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Pebble Hill Church Council Agenda December 12, 2007 7:00 – 9:30 pm Call to Order – Linda Lang –President Approval of the Minutes – Mary Taylor – Secretary * Thank You – Art Committee and Concert People; Caryn Cziriak, Website
Pebble Hill Church Council Agenda December 12, 2007 7:00 – 9:30 pm Call to Order – Linda Lang –President Approval of the Minutes – Mary Taylor – Secretary* Thank You – Art Committee and Concert People; Caryn Cziriak, Website Members Forum – About 3 minutes for each guests wishing to speak Set the Agenda – Add items or delete items Action Item List – Review non-completed items: Children’s Program Community Building: Social Committee, Camp Financial: Pledge Calls
Council Meeting Minutes* November 14th, 2007 Attendees: Mary Taylor, Ann Brentano, Karl Gevecker, Jim McGowen, Linda Lang, Sharon Kerrick, Chris Larue, Nancy Meehan, Alan Dench, Carolyn Penta Visitors: Jeff Padawer, Delores Scott, Andy Wright, Bill Talvite, Bill Mettler The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Linda Lang. The circle was blessed by Mary Taylor. The minutes were read and approved. Council wishes to thank Barbara Atkinson for managing the thermostats. Jackie Leasure for serving as editor of Lovenotes, Gus and Ashley Blanco for the children’s program and Jeff Padawer for heading up the yellow barn painting project. Ratification of votes taken by e-mail: Motion: that Council approve an increase in the payments made to our Celebration Coordinator, Larry Hall, from $540.00 per month to $750.00 per month effective with the November, 2007 payment. Passed unanimously.
Minutes continued.. Motion: That PHC Council accepts the recommendation of the Financial Task Force to alter phone service for a savings of $90 for the first month and an additional savings of $24 per month after that ($114 per month total savings). Passed unanimously. Council retreat: See report. Administrative Items: Carolyn Penta. 1. Key sign out 2. The winter maintenance agreement was reviewed and approved. 3. The proposal by Jim McGowen for the recycle dumpster was accepted / approved. 4. The Job Jar idea was approved unanimously. 5. Cleaning bids have been sent to two firms. 6. A “facility to do list” – what it takes to run this community monthly. 7. We have a broken window. The landscaper mower caused a rock to break a window. Carolyn is following up with the landscaper to have the window repaired. The action item list was reviewed. Bill Mettler and Bill Talvite presented a proposal for a Celebration as a fundraiser for our family in Africa. This was approved. Jim McGowen gave us the treasurers report. (see the report for details).
Council Meeting Minutes A motion was made to move $1,870.00 into the utilities line item and to approve the budget with this revision. Passed unanimously. Karl gave on update on pledges. Ann Brentano and Alan Dench will contact people in an effort to increase pledging. The Pax fund has been fully re-funded. Jeff Padawer and Jim McGowen are organizing our accounting systems. 12 step programs are behind on rent. This is causing some financial headaches. The process for hiring an office admin was reviewed. Some revisions to the packet will be made. The phone directory is complete. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm.
Council Items- Linda Lang Ratification of Votes taken by E-mail Celebration Coordinators Salary Increase Youth Rep Open Council Seat February Council Meeting Date – Sunday 2/17/08 ’07-‘08 Council Goals Community Building: ‘Declaration of Intent’ Website Organization / Ease of Use (Report)* Social Committee Financial: Set 2008-2009 Budget to reflect strategy Process Improvement: FAQ’s for Website
Pebble Website Development Meeting* A public meeting for the community was held in the Red Barn on Monday evening, December 3 to discuss the status development of the new Pebble website. Twelve community members attended and exchanged information on their wishes for the new web site. Jeff Padawer opened the meeting by explaining the new capabilities and features offered by our new hosting company which include significant room for growth, greater bandwidth, more content flexibility, and faster and easier community input. Jeff also demonstrated the first draft of the new website and explained the process that is underway to provide additional content and a new graphic design look for the website. There was also a brief demonstration of the tools and process that committee members can use to update their own areas on the website. Attendees asked many questions and offered many suggestions for making the new website a very useful tool for the community. You can sample the new (under-development) website at www.PebbleHillChurch.org/New. Footnotes: the Community Forum is currently unavailable, but work is underway to get it up and running as soon as possible. The live site is still www.PebbleHillChurch.org.
