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PAYROLL PROCEDURES ANNUAL UPDATE 2013-2014. PRESENTER: OSCAR TRIGO-DIRECTOR OF PAYROLL. CONTACT INFORMATION. Oscar Luis Trigo Jr – Director of Payroll (956) 632-8849 Lazaro Ramos – Staff Accountant (956) 618-7345 Theresa Caceres (956) 618-6044 Lead Payroll Clerk

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  2. CONTACT INFORMATION • Oscar Luis Trigo Jr – Director of Payroll • (956) 632-8849 • Lazaro Ramos – Staff Accountant • (956) 618-7345 • Theresa Caceres (956) 618-6044 Lead Payroll Clerk • Lucinda Jauregui (956) 632-8448 Payroll Clerk • Margot Ochoa (956) 618-6041 Payroll Clerk • Elizabeth Becerra (956) 632-8849 Payroll Clerk • Anita Solis (956) 618-6043 Payroll Clerk • Belinda Solis (956) 618-6040 Payroll Clerk

  3. UPDATES • Updates to Payroll Manual • Section A – General Information • Section E – SFE & Substitutes • Section F – Rates • Section G – Payroll Encumbrances • Section H – Payroll Reports

  4. Section A – General Information

  5. Section A • Pay Dates • http://mws.mcallenisd.net/business/payroll/index.html

  6. Section A • Payroll Related Forms now fillable • http://mws.mcallenisd.net/business/payroll/index.html

  7. Section A • HB 2961 – Removal of Social Security numbers from forms • As a result of HB 2961, all payroll related forms have been updated to comply with a new requirement that prohibits the use of a district employee’s social security number as an employee identifier other than for tax purposes. All payroll related forms have been updated to comply with this new bill. These new forms are to be used effectively immediately.

  8. Section E – SFE & Substitutes

  9. Section E • Beginning with the 2013-2014 school year, a verify check will be done at each location on SFE for processing substitutes. This will replace all SFE Daily Reports that were previously faxed/emailed to the Payroll Department from all campuses.

  10. Section E • SFE Reports are now auto generated and will be emailed to a reviewer, a backup reviewer, and an administrator at each location. The reports will be emailed based on the following schedule: • Campuses: The current day’s absence reports will be emailed at 7:00am, 1:00pm and again at 11:00pm.

  11. Section E • All substitutes must sign at least one report, location is responsible to keeping signed document on file and random internal audits will be done periodically through the year. As part of our annual audit, external auditor will ask for copies of signatures and locations will be responsible for providing copies.

  12. Section E • Site Administrator/Principal must sign off on at least one daily report

  13. Section E • The following should be looked at when reviewing the daily report: • Job HH (Job Hours) should never be more than 9 hours. If there is such an instance, this would indicate that the absence was called for an incorrect period. (Ex. 1:00am to 5:00pm)

  14. Section E • The SFE verify process is as follows: • Begin by going to Job Inquiry/Reports

  15. Section E • Next ensure that Job Type is set to All, Job Status is set to All, exclude cancelled, Sub Status is set to all, and the Search from date is for the date(s) you will be verifying absences/substitutes and click on SEARCH

  16. Section E • To verify absences/substitutes click on the Verify Box to manually verify each absence against your printed emailed report where your sub signatures are on.

  17. Section E • When done verifying, select Save Verified.

  18. Section E • The payroll department will process payment for all substitutes who have had their information verified through the SFE system • SFE Verify Approval must be done daily by campus clerk. Prior days verify approval is due by the next day at noon.

  19. Section E • All daily reports are subject to be pulled for audit, both by our internal and external auditor. This is extremely critical with substitutes. Please ensure that all absences being verified electronically on SFE are accurate and that all substitutes sign the SFE Job report for every day they work.

  20. Section E • Each location is required to keep 4 years worth of reports on file as per Record Retention Record Number GR1050-56.

  21. Section F – Rates & CDH Codes

  22. Section F • All board approved rates for the current fiscal year are listed in this section as well as a listing of available CDH codes to be used when compiling a supplemental request form.

  23. Section G – Payroll Encumbrances

  24. Section G • Payroll Expenses that WILL be encumbered through the payroll encumbrance module: • Salaries and Fringe Benefits associated with those salaries (Those setup through HR via liquid office) • Stipends and Fringe Benefits associated with those stipends (Those setup through HR via liquid office)

  25. Section G • Payroll Expenses that WILL NOT be encumbered through the payroll encumbrance module: • Any supplement pay submitted through supplemental request forms • Substitutes

  26. Section G • The payroll encumbrance postings will be done monthly shortly after the actual monthly payroll is processed. The encumbrance will account for any future expenses for both the biweekly and the monthly payroll.

  27. Section G • Encumbrance Posting Example

  28. Section G • During the September monthly payroll, $8,057.49 was expensed for this employee leaving $32,992.52 as an encumbrance.

  29. Section G

  30. Section H – Payroll Reports

  31. Section H • There are currently two types of Payroll History Reports. • PY00408-Payroll History by Account (8042) by Date Range with Totals • PY00120 – Employee Earned Distribution Report.

  32. Section H • PY00408-Payroll History by Account (8042) by Date Range with Totals • This report will only display salary and wages expense accounts. These include all 611X and 612X accounts. • No fringe benefits are displayed in these reports.

  33. Section H • Generating PY00408 Report • Begin by entering the start and end date for the expenses that you are generating your payroll history report for. Next enter your account distribution funding information and select submit.

  34. Section H • Generating PY00408 Report

  35. Section H • Generating PY00408 Report

  36. Section H • PY00120 - Employee Earned Distribution • This report will display all salary and wages as well as the fringe benefits associated with the salary and wages. • To generate a payroll distribution you will need to locate the pay period for the expense you are looking for.

  37. Section H • Generating PY00120 Report • Begin by generating a GL00060 – General Ledger Detail by Fund & Object.

  38. Section H • Generating PY00120 Report

  39. Section H • Generating PY00120 Report

  40. Section H • Generating PY00120 Report • Using the pay period from the GL0060 report above, we will use this information to generate our the PY00120 - Employee Earned Distribution. Generating this report is similar to generating most GL reports as the only difference is the addition of the Pay Period number.

  41. Section H • Generating PY00120 Report

  42. Section H • Generating PY00120 Report

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