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Lydon Baines Johnson. LBJ as Senator year. In 1948 ran won senator ballot by 87 votes Main reason he won conservatives was his passing of Taft-Hartley act
LBJ as Senator year • In 1948 ran won senator ballot by 87 votes • Main reason he won conservatives was his passing of Taft-Hartley act • LBJ sided with Richard B. Russell, the Georgia Democrat who chaired the Senate Armed Services Committee, also a strong influence in the Senate. • Russell was part of the conservative collation that made sure no liberal bill was passed, defeated by LBJ in 1964-65 but regained power afterwards.
Armed Services Committee • LBJ won chairman of the Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee during the Korean War. • This committee regulates Aeronautical and space activities relating to development of weapons systems or military operations; the common defense; the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force • During this chairmanship LBJ started investigations of defense costs and efficiency . • Their investigations found old investigations of money leaks and demanded action. • Truman’s administration was working on these problems but LBJ’s manipulation of the media brought much light to theses investigations.
Senate career continued • 1951 Jan. 2 won Democratic whip of Senate with Richard B. Russell help. • In January 1953, he was chosen by his fellow Democrats to be the minority leader. Thus, he became the youngest man ever named to the post. Backed again by Richard B. Russell • In 1953 senate was split 47 Dem: 48 Rep: 1 independent that sided Rep • Nine senators died during the 83 congress and at times Democrats had majority. Then the independent Senator joined democrats to give them majority. • In 1954 re-elected margin 3:1 • Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower during those years often found Johnson more cooperative than the Senate Republican leader, William F. Knowland of California. • IN 1955, During his tenure as Senate Majority Leader, he served as Chairman of the Democratic Policy Committee, Democratic Steering Committee, and Democratic Conference of the Senate
Civil Rights • The Supreme Court's 1954 ruling in Brown v. Board of Education had outraged Southern senators. • They circulated a Southern Manifesto urging massive resistance to school integration, but Johnson declined to sign it. • In 1957 President Eisenhower proposed a civil rights bill that Southerners resisted. Johnson recognized the symbolic value of enacting the first civil rights legislation since Reconstruction, but he feared this would split his party. His removal of the key enforcement provisions of the law steered it through to enactment.
Senator last time • LBJ was famous for the treatment. • This was when he gathered information about everything about the senator • He would then approach them standing inches away talking in many tones and face expressions helped him stay in power by swaying must to support him. • Had an heart attack in 1956 July that rendered him from returning to Senate till December • He was elected as favorite son candidate in Texas in the Democratic National Convention. • Was placed on same ballot as JFK as Vice-President • Ran for senate at same time and won both. • Resigned from Senate after news of JFK’S victory Johnson gives "The Treatment" to 90-year-old Rhode Island Senator Theodore F. Green in 1957
Vice President • head of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunities • Johnson was a member of the Cabinet and the National Security Council, Chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council, Chairman of the President's, and Chairman of the Peace Corps Advisory Council. He was sent by President Kennedy on missions to the Middle East, the Far East, Europe, Latin America, Africa, and South Asia. May 11-13, 1961, he visited Vietnam while on a trip to Southeast Asia as President Kennedy's representative. • Was appointed to be chairman of the President's Ad Hoc Committee for Science • The 1961 main goals of the Ad Hoc Committee for Science were • Ballistic missiles. • Scientific observations from satellites. • The exploration of the solar system with instruments carried in deep space probes. • Military space systems. • Man in orbit and in space. • Non-military applications of space technology. • Became president hen JFK was assonated.
Civil Rights Act 1964 • It outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin: in voting, employment, and public services, such as transportation. • Started Equal Employment Opportunity group that LBJ created that was aimed at creating more jobs for minorities and women. • In the South had little support and not really enforced but later was. Ended Jim Crow Laws. • Howard W. Smith on the senate floor added the part about women getting equal rights too.
Wilderness Act of 1964 • National Park Service43,616,250 acres (176,508 km²)56% • U.S. Forest Service34,867,591 acres (141,104 km²)18%U.S. • Fish and Wildlife Service20,699,108 acres (83,766 km²)22% • Bureau of Land Management6,512,227 acres (26,354 km²)2%
Space race • Gemini missions • Apollo missions • December 1968 first successful orbit of moon • First man on the moon was American
War on poverty • Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 • the Act included several social programs to promote the health, education, and general welfare of the poor. • Head Start, and Job Corps still remain today • Social Security Act of 1965 • Created Medicare and Medicaid.
Education • Higher Education Act of 1965 • Financial aid went to students for collage without drug convictions, major changes made in 2003, 2007 • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 • Money went to public schooling
Urban riots • Major riots in black ghettos • started in a violent in Harlem in 1964 • the Watt district of Los Angeles in 1965 • The biggest wave came in April, 1968, when riots occurred in over a hundred cities in the wake of the assassination of Martin Luther King. Newark burned in 1966, where six days of rioting left 26 dead, 1500 injured, and the inner city a burned out shell. • In Detroit in 1967, Governor George Romney sent in 7400 national guard troops to stop fire bombings, looting, and attacks on white-owned businesses and on police. Johnson finally sent in federal troops with tanks and machine guns. Detroit burn for three more days until finally 40 were dead, 2250 were injured, 4000 were arrested; property damage ranged into the hundreds of millions; much of inner Detroit was never rebuilt.