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Overview Physics with Antiprotons @ PANDA (see J. Ritman, U. Wiedner) – Hadron Spectroscopy – Properties of Hadrons in Matter – Double - Hypernuclei – Options Conclusions. Hadron Physics with Antiprotons. Overview on p-induced Reactions. High Energy:
Overview Physics with Antiprotons @ PANDA (see J. Ritman, U. Wiedner) – Hadron Spectroscopy – Properties of Hadrons in Matter – Double -Hypernuclei – Options Conclusions Hadron Physics with Antiprotons H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Overview on p-induced Reactions High Energy: pp-Colliders (CERN, Fermilab) Discovery of Z0, W± Discovery of t-Quark Medium Energy: Conventional p-beams (LBL, BNL, CERN, Fermilab, KEK, ...) p-Storage Rings (LEAR (CERN); Antiproton Accumulator (Fermilab)) p-N interaction Meson Spectroscopy (u, d, s, c) p-nucleus Interaction Hypernuclei Antihydrogen FAIR-Project Higher p-energies (≤ 15 GeV) Cooled p-beams Much higher luminosities Low Energy (Stopped p‘s): Conventional p-beams p-Storage Rings (LEAR, AD (CERN)) p-Atoms (pHe) p/p-mass ratio Antihydrogen H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Existing Future Project SIS 100/300 SIS UNILAC CBM FRS ESR HESR Super FRS PANDA PAX CR NESR RESR FLAIR H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Hadron Spectroscopy New feature: Spin-exotic quantum numbers possible, not allowed in qq (JPC = 0+–, 1–+, ...) Naive Quark Model: Mesons (Resonances) = qq-states Baryons (Resonances) = qqq-states Particular states: cc = Charmonium (QCD-analog to e+e–-Positronium states) LQCD + Model calculations: Existence of exotic states H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Charmonium – the Positronium of QCD Mass [MeV] Binding energy [meV] 4100 y ¢¢¢ (4040) Ionisationsenergie P (~ 3940) 3 2 0 3900 D 3 (~ 3800) P (~ 3880) 3 3 D 3 S 3 S 3 1 3 3 3 D 1 2 1 0 1 2 3 D P (~ 3800) D 3 -1000 3 1 1 y ¢¢ (3770) 0 2 D 2 P 3 3 D 2 P 3 D 3 3 2 1 2 2 S 3 2 2 S 1 1 1 2 P 1 3 ¢ ~ 600 meV 0 y (3686) 3700 1 2 P 3 0 10-4 eV h ¢ (3590) -3000 c c (3556) 2 h (3525) c c (3510) 1 3500 c (3415) 0 -5000 3300 1 S 3 8·10-4 eV 1 S 1 1 0 -7000 y (3097) 3100 0.1 nm + - e e C 1 fm h (2980) C c 2900 • Charmonium • Positronium H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
cc(g) - Lattice Predictions 42] K. Juge, J. Kuti, and C. Morningstar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 161601 (2003). H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Glueballs C. Morningstar PRD60, 034509 (1999) g g g • Self interaction between gluons • Construction of color-neutral hadrons with gluons possible • exotic glueballs don‘t mix with • mesons (qq) • 0--, 0+-, 1-+, 2+-, 3-+, ... H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
PANDA – Hadron Spectroscopy Program Mass range: H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
PANDA – Hadron Spectroscopy Program Experiments cc : • c (11S0) experimental error on M > 1 MeV hard to understand in simple quark models • c’ (21S0) • Crystal Ball result way off study of hadronic decays • hc(1P1) • Spin dependence of QQ potential Compare to triplet P-States LQCD NRQCD • States above the DD threshold Higher vector states not confirmed (3S), (4S) Expected location of 1st radial excitation of P wave statesExpected location of narrow D wave states, only (3770) seenSensitive to long range Spin-dependent potential • Nature of the new X(3872)/ X(3940), Y(3940) and Z(3940) H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
PANDA – Hadron Spectroscopy Program Hybrids (ccg) : ? Decay modes: J/; D*D Example: Ground State Decay modes: , H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
PANDA – Hadron Spectroscopy Program Glueballs (gg) • Predictions: • Masses: • 1.5-5.0 GeV/c2 (Ground state found? ; • Candidates for further states?) • Quantum numbers: • Several spin exotics (oddballs), e.g. • JPC = 2+- (4.3 GeV/c2 ) • Widths: ≥ 100 MeV/c2 • – Decay into two lighter glueballs often forbidden because of q.-n. • – No mixing effects for oddballs Decays: , , H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
PANDA – Hadron Spectroscopy Program The DS± spectrum |cs> + c.c. was not expected to reveal any surprises, but ... Potential model Old measurements New observations (BaBar, CLEO-c, Belle) Or these are molecules? Open Charm States New observations H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Merits of Antiprotons (1) In pp-annihilation all mesons can be formed Example: pp 1,2 J/ e+e– In contrast: In e+e–-annihilation only JPC = 1-- can be found e+e– J/ , e+e– 1,2 Resonance cross section Measured rate Beam CM Energy Resolution of the mass and width is only limited by the (excellent) beam momentum resolution H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Merits of Antiprotons (2) p-beams can be cooled Excellent beam momentum resolution H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
