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Fort Meade Regional Growth Management Committee Regional Transportation Briefing

Fort Meade Regional Growth Management Committee Regional Transportation Briefing. 2011. Top Regional Employment Centers Nearly 50% of job base concentrated in fewer than 20 employment centers. Sources: BMC Round 7; CBRE Sub-Markets; RGMC Staff Analysis.

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Fort Meade Regional Growth Management Committee Regional Transportation Briefing

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  1. Fort Meade Regional Growth Management CommitteeRegional Transportation Briefing 2011

  2. Top Regional Employment CentersNearly 50% of job base concentrated in fewer than 20 employment centers Sources: BMC Round 7; CBRE Sub-Markets; RGMC Staff Analysis

  3. Regional Growth CentersWe need a unifying set of themes and templates to address our regional transportation challenges Sources: FGGM Agencies; RGMC Staff Analysis

  4. Fort Meade Job GrowthFort Meade and related growth could eventually require a highway investment of up to $4.7 billion Source: FGGM Garrison Command; RGMC Staff Analysis

  5. NSA Growth PlanCould add as much as 5.8 million square feet by 2030 Source: NSA EIS; RGMC Staff Analysis

  6. FGGM Workforce Distribution MapDistribution of Fort Meade workforce typical for top employment centers Source: NSA; RGMC Staff Analysis

  7. FGGM Workforce DistributionTwo-thirds reside within 20 miles (81% in 5 jurisdictions); FGGM commuting generates nearly 300 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) per year Source: FGGM Agency; Google Maps; RGMC Staff Analysis

  8. Meade Coordination ZoneAll inbound traffic affects last 5 miles 35% 30% 7.5% 20% Source: FGGM Agencies; Google Maps; RGMC Staff Analysis

  9. Shortfall in Road CapacityMeade Coordination Zone highways currently at capacity in peak periods; planned increases in highway capacity will not close gap Source: RGMC Staff Analysis

  10. Two-Part Transportation StrategyLimit growth in traffic volume while expanding capacity at a few key highway segments and intersections; received regional endorsement Roadway Capacity Focus limited funding – $50M of $1.1B – on a few key projects Demand Management Reduce peak load by 27%; to date 1200 of 4300 have signed up, but the jury is still out

  11. Key Fort Meade Transportation ResourcesServed by a combination of roadways and rail stations I-95 BWI MD-295 MD-100 MD-295 / MD-175 MD-175 / Rockenbach / Disney MARC - Penn MARC - Camden MD-295 / MD-32 MD-175 / Reece MD-175 EUL MD-175 / Mapes Site M DISA MD-295 / MD-198 NSA DMA MD-175 / Llewellyn ADJ MD-32 MD-32 / MD-198 / Mapes MD-175 / MD-32 Access Control Point Interchange Controlled Intersection MARC Station

  12. FGGM Gate Delay ScenariosOnly Rockenbach Gate can be expanded in near term (2011); requires improvements at Rockenbach / Cooper Source: Gannett Fleming; RGMC Staff Analysis

  13. Timing / Impact of Gate OverloadBy 2Q-2011, peak delays at gates could reach 20 minutes Source: Gannett Fleming; RGMC Staff Analysis

  14. Impact of Growth on Local IntersectionsSystem is at capacity and will cause delays until planned upgrades are in place; timely completion of Rockenbach / Cooper essential Source: Gannett Fleming; MDOT / SHA; RGMC Staff Analysis

  15. Transportation Demand Management (TDM)Proposed Objective and Principles for Fort Meade program OBJECTIVE Using a combination of structures and methods, restrain future FGGM SOV volume to sustainable level PRINCIPLES • Employer-Sponsored. Fort Meade agencies develop, implement and monitor own TDM programs – individually or collaboratively – consistent with overall FGGM goal. • Demand Driven. Design program to provide end user value equivalent to SOV, including guaranteed ride home. • Communications Program. Use leadership, internal marketing programs, and end user input to generate participation. • Public-Private Partnership. Maximize use of TIP to fund program. Leverage private sector resources to reduce risk and access additional capital. • Savings. Structure program to pay for itself through reductions in new highway construction; use a portion of savings to ensure program success. • Environmental Component. Appeal to public’s desire to reduce environmental impact as a program benefit. • Regional Template. Document approach and lessons learned; develop and apply template to support economic development across the region.

  16. Proposed Initial TDM GoalsNear term goal of 27% varies by Agency based on variations in geographic distribution of workforce Source: RGMC Staff Analysis

  17. Fort Meade Compared to PentagonRestraining the growth of vehicle volume at Fort Meade addresses both short-term and long-term capacity issues Source: Pentagon Website; Ft. Belvoir EIS; RGMC Staff Analysis

  18. Subscription Bus ConceptMake equipment, service, features and incentives competitive with SOV • Requires no taxpayer subsidy • Point to point service; demand driven schedule and features • Build working relationships with colleagues • Make travel time productive time • Arrive at destination fresh and alert • Experience improvement in quality of life • Reduce commuting costs / fuel consumption / carbon footprint • Avoid investment in peak roadway capacity

  19. Meade Attractive Zips by QuintileTen zips significant for Howard, Carroll and Frederick Counties Source: Fort Meade Agency; RGMC Staff Analysis

  20. Top Regional Zip Codes Source: Fort Meade Agency; RGMC Staff Analysis

  21. Carroll / Howard Collection Points Potential collection points for Fort Meade subscription buses and vanpools A1 A2 D B E C

  22. Next Steps • Track construction progress • Support backup / mitigation efforts • Scan for new funding opportunities Roadway Improvements • Press for rapid implementation • Support identification of bus collection points and establishment of bus traffic priority Demand Management • Work with Fort Meade Garrison Command and SHA to monitor local conditions Overall

  23. END

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