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Explore the intricate path of the Gall Bladder primary channel in the body, from the eye to the foot, including its branches and connections to other channels. Learn about its functions and connections in traditional Chinese medicine.
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL • begins near the outer canthus of the eye at TongziliaoGB-1, • crosses to the anterior portion of the ear at TinghuiGB-2 then ascends to the upper border of the zygomaticarch at Shangguan GB-3,
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL • ascends to the corner of the forehead at HanyanGB-4 and descends via points Xuanlu GB-5, XuanliGB-6 and Qubin GB-7 to the region above the ear where it meets with Erheliao SJ-22, • curves posteriorly behind the ear to the mastoid process at Wangu GB-12, meeting with JiaosunSJ-20 on the way,
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL • curves upwards across the side of the head to the corner of the forehead at Touwei ST-8 and descends to the supraorbital region at Yangbai GB-14, • ascends and curves across the side of the head to FengchiGB-20 below the occiput,
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL • crosses the top of the shoulder via JianjingGB-21 and Tianliao SJ-15 to meet with the spine at DazhuiDU-14, • passes laterally via Dazhu BL-11 to BingfengSI-12 then anteriorly to enter the supraclavicular fossa at QuepenST-12.
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL A branch • emerges behind the ear and enters the ear at YifengS J-17, • emerges in front of the ear and passes via TinggongSI-19 and Xiaguan ST-7 to the outer canthus, • descends to the corner of the jaw near Daying ST-5,
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL • crosses the Sanjiao channel and rises to the infraorbitalregion, and meets with Jingming BL-1, • descends to the neck, passing near Jiache ST-6 and intersecting Renying ST-9 to rejoin the main channel in the supraclavicular fossa, • descends into the chest, meeting with the Pericardium channel at Tianchi P-1,
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL • crosses the diaphragm, connects with the Liver and unites with the Gall Bladder, • continues along the inside of the ribs to emerge in the inguinal region,
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL • encircles the genitals, runs superficially along the margin of the pubic hair then enters deeply to emerge at the sacral region where it meets the Bladder channel at Baliao (the four points of the sacral foramina) and the Governing vessel at ChangqiangDU-1, • emerges on the buttock at Huantiao GB-30.
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL Another branch • descends from the supraclavicular fossa to the anterior aspect of the axilla, then passes through YuanyeGB-22, Zhejin GB-23 and Riyue GB-24, • intersects the Liver channel at Zhangmen LIV-13,
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL • descends to the hip joint to meet the previous branch at Huantiao GB-30 and continues down the lateral aspect of the thigh and knee, • descends along the lateral aspect of the lower leg to the anterior aspect of the lateral malleolus, • follows the dorsal surface of the foot along the groove between the fourth and fifth metatarsals to end on the lateral side of the tip of the fourth toe at ZuqiaoyinGB-44.
THE GALL BLADDER PRIMARY CHANNEL Another branch • separates on the foot at Zulinqi GB-41 and runs between the first and second metatarsal bones to the medial tip of the big toe then through the toenail to link with the Liver channel.
THE GALL BLADDER LUO-CONNECTING CHANNEL • separates from the primary channel at GuangmingGB-37, • connects with the Liver channel, • descends and disperses over the dorsum of the foot.
THE GALL BLADDER DIVERGENT CHANNEL • diverges from the primary channel on the thigh, • enters the pubic hairline where it converges with the divergent channel of the Liver, • enters the flank between the lower ribs,
THE GALL BLADDER DIVERGENT CHANNEL • connects with the Gall Bladder and spreads upwards through the Liver, • proceeds upwards across the Heart and oesophagus, • emerges at the lower jaw, disperses in the face, connects with the eye and rejoins the Gall Bladder primary channel at the outer canthus.
THE GALL BLADDER SINEW CHANNEL • begins at the fourth toe and binds at the lateral malleolus, • ascends the lateral aspect of the leg to bind at the lateral aspect of the knee,
THE GALL BLADDER SINEW CHANNEL A branch • begins in the upper portion of the fibula and ascends along the lateral aspect of the thigh. A sub-branch • runs anteriorly to bind in the area above Futu ST-32.
