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DIGITAL IS THE NEW NORMAL. Deputy Chief Constable Gordon Scobbie. Policing in a digital age …………. Facts on social media growth. 30 million registered users on over 700 million users worldwide Up to 400,000 people sign up to everyday Now over 5 Billion 90 million.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DIGITAL IS THE NEW NORMAL Deputy Chief Constable Gordon Scobbie

  2. Policing in a digital age ………….

  3. Facts on social media growth • 30 million registered users on over 700 million users worldwide • Up to 400,000 people sign up to everyday • Now over 5 Billion • 90 million

  4. What do we know about media users? ■ They post content online ■ Display their likes and dislikes ■ Like to take pictures and record videos ■ Can make it go viral

  5. They post content online – Some is amusing Fenton! 2 million views

  6. And when they witness something – photo from 7/7 bombing

  7. To say they don’t feel safe – Bognor Regis Facebook Site – Make our streets safe again

  8. To Organise Protestshttp://www.ukuncut.org.uk And to respond while at a demonstration http://twitter.com/sukeySMS

  9. Social media as a news channel

  10. Connectivity

  11. How have Police responded ?



  14. LISTENING Exploiting the benefits


  16. ANGUS FOX Smartphone App

  17. RT Protest in Dudley today, come and support #EDL #EDL don’t react to EDL lies – police say no one been attacked There are no Muslims rioting in Dudley – all quiet #EDL Protest in Dudley today, come and support #EDL RT police say There are no Muslims rioting in Dudley – all quiet #EDL #EDL police allowing muslims to attack whites in Dudley RT 100s Muslims with knives rioting in Dudley – get here! #EDL #EDL misinformation being spread by EDL – listen to police tweets #EDL no one stabbed, this is misinformation. Follow for accurate facts #EDL no one has been attacked in Dudley RT #EDL supporter stabbed by Muslim in Dudley – come and support us #EDL police say no one has been stabbed- EDL lying #EDL supporter stabbed by Muslim in Dudley Muslims with knives rioting in Dudley #EDL #EDL thank you police for accurate tweets


  19. MAKING THE CASE • Learning through ‘engagement’ • Influential thinkers • World Events

  20. You’ve got to grab their attention

  21. Strategic Session for Police Leaders Google HQ – London Hamish Nicklin – Google ■The ‘end of digital’ – Minority Report ■ Google Strategy – ‘mobile first’ ■ Police – ‘Digital First’

  22. Google – 4 trends SOCIAL internet geared towards social sharing MOBILE Huge growth in smart phones VIDEO 33% of all internet traffic will rise to 90% soon CONVERGENCE Virtual/real world hard to separate

  23. So what ? INSIGHT what are people thinking, doing, saying? CONSULTATION Constant ‘beta’mode DEMOCRATISATION Collaborate outside the organisation COMMUNICATION Real time + powerful RISK Attitude must change

  24. National Strategy • Agreed by ACPO • 3 main strands 1. KEEPING UP 2. JOINING UP 3. LEADERSHIP • Mandate from the top

  25. Governance – Keeping Up • Awareness sessions to forces • Focus on ‘engagement’ • Public order intelligence + investigation included

  26. Joining up Public Order Marketing Children and Young Persons Counter Terrorism E Crime Stalking Internal Communications Missing Persons Operational Policing Corporate Comms Digital Engagement Events Policing Online Reporting Roads Policing

  27. Governance – Joining up ACPO High Level Cross Business area on Digital Media • Set up with the purpose of joining up the use of digital media across policing in England, Scotland and Wales • Representatives from Forces; and

  28. UK position pre-riots • National Guidance – Engage • National strategy signed off of by ACPO • Chief officers leading from the front • Good external links to Digital Agenda

  29. London Riots – August 2011

  30. People used social media to organise

  31. West Midlands – Superintendent Mark Payne During Riots in Wolverhampton Used throughout to: • Update Communities • Prevent the spread of mis-information and rumour • 5000 plus new followers within 24 hours of riot

  32. DANGERS OF NOT BEING INVOLVED WITH SOCIAL MEDIA IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS • If no information is coming from the authorities • The gap will be plugged by speculation

  33. Home Secretary Meetings • August 2011 • Politicians, Police, Civil Servants, SM industry • Positive way forward • Value during crisis • Close current gaps • Switching off ‘not an option’

  34. LESSONS LEARNED EVENT Tuesday 13 September 2011 Key themes • Forces who had already invested time using social media were better prepared when the disorders took place • Forces cannot deal with crisis situations and establish a meaningful social media presence at the same time

  35. LESSONS LEARNED EVENT Tuesday 13 September 2011 Key themes • Recognition of the need for timely responses at the commencement of any potential disorder, critical incident or high level profile event

  36. COMMUNITIES ‘Virtual’ and ‘Real’ came together

  37. Capability Gaps • Lack of trained staff • Insufficient technology – to monitor, analyse and capture • No ‘local’ on-line community engagement • No pre-planned intelligence co-ordination • No 24/7 emergency contact with and

  38. Governance – Joining up ACPO High Level Cross Business area on Digital Media • Set up with the purpose of joining up the use of digital media across policing in England, Scotland and Wales • Representatives from Forces; and

  39. Joining up

  40. So what now ?

  41. Partnership • Government, Police + other law enforcement agencies • SM providers involved • Enhanced capability + capacity

  42. Engagement is the foundation which Supports: • Intelligence • Investigation

  43. National Governance • ACPO High Level • Home Office Social Media Project Board

  44. Future Drivers

  45. UK Government Strategy on Digital • Police ‘ Digital by default’ • Paradigm shift on internet • Disruptive technology • Opportunistic nature

  46. George Osbourne May 2011 • Changing accountability • Changing policy making • Changing public services

  47. Accountability • Access to information • Giving public a voice • 3rd party analysis • UK Govt intention – world leader in open data

  48. Opportunities for Policing • Participation of public in problem solving • Build trust + confidence • View public as partnership resource

  49. Policy Making • Draft legislation/policy for public scrutiny • Reducing regulation – ‘Red Tape Challenge’ • ‘Open Source’ policy making • Implications for the Police

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