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Common Core State Standards Mathematics. Washington’s Vision for Education. Every Washington public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21 st century. Class of 2011: Bridgeport High School.
Common Core State Standards Mathematics CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Washington’s Vision for Education Every Washington public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21stcentury. CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014 Class of 2011: Bridgeport High School
Guiding Questions • Who are your audiences for communications (parents, teachers, public - Communication In and Communication Out )? • What are the top 2 or 3 main messages or actions needed for each audience and their timing? CCSS_MATH_Comm_4.14_v1
Our Time Together • Misconceptions of the CCSS-M • Math & the Standards • The 3 Shifts for Mathematics • Resources CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Myth: Common Core is a Curriculum • The CCSS outline the math students need to understand at each grade level or course. • Washington State is a local control state which means curriculum decisions reside within the school district. • Some curriculum will say “Common Core”. This is to identify that the curriculum is covering the math outlined in the CCSS—can be confusing.
Myth: Common Core is a Pedagogy • Direct Instruction, Constructivism, New Math, etc.– these are ways of approaching teaching math. The CCSS is not about how teachers should teach— • Good teaching practice is to reflect on your instruction (what ever approach that is) and make adjustments as needed to ensure students are able to make sense and understand the math. CCSS_MATH_Comm_4.14_v1
Will the Problems Students Experience Look Different? From a parent, via Facebook: I'm curious about your take on the new common core math. My daughter is in 2nd grade and I can totally see a shift in the ways that the problems are being asked on her worksheets… CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Because You Can’t Memorize Understanding • Our focus has been on answer getting. • Rather than the student’s thinking in getting to that answer. • Has lead to student (and adult) feelings that “I am not good at math” • We must value how each individual student makes sense of the math CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Find the answer to this problem. 42 – 18 • Consider a different way to solve the problem. • Share with your neighbor how you arrived at your answer. CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Mathematical Strategies Thinking Flexibly • Standard algorithm • Decomposing & Composing, for example: Round 42 to 40 (2 left over), round 18 to 20 (two left over), 40 – 20 = 20, add the 4 left over (2 + 2) to 20 +4 = 24 • Number Line 10 10 2 CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Place Value – 2nd Grade We have a sophisticated number system that is based on place value. Can you add Roman Numerals? VII + XVII = ? Fundamental concept at 2nd grade CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Find the Answer to this Problem: 32 x 24 = • Standard Algorithm • Arrays CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
3rd GradePlace Value, Operations CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Building Understanding for Algebra (2x + 2) (x + 4) 2x2 + 10x + 8 CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
How do we respond? • What is the root of this parent’s frustration? • What are other reasons parents might be frustrated with the math? • Turn to your neighbor and discuss these questions and share how you might respond to this parent. CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Reality – We do not see significant gains in math especially as students move into high school and college CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
MathematicsThe 3 Shifts CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
The Three Shifts in Mathematics • Focus: Strongly where the standards focus • Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades • Rigor: In major topics, pursue with equal intensity: • Conceptual understanding • Procedural skill and fluency • Application CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Shift One: Focus Strongly Where the Standards Focus Move away from "mile wide, inch deep"curricula. Significantly narrow the scope of content to focus on key concepts and skills at each grade level or in math courses. Teach less, learnmorein building understanding. Less topic coverage can be associated withhigher scores on those topics covered becausestudents have more time to master thecontent that is taught.” CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014 – Ginsburg et al., 2005
Traditional K-12 U.S. Approach CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Focusby Grade Level CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Attaining Focus in early grades K-2 is a deep focus on number, place value, and operation (addition and subtraction) - concepts, skills and problem solving 3-5 builds on these foundational concepts and focuses on multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions - concepts, skills and problems solving There is very little data work in K-5, and what’s there is tightly connected with core progressions in number systems, the number line, and problem solving using the four operations Concentration on arithmetic and the aspects of measurement that support it CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Grade Level Focus Documents https://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/Mathematics /default.aspx CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Shift Two: CoherenceThink across grades, and link to major topics within grades • Carefully connect the learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. • Begin to count on solid conceptual understanding of core content and build on it. Each standard is not a new event, but an extension of previous learning. CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Coherence “The Standards are not so much built from topics as they are woven out of progressions.” Structure is the Standards, Publishers’ Criteria for Mathematics, Appendix / CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Develop understanding of fraction as number. Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of fractions. Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