Pebble Hill Church Council Agenda December 12, 2007 7:00 – 9:30 pm Treasurer’s Report – Jim McGowen Year End Donation Art Auction Report Africa Fund Report 12 Step Programs Income Report Financial Strategy Draft – Karl Gevecker* Financial Task Force Minutes*
Pebble Hill Church Financial Strategy* (Proposed) Draft 11/29/07 ver 1.0 Preface Pebble Hill Church has struggled for years to meet its financial obligations. In recent years, despite our best efforts, we have operated at a budget deficit. Obviously, deficit operation is not a viable strategy and cannot continue. Against this background, Council has developed a Financial Strategy designed around a sustainable operating budget, maintenance of our physical plant, support of our outreach programs, and allowance for growth. The Goal Put the financial operation of the church on a sustainable plan so that future programs and operations can be based on a reliable budget projection.
Pebble Hill Church Financial Strategy The guiding principles in designing this strategy are: It should be clear and simple It should support our mission It should be understood and supported in theory by the community It should be possible The Strategy The strategy has three main components listed below and described in the detail following: I. The operating budget will be funded by contributions from the community II. The physical plant expenses will be paid from rental income III. Outreach programs will be supported through targeted fund raising programs
I. Operating Budget The operating budget is defined as all operating expenses except physical plant costs (as described below) and outreach program expenses. It includes such items as personnel costs, expenses for office and administration, celebration, insurance, telephone, internet, and the like. Expenses not specifically listed as physical plant or outreach program expenses are part of the operating budget. Contributions from the community include pledges, plate contributions, and other unrestricted financial gifts from any source. There will be a specific line item in the operating budget for savings, so that a reasonable amount of money is put aside for unexpected operational expenses and to allow for continued operations during variations in cash flow.
II. Physical Plant Physical plant expenses include all items needed to operate and maintain the physical plant with the exception of cleaning personnel, cleaning supplies, and trash removal which are part of operating expenses. Examples of included expenses are facility maintenance and repair, maintenance and repair of electrical, plumbing, heating systems, grounds maintenance, snow removal, pest control, and utilities. In addition, capital improvements and non-administrative equipment purchases such as tables and chairs are physical plant expenses. There will be a specific line item in the physical plant budget for a facility reserve. Funds in this line item are reserved for 1) unexpected (i.e., un budgeted) physical plant expenses, 2) targeted future physical plant expenses such as replacing a roof or heating system, and 3) anticipation of major physical plant expenses such as connecting to city sewer and water systems.
III. Outreach Program Fund Raising Outreach programs approved by Council will be funded from the proceeds of targeted fund raising events which may be specific appeals on behalf of an outreach program or may be a general fund raising event such as a dance, movie, art gallery sale, etc. Council believes that funding outreach programs in this way accomplishes a number of worthwhile goals. First, it provides a means of funding the outreach programs. Second, it involves the community in various community building social activities aside from raising money for the church operating budget. Third, it gives the community a way of “voting” to support the outreach programs of their choice.
Pebble Hill Church Financial Strategy The Roadmap to Implementation Getting from where we are now (operating on a balanced budget for the first time in 3 fiscal years) to operating in compliance with this financial strategy may take several steps. The first step is to see where we are now vis á vis this strategy. That is, for example, how close do we come now in sustaining the operating portion of our budget from contributions? What portion of our rental income covers our current physical plant expenses? The next steps will involve the migration of our operation to the new strategy. It may be necessary to allocate some portion of fund raising event proceeds to operations or physical plant until those areas are brought in line with this strategy. It may be necessary to limit our contributions to the reserves allocated for operations and physical plant. The exact modifications will be determined as we go, keeping the community informed as decisions are considered and made.
Pebble Hill Church Financial Strategy Conclusion Putting Pebble Hill Church on a sustainable and predictable financial footing will solve many problems. It will enable better planning, provide for growth, seed our outreach efforts, and help to ensure the future of Pebble Hill Church.
Pebble Hill Church Council Agenda December 12, 2007 7:00 – 9:30 pm Treasurer’s Report – Jim McGowen Year End Donation Art Auction Report Africa Fund Report 12 Step Programs Income Report Financial Strategy Draft – Karl Gevecker* Financial Task Force Minutes*
Financial Task Force* Minutes November 28, 2007 Red Barn Lower Level Attendance: Karl Gevecker, Carolyn Penta, Jim McGowan, Jeff Padawer. Linda Lang, Council President joined the meeting near the end. Jim McGowen – Jim noted that the two areas of Treasurer and Chair of the Financial Task Force were not to his liking. The group decided to rotate the position of Chair and Jim would continue his position as Treasurer. Consolidation of data: Jeff is to talk to Alan about the specific needs from the income clerk for recording in Quick Books. Feeding the Web Site – as the Web site has migrated to a new server; in the future the ability to place information on the web will be spread to all the persons with specific responsibilities. 12 Step programs – to collect more data form these users of the buildings, Jim McGowen will contact the principles of each group to arrange different payments for building use.
