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Four hot DOGs eaten up with the EVN. Sándor Frey (FÖMI SGO, Hungary) Zsolt Paragi (JIVE, the Netherlands ) Krisztina Gabányi (FÖMI SGO, Hungary) Tao An (SHAO, China ). 12th EVN Symposium , Cagliari, Italy , 7-10 October 2014. What are the hot DOGs ?.
Four hot DOGs eatenupwiththe EVN Sándor Frey(FÖMI SGO, Hungary) Zsolt Paragi(JIVE, theNetherlands) Krisztina Gabányi(FÖMI SGO, Hungary) Tao An(SHAO, China) 12th EVN Symposium, Cagliari, Italy, 7-10 October 2014
Whatarethe hot DOGs? = hot dust-obscuredgalaxies(Wu+ 2012, ApJ 756, 96) IdentifiedwiththeWide-fieldInfraredSurvey Explorer (WISE) satelliteasW1W2-dropout objects, i.e. prominentinthe W3 (12 μm) and W4 (22 μm) bands, butveryweakor undetectedinthe W1 (3.4 μm) and W2 (4.6 μm) bands The all-skypopulation of thesehyperluminousgalaxies contains ~1000 sources
The prototype: W1814+3412 z=2.45 Eisenhardt+ 2012, ApJ 755, 173
Red dots: hot DOGs (allsky) coloursalsofromfollow-upSpitzerdata The rest: a typical WISE sample (b>80°) inset: redshiftdistribution Eisenhardt+ 2012, ApJ 755, 173
Ourcurrentunderstanding of hot DOGs Redshiftsaretypicallyhigh, with a distributionpeaking between 2 and 3 →atthepeak of cosmicstarformation and AGN activity Manyspectra show signs of obscured AGN Luminosities(~1013–1014L) arecomparabletothe most luminousquasars SEDsaredifferentfromotherknownpopulations, thehighmid-IR/submmluminosity ratio indicatesthatthedominantemissioncomesfromhot dust(60–120 K) Extreme and rarecases of luminousDOGs, representing a shortevolutionaryphaseingalaxyevolutionthroughmergers Starburst – AGNtransitions? Wu+ 2012, ApJ 756, 96; Wu+ 2014, ApJ 793, 8
Hot DOGsinthemicrowave Some of theseWISE-selectedobjects show mJy-levelradioemissionat cm wavelenghts VLBI has a uniquecapabilitytodiscriminatebetweenthestrarburst and AGN origin of theradioemission VLBI detection → directconfirmation of radio AGN Ifthesesourcesreallyharbouryoung AGN, wemayfindcompactsymmetricstructures (CSOs) Iftheiractivity is triggeredbymergers, wemayseespatiallyresolveddual AGN sources
Test of thecompactradiostructures Sensitivephase-referencedobservationsinitiatedwiththe EVN Project: EF025 2014 Feb 21/22, totaltime 14 h Observedine-VLBImode, butwithinthedisk session 8 stations: Ef, Wb, Jb (Lovell), On, Mc, Nt, Tr, Sh 1.6 GHzfrequency: higherchance of detection (presumablysteep-spectrumsources) Sourcesyetunexploredwith VLBI → pilot project, with4 targets
The EVN sample Abby Bella Charlie Daisy A subsamplefrom 26 hot DOGs 12 inthe FIRST coverage, 3 withradiodetection (>1 mJy) +1 source (the “prototype”) with EVLA fluxdensitydata Wu+ 2012, ApJ 756, 96 Eisenhardt+ 2012, ApJ 755, 173
Results FourmJy-leveltargets, fourdetections! – albeitthree (and especiallytwo) of themareratherweak The sourcesareallresolvedon~10-30 masangularscales VLBI phase-referencingprovidesthe most accuratepositionalinformationavailableforthesesources Eachone is differentworld – seethe 1.6-GHz EVN images of Abby, Bella, Charlie, and Daisy:
Abby 200 pc 0.9 mJyinthe CLEAN components (~25% of the FIRST fluxdensity)
Bella 200 pc 3.1 mJyinthe CLEAN components (~70% of the FIRST fluxdensity) The most compactradiosourceinthissample
Charlie 200 pc Just 0.15 mJyinthe CLEAN components (~7 % of the FIRST value) a 7-σdetection
Daisy ~600 mas 4.9 kpc 0.36 mJyintwodistinctsources (~1/3 of theexpectedtotalfluxdensity)
Summary & outlook • A smallradiosubsample, four hot DOGswereobservedwiththe EVN at L band; allfourweredetected • Inone of them (Bella, alias W1146+4129), most of theradioemissioncomesfrom a compact AGN • Three of themareveryweakon ~10-mas scales; theirradioemission must be dominatedbystartburst-relatedactivity • Daisy, theprototype hot DOG (W1814+3412), has a symmetricdoublestructurewithnearly 5 kpc projected separation • Directionsforthefuture: • Interpretingtheresultsinthecontext of growingmulti-banddata • Targeting a largersampleof hot DOGswithknownradioemission • Obtainingspectralinformationat 5 GHz (wherefeasible)