THE GALL BLADDER SINEW CHANNEL Another sub-branch • runs posteriorly and binds at the sacrum. The vertical branch • ascends across the ribs and travels anteriorly to the axilla, linking first with the breast and then binding at Quepen ST-12.
THE GALL BLADDER SINEW CHANNEL Another branch • ascends from the axilla and passes through QuepenST-12, • ascends anterior to the Bladder channel, passing behind the ear to the temple, • continues to the vertex where it meets with its bilateral counterpart.
THE GALL BLADDER SINEW CHANNEL A branch • descends from the temple across the cheek and binds at the side of the nose. A sub-branch • binds at the outer canthus.
TONGZILIAO GB-1 Pupil Crevice
TongziliaoGB-1 LOCATION In the hollow on the lateral side of the orbital margin, approximately 0.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus.
TongziliaoGB-1 NEEDLING Transverse insertion posteriorly 0.2 to 0.3 cun, or extend to connect with Taiyang (M-HN-9). Note: according to several modern texts, this point is contraindicated to moxibustion. ACTIONS • Benefits the eyes, eliminates wind and clears heat
TongziliaoGB-1 INDICATIONS • Eye pain, redness, swelling and pain of the eyes, lacrimation, lacrimation on exposure to wind, itching of the eyes, redness and itching of the inner or outer canthus, short sightedness, superficial visual obstruction, dimness of vision, night blindness. • Deviation of the mouth and eye, throat painful obstruction, headache, pain of the supraorbital ridge.
TongziliaoGB-1 COMBINATIONS • Internal eye obstruction: Tongziliao GB-1, HeguL.I.-4, Zulinqi GB-41 and Jingming BL-1 (Great Cornpendium). • Superficial visual obstruction: Tongziliao GB-1 and QiuxuGB-40 (Supplementing Life). • Swelling of the breasts in women: TongziliaoGB-1 and Shaoze SI-1 (Illustrated Supplement).
TINGHUI GB-2 Meeting of Hearing
TinghuiGB-2 LOCATION In the hollow between the intertragicnotch posteriorly and the condyloid process of the mandible anteriorly. Locate this point with the mouth wide open.
TinghuiGB-2 LOCATION NOTE In order to locate this point, ask the patient to open the mouth so that the condyloid process of the mandible slides forwards to reveal the depression.
TinghuiGB-2 NEEDLING Slightly posterior insertion 0.5 to 1 cun. This point should be needled with the mouth wide open. The patient may close the mouth after insertion. ACTIONS • Benefits the ears, eliminates wind and clears heat • Activates the channel and alleviates pain
TinghuiGB-2 INDICATIONS • Tinnitus, deafness, redness, swelling, pain and purulent discharge from the ear, itching of the ear. • Mumps, toothache, windstroke, deviation of the mouth and eye, pain of the mandibular joint, dislocation of the jaw, difficulty in masticating, disorientation.
TinghuiGB-2 COMBINATIONS • Swelling, pain and redness of the ear: TinghuiGB-2, Hegu L.I.-4 and Jiache ST-6 (Great Compendium). • Deafness due to qi obstruction: TinghuiGB-2, TinggongSI-19 and Yifeng SJ-17; then needle ZusanliST-36 and HeguL.I.-4 (Great Compendium).
TinghuiGB-2 COMBINATIONS • Deafness and tinnitus: Tinghui GB-2, TianrongSI-17, TinggongSI-19 and Zhongzhu SJ-3 (Thousand Ducat Formulas). • Deafness: Tinghui GB-2, Zhongzhu SJ-3, WaiguanSJ-5, ErheliaoSJ-22, ShangyangL.I.-1, TinggongSI-19, Hegu L.I.-4 and Zhongchong P-9 (Precious Mirror).
TinghuiGB-2 COMBINATIONS • Impaired hearing and deafness: TinghuiGB-2, ErmenSJ-21, Fengchi GB-20, Xiaxi GB-43 and TinggongSI-19 (Great Compendium). • Impaired hearing and deafness: Tinghui GB-2 and WaiguanSJ-5 (Supplementing Life).
