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The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE I). Dr. Mohammed Daoud Al-Majali Ministry of Education Consultant for E-Learning and Curriculum Digitization. Education Reform for Knowledge Economy ( ERfKE ).
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE I) Dr. Mohammed Daoud Al-Majali Ministry of Education Consultant for E-Learning and Curriculum Digitization
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) Jordan, a country with a rich and deep heritage
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) but few natural resources
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) In the heart of the modern Middle East
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) With a well-educated population committed to learning and education
5,323,000 (2004) 89,342 km^2 60.0 persons per km^2 37.8% (2003) 58.7% (2003) 3.5% (2003) USD 1,756 JD1.287 (2003) 5,348 (2004/05) Male 93.85% Female 94.16 Male 75.61% Female 75.67 3,071 (2004/05) 1,076,341 (2004/05) 1,531,331 (2004/05) 78,298 (2004/05) 17.9 (MOE 2004/05) 10.3 (2003) Jordan in Figures Population of Jordan Size of Jordan Population Density Population Less than 15 Years of Age Population Age (15-64) year Population Age 65 + Per Capita GDP Total Number of Schools Enrollment Ratios : Basic (Grades 1-10) Secondary (Grades 11-12) Number of Ministry of Education Schools Number of Students in Ministry of Education Schools Total Number of Students (Public & Private) Number of Teachers (Public & Private) Student / Teacher Ratio Illiteracy Rate (Age 15 + )
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) The Vision of His Majesty King Abdullah II for the future development of Jordan. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has the quality competitive human resource system to provide all people with life-long learning experiences relevant to their current and future needs in order to respond to and stimulate sustained economic development through an educated population and a skilled workforce.
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) The Ministry of Education Mission To create and administer an education system based on “excellence” , energized by its human resources, dedicated to high standards, social values, and a healthy spirit of competition, which contributes to the nation’s wealth in a global “Knowledge Economy”.
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) Strategic Directions Five National Objectives have been identifiedfor HumanResourcesDevelopmentinJordan • Shape the capabilities of human resources to compete in the knowledge economy. • Reduce the current structural unemployment gap. • Increase the proportion of economically active in the population. • Develop a generation of capable leaders in business, political and civic life. • Foster R&D in areas directly relevant to local and regional economic development.
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) The EDUCATION RESPONSE: The ERfKE Project SCALE: a multi-funder and multi-donor reform project worth over 386 million US Dollars SCOPE: comprehensive and inclusive national education reform program scheduled over five years and based on principles of relevance, access, equity and quality PURPOSE: to substantially and measurably improve the quality of education for all students in the public education system in terms of: * teaching and learning through national curriculum and learning assessment renewal * supported by improved facilities, new equipment and resources, and the deployment of new ways of learning through information and communications technology.
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) ERfKE FUNDING AND DONORSHIP International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (The World Bank) European Investment Bank Islamic Development Bank Arab Investment Bank AGfund Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Department for International Development, U.K. (DfID) Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) The German Development Bank (KfW) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Total committed: over US$386 Million
COMPONENT 1 A well managed and organized education system COMPONENT 2 High quality curricula and programs delivered by well trained teachers using effective physical and e-resources COMPONENT 3 Safe and suitable places to learn COMPONENT 4 Students who begin schooling ready and able to learn PLANNING COORDINATION LEADERSHIP ACCESS EQUITY QUALITY
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) COMPONENT 1 Reorientation of Education Policy, Objectives and Strategy through Governance and Administrative Reform. 1.1 A refined vision and integrated strategy. 1.2 Governance management and decision-making mechanisms. 1.3 Integrated Education Decision Support System (EDSS). 1.4 Education research monitoring, evaluation, and policy development. 1.5 Implementation arrangements.
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) Education Partners Ministry of Education Devolved Decision Making Budgeting Coordination Communication National Strategy Educational Planning Accountability Monitoring and Evaluation Information Gathering Field Directorates Schools
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) COMPONENT 2 Transform Educational Programs and Practices for the Knowledge Economy. 2.1 Curriculum and Learning Assessment Development. 2.2 Professional Development and Training. 2.3 Resources to Support Effective Learning.
