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Senior Capstone Project. Project Outline. What to Include in Outline. Brief overview of Senior Project Background research needed to complete project Scientific study/investigation summary Mentor information/requirements Project description Presentation summary. Overview.
Senior Capstone Project Project Outline
What to Include in Outline • Brief overview of Senior Project • Background research needed to complete project • Scientific study/investigation summary • Mentor information/requirements • Project description • Presentation summary
Overview • Short paragraph (about 5 sentences) that summarizes your senior project. Should not go into any details. • Example:My senior project is comparing regular shingles to slate shingles in the construction of a small barn. I will need to research how barns are built and the differences between regular and slate shingles. I will run various tests on both types of shingles. I will use the information I acquired through my research and experiments to create a small model of my barn design.
Background Research • This could be in paragraph, table, or outline form • List all of the information you will need to know in order to complete the project • Example
Scientific Study/Investigation • List the steps necessary to complete any studies/investigations (NOTE: this could be information acquired by a study found during research) • Example: • I am going to test the durability of regular and slate shingles by doing the following: • Place each shingle on the floor • Drop a ½” diameter wood ball from a height of 10 feet • Inspect shingles for any damage • Repeat with aluminum, steel, and lead balls
Scientific Study/Investigation • Example: • I am going to test the weather resistance of regular and slate shingles by doing the following: • Apply one 4’ x 4’ piece of plywood with regular shingles and another 4’ x 4’ piece of plywood with slate shingles as you would install them on a barn roof • Rest both pieces of plywood on sawhorses • Place a pan under each “roof sample” to catch any water • Simulate a rain shower by using a garden hose to squirt each “roof sample” for 10 minutes on with hose nozzle set to “gentle shower” • Observe, measure, and record any water that passed through the shingles • Repeat ___ times
Scientific Study/Investigation • Example: • I am going to determine which type of shingles is more aesthetically pleasing by surveying students at the CCCTC • Take/find pictures of similar barns; some with slate roofing, some with regular shingles. • I will go to the all of the labs and show each student 2 pictures at a time, one with slate, one with regular (barns should be similar). Students will pick which picture they like best. • I will record student preferences • After surveying at least 100 students, I will analyze my data to see which students prefer.
Mentor Information • Compile a list of: • People you know who may be able to help you with your project (parents, coworkers, employers, teachers, etc.) • People with certain jobs who may be able to help you • Examples: • My neighbor works construction for company XYZ and will be able to help answer questions I have about roofing • I will need to contact (email/call) an employee of ABC shingle makers to get more information on how shingles are manufactured.
Project Description • Use information you have acquired to compile a final project (write a description of that project) • Example: After analyzing my research and experimental data, I will use that information to select the appropriate roofing material and make a 1/5 scale model of a barn. The barn will be used for …
Presentation Summary • What will your presentation include? • What visual tools will you use? (Must have at least 2) • Power point can be 1 visual aid • Project could be 2nd • Can use poster with charts/graphs • Video/pictures of process/testing • Example:I will make a power point highlighting the research, experiments, and studies I performed. I will include the pictures I presented to students and pictures of the construction of my model. My second visual aid will be my scale model of the barn.