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Welcome to 5 th Grade Back to School Night ! 2014-2015

Welcome to 5 th Grade Back to School Night ! 2014-2015. Mrs. Mary Beth LeBlond mleblond@warrentboe.org ( 908) 753-5300 x6223 Ms. Danielle Riccio driccio@warrentboe.org ( 908) 753-5300 x6228. Goals. Teach tolerance and acceptance

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Welcome to 5 th Grade Back to School Night ! 2014-2015

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  1. Welcome to 5th Grade Back to School Night!2014-2015 Mrs. Mary Beth LeBlond mleblond@warrentboe.org (908) 753-5300 x6223 Ms. Danielle Riccio driccio@warrentboe.org (908) 753-5300 x6228

  2. Goals • Teach tolerance and acceptance • Increase confidence, independence, and build self esteem • Instill a love of learning • Provide positive fifth grade experience • Prepare students for Middle School

  3. Expectations • Be prepared for class with all necessary materials • Keep organized binders in each subject area • Record and complete homework regularly • Take care of Chromebook and keep it charged • Move quietly in the hallway when moving from class to class • Be respectful of others • Act responsibly and take ownership for behavior

  4. Daily Schedule • 8:40 - 9:00 - Sign-In/Unpack/Pledge/Announcements • 9:00 - 9:50 - Specials • 9:55 - 10:45 - Math/Science/or Social Studies • 10:50 - 11:45 - Math/Science/or Social Studies • 11:50 - 12:35 - Recess/Lunch • 12:40 - 1:30 - Math/ Science/or Social Studies • 1:35 - 2:00 - Specials/Language Arts • 2:05 - 3:05 - Language Arts • 3:10 - 3:20 -Dismissal

  5. Report Cards/Conferences • November Nov. 24th • February 10th • April 22nd • June 22nd • Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Nov. 3rd- 5th. • Each 5th grade teacher will meet with his/her homeroom students’ parents. • Please sign up tonight for a convenient time to meet.

  6. Language arts • Our Balanced Literacy approach uses authentic student-centered reading and writing experiences. • This approach offers students access to a great variety of literary experiences.

  7. Reading Making Meaning and Comprehension Toolkit These programs teach specific strategies for students to become effective readers. • Questioning • Making connections • Making inferences • Visualizing • Summarizing • Reflecting • Synthesizing

  8. Guided reading • Students will read materials, mostly non-fiction, in small groups while focusing on specific strategies to enhance comprehension. Teacher conferencing will also take place. • Literature circles provide a way for students to engage in critical thinking and reflection as they read, discuss, and respond to books. Collaboration is the heart of this approach.

  9. Independent reading • This helps to develop good reading habits. Our goal is to foster an environment where students find reading enjoyable and easy to do. • Students are required to read a minimum of 20 minutes per day. Reading logs are due every Monday and require a parent signature.

  10. Writing 1. Being a Writer- Students will develop their writing based on their own topics and interests. They will be exposed to many different genres of writing and will be encouraged and hopefully inspired to model different styles of writing. The emphasis is on working through the stages of the writing process - prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading and editing, publishing. 2. Styles of Writing- narrative, expository, descriptive, persuasive, report writing, response to literature

  11. Writing 3. Vocabulary - Word of the Day and Word of the Week • spelling, definition, part of speech, appropriate use in a sentence 4. Grammar - Develop oral language and proofreading skills.

  12. Mathematics

  13. GoMath! Concepts for 5th Grade Place Value, Multiplication, Order of Operations Division of whole numbers Addition/Subtraction of Decimals Multiplication/Division of Decimals Addition/Subtraction of Fractions with Unlike Denominators Multiplication/Division of Fractions Patterns and Graphing Converting Units of Measure Geometry and Volume

  14. Expectations with the GoMath! Program • - exploration of concepts BEFORE learning the steps to solve • problems • - hands-on activities • - higher expectation of student problem solving • - higher-level thinking required - real-life applications of concepts - deeper level of understanding - online opportunities for reteaching, enrichment, and/or practice

  15. Grading Weights/Percentages Tests (40%) Quizzes (20%) Homework (20%) Class Work/Class Participation (20%)

  16. Invention convention • Takes place annually in June for all 5th grade students. • Students apply problem solving skills to create an invention to solve an everyday problem. • Details about the project will be provided in March allowing time to research ideas and design inventions.

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