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) Curriculum and Assessment Framework 2.1 Curriculum and Learning Assessment Development Curriculum -general learning outcomes -specific learning outcomes -sample units -teacher guides -23 subject areas Assessment -classroom assessment -national testing -international tests TIMMS, PISA -exit examinations -indicators -school improvement Resources -textbooks -e-learning -lab equipment -science furniture -learning portal -data centre -help desk -learning resource centers Training -pre-service -ICT Literacy -in-service -subject specific -incentives -ranking Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes For the Knowledge Economy
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) 2.2 Professional Development andTraining
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) 2.3 Resources to Support Effective Learning • E-learning • The E-learning Portal – Eduwave • (developed in Jordan by ITG) • * National Broadband Learning and Research Network • Current: -2,000+ schools connected • Planned: -all 3,000 schools with fiber • for all 1.5 million learners by 2008 • * Data Centre • Facilities: New and renovated schools and • new computer and science laboratories • * Hardware • Current: 80,000 PCs in 2,800 schools • Planned: 150,000 PCs in 3,000 schools
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) Training for ICTinEducation.( 2002-2004)
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE Training for ICTSupport.( 2002-2004)
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) CIDA’S CONTRIBUTION (to Components 1 and 2) Component 1: Development of the National Strategy (2003-2004) Organizational Change and Training (2005-) Component 2: e-Learning Strategic Framework (2002) e-learning Teacher Training (2001-2) Curriculum and Learning Assessment Framework (2003) Technical Assistance(2003-) for: Curriculum Renewal Teacher Training Learning Resource Development and Acquisition Student Assessment (System-wide and classroom-based) Capacity Building in Management and Administration Integration of ICT across grades and subjects and Study Tours to Canada for Curriculum Development and Pre-Service teacher Training
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) COMPONENT 3 Support Provision of Quality Physical Learning Environments. 3.1 Replace Structurally Unsafe and Seriously Overcrowded Schools. - construction of new schools (192) (including KfW supported projects) 3.2 Upgrading Existing Schools to Support Learning. - classroom extensions (800) - computer laboratories (650) - science laboratories (350) - large (80) and small (60) Kindergartens - school rehabilitation projects (340)
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) COMPONENT 4 Promotion of Learning Readiness through Early Childhood Development (ECD) 4.1 Institutional Capacity (New Curriculum, Learning Standards, Licensing Standards, Accreditation of Kindergartens) 4.2 Professional Development (Teachers, Administrators, Supervisors) 4.3 Expanding Kindergartens for the Poor (New and renovated facilities, both classroom and learning centers) 4.4 Public Awareness (and programs for parents through community resource centers)
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) TIMMS Results 2004 MATHEMATICS Distribution of Achievement Grade 8 International Average Scale Score: 467 Highest Average Scale Score (Singapore): 605 Highest Average Scale Score Arab Region (Lebanon): 433 (Average Age: 14.6) Next Highest Average Scale Score Arab Region (Jordan): 424 (Average Age: 13.9)
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) TIMMS Results 2004 SCIENCE Distribution of Achievement Grade 8 International Average Scale Score: 474 Highest Average Scale Score (Singapore): 578 Highest Average Scale Score Arab Region (Jordan): 475 Average Age: 13.9 Next Highest Average Scale Score (Bahrain):438 Average Age: 14.1
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) The realization of the vision of King Abdullah II for Jordanian productivity and prosperity in the Knowledge Economy requires the reform of basic and secondary education through the deployment of: • Quality learning in connected environments • Ease of access for all using up-to-date technology • Effective use of the full range of resources for learning, including e-content through the learning portal • Skills in teaching and assessment of learning outcomes • Collaborative learning in the use of current content and the development of new content • Effective learning support and technical support systems with the support of • Policy directions, information and administrative systems and leadership practices at all levels that demonstrate commitment to the achievement of the vision.
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) The realization of the vision of King Abdullah II for Jordanian productivity and prosperity in the Knowledge Economy creates and promotes a model for regional education reform that is built upon POLITICAL WILL AND COMMITMENT SOCIETAL INVOLVEMENT AND OWNERSHIP SECTOR-WIDE ALIGNMENT OF PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF RESULTS
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) The realization of the vision of King Abdullah II for Jordanian productivity and prosperity in the Knowledge Economy demands clear priorities for education that include Quality assurance in basic, secondary and higher education Strategic planning based on sound policy analysis Capacity building through management training and leadership development Increased autonomy and accountability Performance and result-based management
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) Other Reform Initiatives • Diversification of secondary Education streams (MIS ,Health Education ) • King Abdullah II Schools for gifted and talented students • Resource Rooms for learning disabled students (460 Room) • Pioneer Centers for gifted students (15 ) • Nutrition program • Community learning centers (9 ) • Literacy Programs • Renewal of vocational education programs • Resource Rooms for gifted students (21 Room)
