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Elvis Presley. King of rock. Who is Elvis Presley. Introduction…. Elvis is a musician and an actor He was known as the king of rock and roll He was also the most popular musician of the 20 th century Elvis stared singing at the age of 15 in High school
Elvis Presley King of rock
Who is Elvis Presley Introduction….. • Elvis is a musician and an actor • He was known as the king of rock and roll • He was also the most popular musician of the 20th century • Elvis stared singing at the age of 15 in High school • He won many awards for singing • His first album was Hound Dog
Life History • Elvis was born on January 8, 1935 in Mississippi • HE died on August 16, 1977 in Memphis • Elvis died at the age of 42 cause he had heart faller • He had a twin brother named Jesse Groan Presley • Elvis married Priscilla Beauliey on may 1 1967 in Las Vegas
The History of Elvis Presley • On November, 1948 his family moved to Memphis Tennessee in a 3 room house • In the Hums high school his eighth grade music teacher told him that he had no aptitude for singing But the next day he brought his guitar and sang in front of the class singing Keep Them Icy Cold Fingers off Me • After he showed his music teacher what he could do he became very popular • In 1954 he started working with Sun Records also the owner of Sam Phillips
Technology • Ever since Elvis became popular in music his face has been all over the world • Like in magazines, news, And even action fingers • He has also been interviewed with a lot of famous people • He has also been on the TV and radio • in the mid years of his life he has been noun for his singing skills • also everyone would take pictures of him
Reflection • I think that Elvis is a great person, and so is his music. I also think that he probably inspired other kids around the world to never give up on something you love. I enjoyed this project cause I liked learning about musicians.
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