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Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)

Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ). Grew up in TEXAS Grandfather was cowboy Father was a businessman Never wealthy, but never missed a meal. Political Career. Entered politics in 1937 (U.S. House of Reps) He was a New Deal Democrat FDR liked him…helped with career…friends 1948 U.S. Senate

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Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)

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  1. Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) • Grew up in TEXAS • Grandfather was cowboy • Father was a businessman • Never wealthy, but never missed a meal

  2. Political Career • Entered politics in 1937 (U.S. House of Reps) • He was a New Deal Democrat • FDR liked him…helped with career…friends • 1948 U.S. Senate • 1955 Senate Majority Leader • 1960 VP with Kennedy • 1963 President

  3. New Sheriff in Town • Tax Cut Bill and Civil Rights Bill that JFK could NOT get done…LBJ got through Congress quickly…PASSED into law in 1964. • Good relationship with Congress

  4. WAR on Poverty • Inspired by The Other America by Michael Harrington • EOA (Employment Opportunity Agency) • Job Corps (youth job training) • VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) was like Peace Corps only within USA • Head Start Free public pre-school to give kids a “head start” before elementary school

  5. 1964 Election • (D) Lyndon B. Johnson • VP Hubert Humphrey *(R) Barry Goldwater - Conservative Senator from Arizona - “Vote AuH2O”

  6. Lyndon Johnson • Main issue was this conflict in that there Vietnam place • LBJ said “your boys are not going to be sent to do what Asian boys should be doing for themselves.” • He ran as the “peace candidate”

  7. Barry Goldwater • Very anti-communist … he swore that to stop the spread of international communism he would “use the bomb in Vietnam” • Disliked Eastern politicians … liberals from Northeast • Seen as a diehard, radical conservative “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.”

  8. Daisy Ad • Lyndon Johnson TV ad that changed campaign • Pictured a little girl picking daisies … atomic bomb … world unsafe if Goldwater wins! • Daisy Ad

  9. Mandate • When a candidate wins by a VERY LARGE margin it is called a landslide or a mandate • Mandate means the candidate has overwhelming support from the people for his ideas and programs

  10. Great Society • Looking to capitalize on landslide victory (mandate) Johnson initiated a “New Deal type” package of programs to help the poor, elderly, minority and uneducated. • Called the Great Society

  11. Great Society • Medicare / Medicaid – aid to elderly for medical care • Voting Rights Act – ensure blacks the right to vote (1965) • PBS – Public television (Sesame Street, etc.) • Student Loans (help young people pay for college)

  12. Great Society

  13. Other Key Players • George Wallace • Governor of Alabama • “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” • Violent reaction to civil rights marches in Selma and Birmingham

  14. Martin Luther King Jr. • Civil Rights activist • Argued against money and political effort on behalf of Vietnam • Too many soldiers being sent were black • Attention to discrimination here at home • Voting Rights Act

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