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Lyndon Baines Johnson chapter 22. “When I was young, poverty was so common that we didn't know it had a name.” Grew up in a poor part of Texas. Attended Southwest Texas Teachers College (Now Texas State). Became a politician while still a young teacher.
“When I was young, poverty was so common that we didn't know it had a name.” • Grew up in a poor part of Texas
Begins as a State Representative in Congress from 1937 - 1949
Serves a distinguished career in the US Senate from 1948 - 1960 • Ballot Box 13 from Jim Wells County, Tx • “Landslide Lyndon!”
Warren Commission • Investigated JFK’s death • Conclude that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone • Many believe there was a conspiracy
Election of 1964 • LBJ is extremely popular, and easily wins the election • LBJ uses this momentum to push his programs
Presidential Domestic Policy Names • Teddy Roosevelt – The Square Deal • FDR – The New Deal • Truman – The Fair Deal • Kennedy – The New Frontier
LBJ’s “Great Society” “This administration, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America.” • Tax cut – LBJ cut taxes, government spending, and the economy improved • VISTA – Volunteer in Service to America
HEAD Start – Pre-school for low income children • Medicare – care and insurance for the elderly • Medicaid – insurance for the poor
Higher Education Act • "I shall never forget the faces of the boys and the girls in that little Welhausen Mexican School, and I remember even yet the pain of realizing and knowing then that college was closed to practically every one of those children because they were too poor. And I think it was then that I made up my mind that this Nation could never rest while the door to knowledge remained closed to any American."
Higher Education Act • strengthened the resources of colleges and universities, and to provide financial aid to students
Effects of the Great Society • Drastically reduced poverty in America • Created a welfare society • Many conservatives DID NOT LIKE IT!
Immigration reform • Greatly expanded immigration quotas • Exempted family members of citizens and political refugees
The Warren Court • Very liberal or (progressive) • Sought to protect personal freedoms • Miranda Rights • Miranda v Arizona • Declared prayer in school unconstitutional • Angered many conservatives
LBJ and Foreign Affairs • Aided the Dominican Republic against a revolution • Further involved U.S. forces in South Vietnam • “Escalation”
“The fact that a man is a newspaper reporter is evidence of some flaw of character.”
“Jerry Ford is so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time.”
“Did you ever think that making a speech on economics is a lot like pissing down your leg? It seems hot to you, but it never does to anyone else.”
“Being president is like being a jackass in a hailstorm. There's nothing to do but to stand there and take it.”
“Better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in.” • On FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
“I want to make a policy statement: I am unabashedly in favor of women.”
“Jack was out kissing babies while I was out passing bills. Someone had to tend the store.”
“There are no favorites in my office. I treat them all with the same general inconsideration.”
“When things haven't gone well for you, call in a secretary or a staff man and chew him out. You will sleep better and they will appreciate the attention.”
“I may not know much, but I know the difference between chicken sh** and chicken salad.”