TinghuiGB-2 COMBINATIONS • Bilateral deafness due to injury by cold: TinghuiGB-2 and Jinmen BL-63 (Ode of Xi-hong). • Tinnitus: Tinghui GB-2, Tinggong 51-19, ErmenSJ-21, BaihuiDU-20, Luoque BL-8, YangxiL.I.-5, QianguSI-2, Houxi SI-3, Wangu SI-4, Zhongzhu SJ-3, Yemen SJ-2, ShangyangL.I.-1 and Shenshu BL-23 (Great Compendium).
TinghuiGB-2 COMBINATIONS • Toothache with aversion to cold: TinghuiGB-2, DayingST-5, Quanliao SI-18 and QuchiL.I.-11 (Thousand Ducat Formulas). • Deviation of the mouth and eye: Tinghui GB-2, JiacheST-6, Dicang ST-4 Renzhong DU-26, ChengjiangREN-24 and HeguL.I.-4 (Illustrated Supplement).
SHANGGUAN GB-3 Above the Joint
Shangguan GB-3 LOCATION Anterior to the ear, in a hollow above the upper border of the zygomatic arch, directly superior to Xiaguan ST-7.
Shangguan GB-3 LOCATION NOTE First locate Xiaguan ST-7 at the lower border of the zygomaticarch, in the depression anterior to the condyloidprocess of the mandible. Then run the palpating finger superiorly over the zygomatic arch into the hollow.
Shangguan GB-3 NEEDLING Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun. Caution: it is traditionally emphasised that deep needling should be avoided at this point. ACTIONS • Eliminates wind and benefits the ears • Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Shangguan GB-3 INDICATIONS • Deafness, tinnitus, purulent discharge from the ear, dimness of vision, pain of the face, toothache of the upper jaw, stiffness of the lips. • Headache, aversion to wind and cold, chills and fever, hemiplegia, deviation of the mouth and eye, lockjaw, tetany leading to bone pain, clonic spasm.
Shangguan GB-3 COMBINATIONS • Hemiplegia with deviation of the mouth and eye: ShangguanGB-3 and Xiaguan ST-7 (Supplementing Life). • Lockjaw: Shangguan GB-3, Jiache ST-6 and Ahshipoints (Compilation).
HANYAN GB-4 Jaw Serenity
HANYAN GB-4 LOCATION In the temporal region, within the hairline, one quarter of the distance between Touwei ST-8 and Qubin GB-7. NEEDLING Transverse insertion 0.5-1 -5 cun.
HANYAN GB-4 NEEDLING Note: This point, in common with all points within the hairline, may be needled in any direction. Direction depends on symptomatology, in other words direct the needle either towards where the headache or other pain radiates, or join by through needling to other head points. The needle should be inserted deep to the subcutaneous layer, into the loose areolar tissue adjacent to the bone of the skull, rather than more shallowly.
HANYAN GB-4 ACTIONS • Eliminates wind and clears heat • Activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS • One-sided headache, head wind (with pain at bilateral TaiyangM-HN-9), headache with heat in the body, visual dizziness, pain and redness of the outer canthus.
HANYAN GB-4 INDICATIONS • Tinnitus, earache. • Clonic spasm, lockjaw, epilepsy, deviation of the mouth and eye, toothache, sneezing. • Neck pain, wrist pain, inability to flex the wrist, joint wind with sweating.
HANYAN GB-4 COMBINATIONS • One-sided headache: Hanyan GB-4 and XuanluGB-5 (One Hundred Symptoms). • Wind dizziness and one-sided headache: HanyanGB-4, Qianding DU-21 and Houding DU-19 (Thousand Ducat Formulas).
HANYAN GB-4 COMBINATIONS • Wind dizziness: Hanyan GB-4, Houding DU-19 and YuzhenBL-9 (Supplementing Life). • Neck pain, joint pain and sweating: HanyanGB-4, FeiyangBL-58 and Yongquan KID-1 (Thousand Ducat Formulas).
XUANLU GB-5 Suspended Skull
XUANLU GB-5 LOCATION In the temporal region, within the hairline, half the distance between Touwei ST-8 and Qubin GB-7.