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fueling business transformation. consulting| solutions | outsourcing. web site analytics last updated 12.06.2009. contents. Traffic Report: Annual Summaries Traffic Report: Annual Comparison Traffic Report: # of Visitors per Hour Traffic Report: # of Visitors per Day
fueling business transformation consulting| solutions | outsourcing web site analytics last updated 12.06.2009
contents Traffic Report: Annual Summaries Traffic Report: Annual Comparison Traffic Report: # of Visitors per Hour Traffic Report: # of Visitors per Day Traffic Report: # of Visitors per Month Report: Top Pages Report: Top Referrals Report: Top Keywords Report: Top Domains Report: Browser Tree Report: Platform Tree Tracking Report: Top Exit Pages Tracking Report: Top Entrance Pages Tracking Report: Click Through Tracking Report: Depth of Visit Tracking Report: Length of Visit Urchin Enterprise Software 3.3 2
Traffic Report: Annual Summaries 2008 and 2009 Summary Traffic Data 2009 Report: Traffic Summary This display is a brief comparative chart showing Hits, Pageviews, Bytes, and Visitors for the last 24 hrs. vs. the daily average for the current month, and the percentage difference between the two. This is a practical and handy way to quickly assess whether traffic is generally increasing or decreasing. Why is this useful? Site owners can quickly assess if all the major parameters of site visitation are increasing or decreasing with the large, color-coded "+" and "-" signs on the chart. Promotional efforts can be instantly evaluated. 2008 3
Traffic Report: Annual Comparison 2008 & 2009 Summary Data YOY Comparison* * data skewed due to extraordinary traffic increase 9/09 – 11/09? 4
Traffic Report: # of Visitors per Hour Representative Month: May, 2009 Reports: Hourly Graph This chart breaks down traffic by hour, showing the number of Visitors for each hour period Why is this useful? Knowing at what times traffic is highest and lowest is important for scheduling updates to websites, especially if the site is going to be down for any length of time. In most cases site owners will want to do maintenance during off-peak hours. The time that traffic is highest also helps indicate which time zone is the biggest traffic source. 11am – 12pm 9pm – 12pm 7am – 8am 5
Traffic Report: # of Visitors per Day Representative Month: August, 2009 • Notes: • Saturday: least amount of traffic • Tuesday/Wednesday: most amount of traffic Report: Daily Graph This graph lists each day of the current month, and the traffic each represents. Why is this useful? This report is important for determining the recent visitation trend, what days of the week are important for your site, and whether people are visiting mostly at work (during the week) or at home (on weekends). The effects of holidays, promotions, and other special events on site traffic can also be easily assessed with this report. Weekend 6
Traffic Report: # of Visitors per Month 2008 and 2009 Note spike in visits 2009 Data 10,000 10,000 2008 Data 7
Report: Top Pages 2009 • Analysis - Summary of Top Pages: • Index (home) • Contact • Careers • Team • Horizons EAI whitepaper [2004] • LH/IBM SOA Briefing [2004] • Horizons .NET whitepaper [2004] • Board of Directors • Horizons Vendor Selection whitepaper [2007] • EA Forum • Raymond Bordogna Bio • Vision • News/Events 2009 Description: Top Pages ReportThis chart shows the full path of the top 10 (default) pages accessed on the site. Why is this useful? This report tells you which pages on your site are the most commonly accessed. This allows you to gauge the effectiveness of your navigation system, and determine the reason for low-trafficked pages. Are they hampered by mechanical issues or content issues? 8
Report: Top Referrals 2009 • Analysis: • No referral: 77% • Google: 4% • notable: LinkedIn profile [127 visitors; 1%] • notable: eZine [127 visitors; 1%] • notable: springsource [41 visitors; ~0%] • notable: estr [39 visitors; ~0%] • Description: Top Referrals ReportA "referral" is a page which contains a link to your site, and that has been clicked on by a web surfer. • Why is this useful? • Referrals are one of the most important things to know about the traffic to your website. With Referral reporting you will know things such as: • which search engines are successfully finding your site • which keywords people are using • which links on other sites are producing traffic for your site; • which advertisements are working; • which promotional activities are producing results 9
Report: Top Keywords 2009 • Analysis: • Most keywords are some variant of LiquidHub Report Description: Top Keywords This report shows the actual keywords or phrases visitors typed into search engines, such as Yahoo!, AltaVista, HotBot, Northernlight, or Lycos. Why is this useful? The art of search engine placement requires keyword reporting in order to know which words and phrases are successfully leading people to your site under which search engines. With this knowledge you will know which search engines you need to work on, and which ones you are having success with. You will also be able to tailor the verbiage on your site to improve placement on all search engines, as text, especially bold or large text, is often used by search engines to rank sites according to a particular keyword or phrase 10