K-5 – NBT Progression Document http://ime.math.arizona.edu/progressions/ CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Coherence Within Grades 3.OA.B 3.MD.C.7 Relate area to the operations of multiplication & addition. Understand properties of multiplication … 3.G.A Reason with shapes and their attributes. The standards make explicit connections at a single grade CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Shift Three: Rigor Equal intensity in conceptual understanding, procedural skill/fluency, and application • The CCSSM require: • Solid conceptual understanding • Procedural skill and fluency • Application of mathematics to problem solving situations • In the major work of the grade, this requires equal intensity in time, activities, and resources in pursuit of all three. CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Conceptual Understanding is more than explaining What are two different equations with the same solution as 3(y – 1) = 8? Asking students to show work and explain can be informative, but it isn’t the only way to assess conceptual understanding and can become tiring for students. CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Procedural Fluency is not all about Timed Tests Find the number that goes into each box: A) B) 5 + = 8 C) - 2 = 6 D) 9 - = 5 E) + = 10 “Reasoning and pattern searching are never facilitated by restricted time….strategy development and general number sense are the best contributors to fact mastery.” --Van de Walle CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Required Fluencies in K-6 CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Applications should be motivating for students What is the relationship between the height you drop a ball and it’s corresponding bounce height? CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Standards for Mathematical Practice Describes mathematical “habits of mind” that students at ALL grade levels should develop. • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically • Attend to precision • Look for and make use of structure • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Seeing Structure CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Communication IN and OUT • Who will be those key content people in your district, school, etc. to message around CCSS-Math? • Know the standards • Understanding the Shifts • Structures to provide opportunities for shared learning • Sensitive to audiences’ past math experiences • What is our message around math? CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Resources and Support Resources from local, regional, state, and interstate collaboration: what’s new and what’s next CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
We would like to have a parent night with our PTA focusing on the CCSS: CCSSI Toolkit - Resources Community Toolkit CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
National PTA • Parents’ Guides to Student Success • English and Spanish versions http://www.pta.org/parents/content.cfm?ItemNumber=2583
What resources are available for teachers to communicate the CCSS to parents? Council of the Great City Schools http://www.cgcs.org/Page/244 Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core - Mathematics All Grades Math ELA Spanish Versions
Where Can I get accurate information about the CCSS? www.TheCommonCore.com CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Videos: • 3-minute Common Core Video • Public Service Announcement on CCSS http://www.commoncoreworks.org/domain/157
Communications Campaign • Ready Washington is a coalition of state and local education agencies, associations and advocacy organizations that support college- and career-ready learning standards. Their audience is public (parents, community, educators, lawmakers) to build awareness and support for CCSS, prepare for initial decline in test scores in transition to more rigorous assessments and counter misinformation/myths. • * www.ReadyWA.org CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Where can I get CCSS resources to build awareness with my staff or district? CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
OSPI CCR Quarterly Webinar Series http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/UpdatesEvents.aspx#Webinar CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Instructional Resources—What is available? • Engage NY – Districts Adopting • Achieve the Core – Lessons and Annotated Tasks • Achieve – Exemplar Units and Lessons • Illustrative Mathematics – CCSS-aligned Math tasks K-12 • Math Assessment Project (MARS) – CCSS-aligned Math lessons, formatives assessments, tasks 6-12 • Implementing the Math Practice Standards – Illustrations of each Math Practice standard • Smarter Balanced Practice Test – Examples of computer adaptive items and performance tasks. CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Smarter Balanced Resources and Opportunities Find Out More: www.SmarterBalanced.org Monthly e-Newsletter: http://www.smarterbalanced.org/2012/05/check-out-smarter-news-the-consortiums-monthly-enewsletter/ State Contact: Robin.Munson@k12.wa.us CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014
Fall 2014 - Resources in the Digital Library Assessment Literacy Modules • Commissioned professional development modules • Resources for students and families • Frame formative assessment within a balanced assessment system • Articulate the formative assessment process • Highlight formative assessment practices and tools Exemplar Instructional Modules • Commissioned professional development modules • Instructional materials for educators • Instructional materials for students • Demonstrate/support effective implementation of the formative process • Focus on key content and practice from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Education Resources • High-quality vetted instructional resources and tools for educators • High-quality vetted resources and tools for students and families • Reflect and support the formative process • Reflect and support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts • Create Professional Learning Communities CCSS Communications Summit - 4-21-2014