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VET – HE: BRIDGE BETWEEN VOCATIONAL AND HIGHER EDUCATION 3rd Project Meeting in Klaipeda, Lithuania 19 – 23 September 201 1. Introduction to Transfer of Innovation Projects. Welcome at. General Aims of Transfer of Innovation Projects (TOI). Aims are:

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  1. VET – HE: BRIDGE BETWEEN VOCATIONAL AND HIGHER EDUCATION 3rd Project Meeting in Klaipeda, Lithuania 19 – 23 September 2011 Introduction to Transfer of Innovation Projects Welcome at

  2. General Aims of Transfer of Innovation Projects (TOI) Aims are: • to improve the quality and attractiveness of VET in the participating countries by transferring existing innovations to new (legal, socio-cultural, geographic, …) environments through working with transnational partners. • to generate synergies by exploiting existing VET innovations.

  3. General Aims of Transfer of Innovation Projects (TOI) What is done in a TOI? • Identifying one or several innovative solutions • Adopting these solutions to new contexts (countries, target groups, educational sectors…) • Integration of the results and products into the system and the institutions of VET • Implementation at local, regional, national and / or European level • Important: Focus is on Transfer, not on the development of new instruments, products etc.

  4. Generalrequirements • The duration of each project can be from 12 to 24 months. • The consortium should comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different participating countries. • The European Commission can provide co-financing of up to 75 % of the eligible project costs, but not more than 150.000 euro / year.

  5. Generalrequirements • Proposals for TOIs must clearly present the basis of the transfer and demonstrate its benefit. • Innovation (e.g. regarding VET courses, tools, credit systems…) can be transferred to other sectors and countries. • Existing innovations can be based on previous LdV projects or any other national, European or international projects.

  6. Generalrequirements The proposal for an innovation transfer project should include information on how the following elements were prepared: • Analysis of the needs of the target group/s • Identification of innovations that in principle are suitable and selection of those that will meet • the needs of the target group in the best way; • Analysis of the feasibility of their blending and of their transfer.

  7. Generalrequirements The proposal should further explain how the project would implement the following steps: • Blending the selected innovations and adapting them to the legal framework, training system (public, private, sector), language, culture and geography as well as to the needs of target group; • Transferring them to, and testing them in the new environment; • Integrating or even certifying the transferred innovations in European, national, regional, local or sector training systems and practices.

  8. Application Procedure • Only one applicant, a consortium is formed by the applicant + a number of partners. • Application is sent to the National Agency of the applicant. Timeline: • Next application deadline: 2nd February 2012 • Pre-information on the results of the selection: July 2012 • Sending date of agreement to the beneficiaries: September 2012 • Starting date of the action: October 2012

  9. Award Criteria • Quality of the work programmeThe objectives are clear, realistic and address a relevant issue; the methodology is appropriate to achieving the objectives; the work programme defines and distributes tasks / activities among the partners in such a way that the results will be achieved on time and to budget. • Innovative characterThe project will provide solutions to clearly identified needs of the target groups identified, by offering innovative solutions as regards training and competence development. These solutions will result from adapting and transferring innovative approaches which already exist in other countries or sectors of the economy.

  10. Award Criteria • Quality of the ConsortiumThe consortium brings together all the skills and competences required to carry out the work programme, and there is an appropriate distribution of tasks across the partners. • European added valueThe benefits and need for European cooperation are clearly demonstrated.

  11. Award Criteria • The cost-benefit ratioThe grant application demonstrates value for money in terms of the activities planned relative to the budget foreseen. • RelevanceThe grant application is clearly positioned in one of the priorities of the LLP General Call for Proposals 2011-2013 – Strategic Priorities 2012. The results are relevant to the specific, operational and broader objectives of the Programme.

  12. Award Criteria • ImpactThe impact on vocational training approaches and systems is likely to be significant. • Quality of the valorisation plan (dissemination and exploitation of results)The planned dissemination and exploitation activities will ensure optimal use of the results beyond the participants in the project, during and beyond the lifetime of the project.

  13. Database ADAMProjects and Products Portal for Leonardo da Vinci • For the publication of projects and products for experts and the wider public • For research about projects and their priorities • For research about projects of good practice • Available underhttp://www.adam-europe.eu

  14. Further Information • LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME: GENERAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2011-2013 - STRATEGIC PRIORITIEShttp://ec.europa.eu/education/llp/doc/call11/prior_en.pdf • Official documents on the Lifelong Learning Programme on the website of the European Commission:http://ec.europa.eu/education/llp/doc848_en.htm

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