Report: Top Domains 2009 Reports Description: Top Domains This is a "top 10" type report showing the networks that visited your site the most. Since many IP addresses cannot be resolved, this report does not represent all the hits recorded by the server, but it does give a fairly accurate picture of the distribution of traffic from the various ISP, government, military, and foreign networks. Why is this useful? Depending on the type of site you operate, you may need to know if government (".gov"), military (".mil"), or foreign domains (such as ".uk") are visiting your site. It may also be critical to your site to know if your visitors are from networks with substandard browsers, such as aol.com, as you may need to make special accommodations on your site to properly handle these visitors. Also, if the bulk of your traffic is foreign, you may wish to mirror your site overseas 11
Report: Browser Tree 2009 Reports Description: Browser Tree This report shows in tree format which agents (browsers, robots, spiders, etc.) have been accessing your site. If Netscape, for instance, is listed with a small arrow next to it, click on the arrow, and you get the traffic from each variant of the Netscape browser that Urchin encountered. Why is this useful? Many advanced website features, including JavaScript, Shockwave, Flash, and others require certain browser releases to work properly, or at all. If, for instance, you find that many of your users are browsing with Netscape 2.0, you'll know you need to provide an alternative to JavaScript navigation. 12
Report: Platform Tree 2009 Report Description: Platform Tree This report shows which operating-system platforms have been visiting your site. Windows is broken down to Windows 3.1, 95, 98, NT, and 2000. Mac is either 68k or PowerPC. Unix is Linux, BSD, HP-UX, AIX, OS X, etc. Why is this useful? Many common website features, such as ActiveX controls and Shockwave, may work on one platform but not others. This report allows you tailor your site accordingly 13
Tracking Report: Top Entrance Pages November, 2009 [Monthly View Only] • Analysis: • we need to spruce up our contact page • we need to update our ea forum page • no one is entering on our services/solutions pages! Report Description: Top Entrances This report lists the top pages visitors initially encountered on your site. The top page will usually be "index.html" or "default.html", but often site owners are surprised to find that one of their sub-pages has been linked from another site or has been bookmarked and is receiving a great deal of traffic. Why is this useful? It's important to know which pages represent the "face" of your website to the world. Most website owners assume it is always the home page, but that's not the case. Quite often a page deep within your site will be bookmarked or linked from other sites, and may even be the most commonly accessed page on your site. This report helps you identify and improve these pages. 14
Tracking Report: Top Exit Pages November, 2009 [Monthly View Only] • Analysis: • no one is exiting on our services pages! Reports Description: Top Exits This report shows the last pages viewed by each recognized visitor before they left the site. Why is this useful? It's critical to know what about your site, if anything, is not compelling or simply displeasing to site visitors, and to take corrective action. With Urchin's Top Exits report, you can quickly see which pages are the last seen by visitors to your site. If this is your "Thank you for your purchase" page, you're doing well. If not, it will be clear which pages need corrective action. 15
Tracking Report: Click Through November, 2009 [Monthly View Only] Click Paths This report lists the top paths people took in travelling through your site, sorted by the initial page visited. Since paths are often so long, they are represented on this report by hyperlinked page names, each representing a page first visited. Click on any entry and a separate window will pop up. This window shows each page traveled to from the page clicked on; in turn, each of these can be clicked on to explore the paths taken by your site's visitors. Why is this useful? It's crucial to know if your site's navigation is working how you designed it to. If your site's visitors are frequently returning to the home page, they may be unable to find what they are looking for, or may be confused by the site's navigation. Also, if you have a path or set of paths you are trying to lead visitors down, you can easily assess the effectiveness of that effort with this report 16
Tracking Report: Depth of Visit 2009 Note the Zipf curve [i.e., long-tail distribution] associated with web site usage patterns Reports: Depth of Visit This report shows you at a glance how deep into your site your visitors have gone. The 'y' axis is denominated in visitors, and the 'x' is in pages. Why is this useful? This report allows you to quickly assess whether your attempts to bring people deeper into your site are successful, whether your navigation is effective, and your content compelling. 17
Tracking Report: Length of Visit 2009 Reports Description: Length of Visit This report shows how much time your visitors are, on average, spending on your site. The horizontal axis is a logarithmic-type range spanning these intervals: 0-10 seconds, 11-30 seconds, 31-60 seconds, 1-3 minutes, 3-10 minutes and 30+ minutes. If a given visitor only visits one page on your site, they fall under the "0-10" seconds range, even though they may be reading that one page for hours. There is of course no way to know this information. Why is this useful? The time users spend on your site is a great indication of how useful and compelling they find your content. By tweaking your site's offerings and frequently checking your Urchin reports, you can effectively increase the time people are spending on your site. 18