IV posiedzenie Zespołu roboczego ds. koordynacji wdrażania Strategii UE dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego Warszawa, 5 listopada 2012 Narodowy Punkt Kontaktowy ds. SUE RMB Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych, Departament Polityki Europejskiej

  2. Seed Money Facility CEL SMF • Wsparcie w początkowej fazie prac nad projektem (który przyczynia się do realizacji Planu Działania SUE RMB) • Wsparcie dla tworzenia partnerstw w środowisku międzynarodowym • Zbadanie możliwych źródeł finansowania realizacji projektu • Pokrycie kosztów administracyjnych w fazie przygotowawczej (koszty zatrudnienia, usługi zewnętrzne, eksperci, koszty spotkań, podróży) • Studium wykonalności

  3. Seed Money Facility • Thematic scope: proposals that are in line with the goals of the flagship projects and strategic actions of the Action Plan to the EUSBSR; a letter of support provided by the respective Priority Area Coordinator (PAC) would be requested at the stage of application • Duration: maximum 12 months + contracting phase • Partnership: As the objective is to create viable broad partnerships already at the seed money stage there should be at least three partners involved representing three different Baltic Sea Region countries. There should be one coordinating partner, which would have to be an EU partner. • Eligible partners: national (governmental), regional, or local authorities as well as bodies governed by public law • Total budget: 30,000 - 50,000 EUR / project

  4. Seed Money Facility • The seed money project should result into a concrete plan for the main project. This plan should include: o A work plan describing activities and outputs of the main project o potentialprojectpartnership o indicativebudget plan o result of investigation of funding possibilities o list of steps to be taken after finalisation of the SMP • At the end of the seed money phase, project owners should provide an overview of complementary projects and state of affairs in the field they are addressing to allow for synergies, and to avoid double efforts. • They should further on have entered into a dialogue with the Priority Area Coordinators (PACs) of the Action Plan to the EUSBSR and the other stakeholders of the field addressed by the project. • Finally, where appropriate they should have prepared a feasibility/pre-investment study (in case of the main projects including the investment components).

  5. Seed Money Facility Application and assessment • Call for proposals: We propose a permanent open call (continuous submission and assessment of the applications) • Application form: simplified application form (based on the Baltic Sea Region Programme project idea form (PIF) and the template for the “cluster initiatives”) + letters of support from the respective PAC. • Operationalassessmentcriteria: o Relevance of the proposal in relation to the Action Plan of the EUSBSR, o Transnational partnership with clearly allocated roles, o Seed money project work plan leading to outputs that are in line with theSeed Money Facility requirements, o Cost-efficientbudget plan. • Operational assessment: Joint Technical Secretariat of the Baltic Sea Region Programme • Strategic assessment (and final decision making): the Baltic Sea Region Programme Monitoring Committee members and stakeholders of the EUSBSR. • Body responsible for concluding grant contracts: Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein.

  6. Seed Money Facility • Total budget of SMF: 1.1 M Euro (1 M ERDF + 10% non EU sourcescovered by projects) • Porozumeniews. SMF do końca 2012 r. • Spotkanie informacyjne ws. SMF – początek 2013 r. • Decyzje ws. przyznania środków 4 x w roku w procedurze pisemnej • Szczegółowe informacje zostaną przekazane przez KE przed końcem 2012 r.

  7. DZIĘKUJĘ ZA UWAGĘ! Joanna Wojtkowska Departament Polityki Europejskiej Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Narodowy Punkt Kontaktowy ds. Strategii UE dla regionu Morza Bałtyckiego joanna.wojtkowska@msz.gov.pl http://www.polskawue.gov.pl/Strategia,UE,dla,regionu,Morza,Baltyckiego,8002.html http://www.balticsea-region-strategy.eu/

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