Developing a Financial Strategy – Karl reported the wishes of Council to have a plan. • Pledge and Plate to cover Operational Expenses • Rental Fees to cover Physical Plant Improvements • Fundraising Proceeds to go to Outreach. • It was determined that Jeff would provide an analysis of income from these three groups, and Karl to write up a strategy of the three pieces. • Pebble Hill Credit Card – It was decided that to have a general credit card for Pebble Hill purchases is good and Jim will see to that. In addition to set up a debit system for pledges with our bank would be helpful. Jim will see to that as well. The Sears Card for cleaning supplies will be reinstated, as it had expired. • Pebble Purchasing - The supply of office and paper products for the buildings will be researched to obtain the best price with an eye to our green commitment. Jeff will look into this. • Pay pal – Jeff reported we have a pay pal account ready for donations
Automatic Payments to PHC - It was determined this practice on automatic payments form individual accounts should be encouraged. Ann Brentano, as future pledge chairman, will be informed to go ahead and incorporate this into her pledge work. Update on donors review – Karl will be sending out a status letter to all donors (except the 23 that have terminated their pledges) next week. There will be a monthly pledge status report for the meeting from Karl and then Annie. This information will then migrate to Quick Books. As to the delinquent accounts there are 10 units that are concerning behind and a number of people that have paid 100% of their pledge. Calendar/Fiscal Year. – There is to be a continuing discussion on this issue, as it relates to the pledge campaign. It is to be kept on the agenda. Major Donor Contributions – In light of the recent major donor contribution, a new Quick Book’s account will be set up. There are 2 letters to go out, one noting the contribution for IRS purposes, the other a thank you letter. 1099 Vendors – The vendors that will be issued a 1099 form at year’s end will be identified by Karl, Jim and Karen Konchinsky, Treasurer of the School of Sacred Ministries. In the future the meetings will be held on the last Wednesday of the month to dovetail with any information that needs to go to the next Council meeting. There will be no meeting in December.
Financial Items – New Additions 11/29 – 12/12 • The Financial Task Force, besides developing an information management system in Quick Books is considering the following items: • Possible sale of the remaining Proctor and Gamble stock remaining in the Brokerage Account. This was left over from the contribution of stock from a friend of Steph that he had not used. It is worth about $3,000. • The stability of the Pax Fund, as it is not principle stable, and other alternative investments yielding more monies. • The demographics of the pledge commitments and their yields. • Reducing cost of Trash Removal services. • Insurance bill for camp coverage has been received. It is $190.00 • PECO – The meter for the gas furnace sometimes can be read by remote read, thereby offering us an actual account of CCF’s of gas used. The monthly bill is being monitored to see that the bill is based on actual readings and not estimated. Last year we clearly overpaid the gas because of estimated readings.
Pebble Hill Church Council Agenda December 12, 2007 7:00 – 9:30 pm Committee Reports Town Meeting Report Membership Committee – New Member and Visitor Packet – Art Committee (Auction) Report* Fundraising – Upcoming Nicaraguan Project* School of Sacred Ministries*
Subject: Art Auction Report 11/30/07* Gretchen Altabef <wonderwomon@comcast.net> wrote: Last night's Art Auction was a smashing success! Every piece of art offeredfor auction was sold. I am ecstatic. It was a wonderful evening, filledwith beautiful music, art appreciation and sweet chocolaty snacks. LindyAbbott, Jeanne Elodie, Laurie Mitchell and others created brand new fencepieces.Susan was eloquent. Wanda, Suz, Bill Talvitie, the wonderful Eva and Bill Mettler created anamazingly rich ambiance. The church was filled with the excitement ofauction bidding and there were some fun bidding competitions going on. Itwas so much fun & we raised thousands for Pebble!
Thank You Fence Artists:Chris Englehart, Susan Manning, Sallie Marshall, Gary Schoenberg, KyMettler, Linda Barilla, Mary Taylor, Chloe Iceman, Moose, Renee Bures, RayWindfelder, Ivy, Gimone Hall, Jen Culp, Lisa Schenk, Cindy Greb, GladysMitchell and her daughter Laurie Mitchell, Walter Bachteler, Anna MayWindle, Lindy Abbott, Jeanne Elodie, Gretchen Altabef.Thank You:Wanda Canfield, Delores Scott, Ann Brentano, Linda Lang, Carolyn Penta, BillTalvitie, Suz Bartels, Bill Mettler.
