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Leeds NUT General meeting. Tackling Stress www.teachermentalhealth.org.uk. The impact of work stress on the mental health and well-being of teachers.
Leeds NUT General meeting Tackling Stress www.teachermentalhealth.org.uk
The impact of work stress on the mental health and well-being of teachers • Stress has been described by the HSE as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them”. Although stress itself is not a disease, it is recognised that excessive or prolonged stress can be a cause of mental and physical illness. • HSE research has found that one in five people – an estimated 5 million workers – is ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ stressed at work, and that stress, anxiety and depression nationally lead to more than 12 million lost working days each year. The International Labour Organisation has estimated that the cost of stress to the British economy amounts to over ten per cent of its Gross National Product (GNP). • Over the past ten years, studies have consistently found that teachers are amongst the most stressed workers in Britain. • Teaching was rated the most stressful occupation by HSE in 2000 (42% of teachers highly stressed at work compared with 20% in population as a whole).
Continued: • Between 2003 and 2006 National Statistics reported that the highest levels of occupational stress, depression or anxiety were amongst teachers and were double the level for ‘all occupations’. • Around half of all ill-health retirements take place for stress/psychiatric illness. • You Gov research in 2007 found that stress had led to half of all teachers considering leaving the profession. A survey of London teachers in 2006 found that four-fifths envisaged stress causing them to leave in the future. • Half of all new teachers entering the profession leave within 5 years. • Suicide rates amongst teachers are 40% higher than within the population as a whole. (Source – Samaritans) Teacher suicides doubled between 2008 and 2009.(National Statistics) Later figures are not yet available.
Cont. Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Management Standards: • The Demands of your job. • Your Control over your work. • The Support you receive from managers and colleagues. • Your Relationships at work. • Your Role in the organisation. • Change and how it is managed.
What employers have to do doing to reduce stress. (The employers duty of care.) • Who are the employers? (Local Authority, School Governors etc.) • Extract for HSE Website: http://www.hse.gov.uk/lead/employershaveto.htm “What do employers have to do? Assess the risk • Make a suitable and sufficient risk assessment. • Identify and implement control measures. • Record the significant findings of the risk assessment” • ‘A hazard is anything that may cause harm, such as chemicals, electricity, working from ladders, an open drawer etc;’ . • ‘Risk is the chance, high or low, that somebody could be harmed by these and other hazards, together with an indication of how serious the harm could be’. • See HSE 5 steps to Risk Assessment http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg163.pdf • There is plenty of evidence that stress causes illness amongst teachers. In rare cases it may lead to suicide. (Teacher suicides doubled between 2008 and 2009)
What employers should be doing to reduce stress. • Taking pro-active steps to reduce stress and improve wellbeing. • Responding appropriately to reported stress. • Recognising that the stress experienced by senior managers can lead to increased stress for other staff. • Creating a open climate where reporting and discussion of stress is welcome. • Ensuring senior managers are properly trained to tackle stress. • Leading by example.
What can School Reps do to tackle stress? Find out about: • Stress Risk Assessment Compliance: • Has a SRA been undertaken within the last 12 months? • Was the SRA conducted by a ‘competent person’ (i.e. trained to carry one out.) • How were stress hazards identified? • Were all staff members consulted in a way that they could respond honestly? • Was a report of the staff consultation made available to all staff members, trade unions and school governors? • Was an action plan to remove or minimise stress hazards put in place? • Has a timescale to review the action plan been identified? • What arrangements are in place for members of staff to report ‘stress incidents’. • Is the response to reported stress positive and helpful? • What analysis of absence and turnover is carried out to identify whether stress is a cause?
What can School Reps do to tackle stress? cont. • If a SRA has not been carried out recently ask for one to be done. • If this still doesn’t happen, report the failure to comply to your NUT Division. • The Union should then report the failure to the employer who are responsible in law for Health and Safety and have a duty to assess risk in the workplace. • To help put pressure on the employer, some NUT reps conduct their own stress survey of NUT members, or all staff. The NUT has a stress survey available to use. (See NUT Tackling Stress Advice http://www.teachers.org.uk/node/12562 Appendices 1 and 2) • Where a school refuses to tackle stress, there may be grounds for a dispute. Reps should report this to the local NUT. • Encourage members to report ‘stress incidents’ using the accident reporting system. ‘Stress incidents’ can be ongoing over a period of time. (e.g. unmanageable work demands) • In schools where management bullying is a problem this can also be tackled with the support of the Union.
What is Bullying? • When does strong management become bullying? • Are you being bullied? • What kinds of behaviour constitute bullying at work? Bradford Bullying Leaflet http://teachermentalhealth.org.uk/Workplace%20Bullying.pdf
Obvious Bullying Behaviour • Repeatedly shouting or swearing in public or private • Public humiliation • Persistent criticism • Constantly undervaluing effort • Personal insults and name calling • Persecution through fear or threats • Dispensing unfair punishment out of the blue • Increasing responsibility whilst decreasing authority • Being overruled
Less Obvious Bullying Behaviour • Setting individuals up to fail • Setting uncontracted tasks • Setting unrealistic deadlines for an increased workload • Removing areas of responsibility and imposing menial tasks • Deliberately sabotaging or impeding work performance • Constantly changing guidelines • Withholding work related information
In Healthy School The evidence shows that: • Staff turnover is lower (staff are retained); • Recruitment is easier; • Staff absence levels are lower; • School results are better. (Source: Teacher Wellbeing)
Leeds NUT General Meeting Tackling Stress www.teachermentalhealth.org.uk