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TAGOrg 2022

TAGOrg 2022. AGIP Session. Welcome. Keywords: Passion Future Leader Development … Some info about: Losing clients, common mistakes, writing & style. Why do we lose clients. 1% just die 3% move away 4% natural changers 5% take friends’ recommendations 10% Natural Complaints

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TAGOrg 2022

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TAGOrg 2022 AGIP Session

  2. Welcome • Keywords: • Passion • Future • Leader • Development • … • Some info about: Losing clients, common mistakes, writing & style

  3. Why do we lose clients • 1% just die • 3% move away • 4% natural changers • 5% take friends’ recommendations • 10% Natural Complaints • 68% because of indifferent attitude

  4. The bad news • When a customer complains, there are about 30 who are unhappy but remain silent • An unhappy customer sill speak to about 15 friends about his bad experience • More than 90% of your unhappy customers will not come back when they find your competitors. • You pay 7 times more to get a new customer than to keep an old one • The word of mouth is 100% more effective than any other form of marketing • Happy customers will hardly tell more than 6 friends

  5. The good news • At least 90% of those who complain will come back to you, if you resolve their problem quickly • At least 70% of them will come back if you resolve their problem to their satisfaction • While 2% of them will come back if you apologize to them • When you impress your customer , they will enjoy it by telling others about it.

  6. “Style” • First and for most, determine recipient(s): to whom? • Avoid use of slang words • Use grammatically and linguistically correct sentences. • Avoid long sentence • Try not to use abbreviations and technical terms • Avoid the use of ambiguous and uncertain words such as soon, Shortly • Care to be taken to the salutation, title, and the correct spelling of the names of persons and companies

  7. “Style” • Be specific and avoid generalization • Make sure to use technically correct terms • Focus on delivering the objective of the message rather than the articulation thereof • When giving opinion, justify your answer • Watch Your Tone • Use clear signature • Always confirm phone calls with emails

  8. Common Mistakes • Unclear replies with no details when needed • Delays • Incomplete Answers • Inaccurate Correspondences • Linguistics • Tone

  9. Tone When responding to complaints: • Start by breaking the ice • Never express indifference- every complaints count • The Client is always right? • Focus on providing solutions rather than justifying • Avoid the “blame game” and exchanging accusations • Never take it personal • Never reply immediately • Ask someone to double-check • Avoid aggressive, dry, defensive and overly apologetic tones- be neutral and objectives at all times

  10. The 7 unique characteristics of services • Perishable (cannot be stored) • Heterogeneous • Operational process (often process based), steps that all must work • Encounter Based (last encounter very important), service culture • Non-conditional guarantees (we need to beware of some cultures in some regions!) • Intangible • X-llent people (we are as good as our weakest employee)

  11. New • Knowledge Database • WIPS 2.0 • Charges – Market competitiveness • Continuous training • Statistics from registrars, letter, and other info • Best practices • Inspection and support • Second person

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