Art Auction Report continued • From Carolyn Penta: Well it was a success and there is the after work. • All the bid card have been copied and a set given to Annie along with a copy of the checks as Fund Raising Coordinator • There are still three outstanding IOU’s. I will call them tonight. • Alan has all the cash and checks and will deposit them. • The Accounting sheet is going to Gretchen for signature. • We made $2,750, and Gretchen has $50.00 in expenses. • I will be sending that to her with the “After event accounting sheet” • The original bid cards have been requested by Gretchen and she can pick them up at the church. • Annie is writing letters to the more significant bidders.
Pebble Hill Church Council Agenda December 12, 2007 7:00 – 9:30 pm Committee Reports Town Meeting Report Membership Committee – New Member and Visitor Packet – Art Committee (Auction) Report* Fundraising – Upcoming Nicaraguan Project* School of Sacred Ministries*
Nicaragua Relief Fund Introduction of the Project Fund Raiser Celebration – On January 5, 2008 I would like to have a celebration include the Nicaraguan project. Hopefully as much time as the African Project had. I would be very cooperative in working with Larry Hall and the rest of his team. Mayra Garcia Gibson will be going with me to Nicaragua on January 15th to the 31st, My Introduction – I would like to give a short synopsis of how Pebble Hill became involved in Nicaragua, the war there, U.S. involvement, and harm war does on generations of people. Contents of the Celebration Mayra and her family would be there, and hopefully I can get her to talk about her family and what they mean to her, she will be returning with me to visit her family after a three year absence. A slide show presentation of the three pronged project in the rural area. That includes the extended family for 4 houses full, the one room school house, and the small one room chapel that is attended by the whole region.
Hopefully Julian Bence and some of his 4H club will be in attendance to present the 40 bags they have made for the school that include school as well as health supplies. Mindy Bence and her knitting club have made beautiful baby blankets, some of these knitters may attend as well. The purpose would be to bless these items as well as Mayra and me for a safe and successful trip. Contributions – Prior to the 5th, I would request donations of the following to be brought to the celebration for blessings: Toothpaste the toothbrushes (these are too expensive to buy there and they do not take up much room). Children’s clothes and shoes – small sizes for a very warm climate Other suggestions people might consider, and work it out with me first. Mayra and I each have 140 lbs of check in luggage. She will probably fill hers, but I have at lease 100 lbs for donated stuff. Of course funds – we buy school supplies there (too heavy to carry) notebooks, books for the teacher, library books etc.
Pebble Hill Church Council Agenda December 12, 2007 7:00 – 9:30 pm Committee Reports Town Meeting Report Membership Committee – New Member and Visitor Packet – Art Committee (Auction) Report* Fundraising – Upcoming Nicaraguan Project* School of Sacred Ministries*
School of Sacred Ministries Report Date: 12/12/07 Beverly LaRue, Administrator Projects completed during the past month: I have announced to the Advisory Circle that I am stepping down as Administrator of the School of Sacred Ministries, effective December 31, 2007. Alix Amar and Brian Weis will be stepping up as co-administrators. Alix can be reached on her cell at 267-246-7666, revalixamar1@yahoo.com. Brian can be reached on his cell at 215-801-0397, ibrainwise@gmail.com. I plan to remain active in the school and on the Advisory Circle as Co-Founder/Consultant and to continue my advisory role to one of the students. Projects in progress: A problem has arisen regarding my ability to get into the School of Sacred Ministries’ calendar to reserve the space on specific dates. I am hoping to find someone familiar with a Mac to work with Jeff in solving the mystery. The project of cleaning out our closet downstairs in the Yellow Barn is almost complete and the lanterns will be removed from above the closets upstairs in the Yellow Barn within the next two weeks. In our attempt to honor the request of the fire marshal, we still await a decision about purchasing the extra metal cabinet.
Pebble Hill Church Council Agenda December 12, 2007 7:00 – 9:30 pm Administrative Reports – Carolyn Penta Recycling Dumpster Cleaning bids, Pest control contract Snow Contract – early work on Sundays Trash Collection Job Jar – The jar actually located on the back table of the celebration space will be put on the Web site as well, has not as yet interested any takers. Possibly it is holiday time, and cold. We will see if it pick’s up, if not, we can go to another system. Adjournment – 9:30 pm.