High Resolution of M and G • Crystal Ball: typical • resolution ~ 10 MeV • Fermilab: 240 keV • PANDA: ~20 keV p/p ~ 10-5 needed H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Merits of Antiprotons (3) pp-cross sections high Data with very high statisties Example: pp 000 (LEAR) f0(1500) = best candidate for Glueball ground state Low final state multiplicities: Clean spectra, Good for PWA analyses H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Merits of Antiprotons (4) ^ Example: pp 00 : (1400) (JPC = 1–+) = candidate for Hybrid ground state High probability for production of exotic states H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Properties of Hadrons in Matter K– (su): ms/mu ≈ 40 D+ (cd): mc/md ≈ 200 Quark atom u u u u u u d d d d d d d d d d d d _ D+ d c attractive _ d c D- repulsive Mass splittings becausecharge conjugation symmetrybroken at nB 0 Overall attraction of Kaons dueto scalar interaction:KN sigma term Mass splitting dueto vector interaction:Weinberg-Tomozawa H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
J/, Absorption in Nuclei J/ absorption cross section in nuclear matter p + A J/ + (A–1) H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Douple -Hypernuclei – Hypernuclei open a 3rd dimension (strangeness) in the nuclear chart Double-hypernuclei:very little data Baryon-baryon interactions:L-N only short ranged (no 1p exchange due to isospin) L-L impossible in scattering reactions K+K Trigger p – _ X 3 GeV/c X- secondary target • X-(dss)p(uud)L(uds)L(uds) H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Timelike Proton Form Factors at large Q2 The time like FF remains about a factor 2 above the space like. These differences should vanish in pQCD, thus the asymptotic behavior has not yet been reached at these large values of |q2|. (HESR up to s ~ 25 GeV2) (PANDA probably up to 20 GeV2) q2>0 q2<0 H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Physics Program / Further Options • – Baryon Spectroscopy • New states, Quantum numbers and decay rates H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Physics Program / Further Options • – Direct CP-Violation in , -decays • Compare angular decay asymmetries • Prediction (SM) ≈ 2x10-5 HESR: 1 year of beamtime – CP-Violation in charmed region Direct CP-Violation (SCS) H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Physics Program / Further Options • Study of reversed Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) • Nucleon structure functions H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Conclusions Enormous impact in particle physics of p-induced reactions p-induced reactions have unique features – Nearly all states can be directly produced – High cross sections guarantee high statistics data p-beams can be cooled very effectively The planned p-experiments at FAIR will contribute to a further understanding of the non-perturbative sector of QCD H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Charmonium Production in pp * for selected decay mode ** L = 2x1032 cm–2s–1, 50% accelerator and detector efficiency, integrated luminosity = 8 pb–1/day *** 1% B.R. for this decay mode H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
QCD-Vacuum as function of p and T H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
HESR / PANDA Production Rates (1-2 (fb)-1/y) Final State cross section # reconstr. events/y Common Feature : Low multiplicity events Moderate particle energies For Pairs : Charge symmetric conditions Trigger on one, investigate the other H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Charmonium Physics Plab [GeV/c] c2(23P2) Mcc [GeV/c2] 4.6 ψ(13D3) 10.3 c1(23P1) 4.5 ψ(13D2) h1c(21P1) c0(23P0) 4.4 ψ(11D2) 9.3 4.3 4.2 ψ(23S1) 8.0 4.1 c2(13P2) 4.0 ηc(31S0) 7.1 3.9 h1c(11P1) c1(13P1) 3.8 6.3 3.7 c0(13P0) 3.6 5.5 3.5 3.4 4.8 J/ψ(13S1) 3.3 3.2 3.1 4.1 3.0 3.4 2.9 JP=0- 1- 1+ (0,1,2)+ 2- (1,2,3)- DsJ*DsJ* Most states above DD not measured Are (4040) and (4160) strong mixtures of the (3S) and hybrid charmonium states or (4040) is D*D*-molecule? ψ(43S1) ψ(33S1) D*D* X(3872) DD* ψ(13D1) DD ηc(21S0) Is the narrow X(3872) state D0D* molecule? Measure decay branching ratios. ηc(11S0) H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
* Threshold production of DsJ(2317) • Depend on internal structure • the width of DsJ can be different: – Current limit 4.9 MeV – -doubling 10 keV – Phenomenological 130 keV – DsK – molecules 200 keV * H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
Crypto-exotic Baryons with Charm ? J.Hofmann & M.Lutz hep-ph/0507071 Many Narrow Resonances Decays to N H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005
HESR: High Energy Storage Ring Beam Momentum 1.5 - 15 GeV/c High Intensity Mode: Luminosity 2x1032 cm-2s-1 (2x107Hz) dp/p (st. cooling) ~10-4 High Resolution Mode: Luminosity 2x1031 cm-2s-1 dp/p (e- cooling) ~10-5 H. Koch, SFAIR, Lund, Sept. 12-13, 2005