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) EDUCATION FOR ALL The EFA Development Index Jordan ranks 51st out of 127 countries worldwide on this index which is based on: PRIMARY NET ENROLMENT RATES ADULT LITERACY RATES GENDER-SPECIFIC EFA SURVIVAL RATE TO GRADE 5 Jordan is the highest-ranked country in the Arab World (Bahrain ranks at 52nd, Kuwait at 67th, Lebanon at 68th)
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) The realization of the vision of King Abdullah II for Jordanian productivity and prosperity in the Knowledge Economy needs continued and additional support from current and future donors to ensure the responsiveness of basic, secondary and higher education to meet expectations for current and future improvement in areas such as CAPACITY BUILDING THROUGH LEADERSHIP AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT IN TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RESTRUCTURING OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN THE MINISTRY AND VTC SUPPORT FOR BUILDING THE CAPACITY OF THE TVET COUNCIL TO ESTABLISH PATHWAYS TO TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMS FOR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) THE JORDAN EDUCATION INITIATIVE Model of Reform for Export and Replication Partnership with Local IT Industry Key Elements Public-Private Partnerships in e-Curricula Development Effective Use of ICT for Teaching and Learning
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) Discovery Schools Track 1a e-Curriculum Creating e-resources to Support the Curriculum. Current Projects * Cisco/Rubicon Mathematics K-12 * Microsoft/Menhaj ICT 1-12 * FastLink/Rubicon Science 1-12 * Jordan Telecom/ Arabic France Telecom * MEPI/Cisco/Rubicon EFL * Civics and Geography are also proposed
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) THE JORDAN EDUCATION INITIATIVE Track 1 Discovery Schools 1a In-Classroom Technology 1b e-Curricula Materials 1c Teacher Training Track 2 Lifelong Learning Track 3 ICT Industry Development
Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) Cisco/Rubicon e-Mathematics K-12
Rationale • Jordan is: • A model case for the Arab world. • The most advanced in the development of educational data and the use of ICT in education in the region. • A Participant in major international assessments. • Jordan made a major commitment to education reform. • The use of ICT in education is one of the main foci. • ICT in education is a new field and there are many unknown factors. • Monitoring and evaluation of the progress throughout the course of the reform is needed. • Benchmarking is a way of determining if the plan has been implemented effectively.
What Does the Research Say About the Impact of ICT on Education Outcomes? • The research on ICT in education suggest mixed results on achievement of overall learning outcomes. • Analyses of International tests suggest that provision of computers alone has no effect on learning (e.g., TIMSS, PISA, Becta). • Learning achievement is a complex process involving human factors, organizational structures, infrastructure, etc. • ICT designed and used to develop specific skills (e.g., problem solving) shows some effect on acquisition of the skills but this kind of use is still very limited. • Teachers’ use and knowledge of ICT in teaching indicates some positive effect on achievement of learning outcomes.
Use of ICT in Education Policies in Jordan • Education Vision, Goals, Priority • In 1999 His Majesty King Abdullah II articulated his vision that the economic future of Jordan would be found through successful participation in the global knowledge economy, and more particularly in the value-added information technology industries. • Jordan is developing a national education strategy from pre-primary to secondary education. • The new education sector policy was identified • Jordan will commit $380 million to the Education Reform for Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) program in which ICT in education is a core component • ERfKE aims to close skill gaps and improve the quality of education
Use of ICT in Education Policies in Jordan • Jordan’s human development indicators look pretty good in terms of educational attainment. • Under ERfKE, schools will be connected. • The student-computer ratio is improving. • Many initiatives are on-going in various areas such as networking, curriculum development and teacher training. • These activities have to come together to transform teaching and learning to create the knowledge society and economy. • It is essential to monitor and evaluate the progress.
The Jordan Education Initiative started in January 2003atDavos
Supporting the National Learning Agenda Supporting national programs aimed at fundamentally redefining learning outcomes in schools, universities, community colleges and lifelong learning activities. • JEI Learning outcomes funneled into ERfKE to accelerate the reform and maximize its impact • Leveraging the National Broadband Network and its goal of creating a broadband based learning ecosystem • Use of nationally distributed Community Centers/Knowledge Stations to give all Jordanian citizens access to continuing education
An Act of Discovery with Global Significance Program Objectives • Improve the development and delivery of education to Jordan’s citizens through public-private partnership • Unleash the innovation of teachers and students through the effective use of ICT • Build the capacity of the local information technology industry • Leverage environment of national government commitment and corporate citizenship to build a model of reform.
JEI STRATEGY IS FLEXIBLE AND NON-DETERMINISTIC Strategic principles Broad, ambitious blueprint that uses ICTs as catalyst to change education system and accelerate Jordan’s development into a knowledge economy 1 Flexible structure that allows for partner-driven innovation and interpretation of project objectives, creating “market place” for ideas and test-bed for experimentation 2 Holistic educational policy underlying the program objectives that takes into account the need for change at the curricular, teacher, and administrator levels 3 Fast-track approach that allows for rapid-paced change in a small set of schools, freeing the program from the constraints of roll-out feasibility 4