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Agricultural sector review By Peggy PASCAL LRRD Project

Agricultural sector review By Peggy PASCAL LRRD Project. 24 April 2006. Dealing with diversity… Different kinds of eco-system (Variation of climate, altitude, irrigation water disponibility, soil specificities) Different productivity and risk exposure

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Agricultural sector review By Peggy PASCAL LRRD Project

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  1. Agricultural sector review By Peggy PASCAL LRRD Project 24 April 2006

  2. Dealing with diversity… • Different kinds of eco-system (Variation of climate, altitude, irrigation water disponibility, soil specificities) • Different productivity and risk exposure • Different kinds of market opportunities (proximity of cities, borders, quality of roads)

  3. Distribution Roads, canals, repairing Farmer’s organizations, Animal Health,Training, Extension,CD approaches Main evolution of the agricultural sector 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 STATE National strategies framework for agriculture and NRM Centralized state based on extension / vulgarization Agriculture as a socio-economic sector of the NDF PRR Master Plan TYPES OF INTERVENTION ¨Private sector APPROACHES Livelihood approach Reaching food security Sector-based approaches

  4. EC, WB,USAID, Bilateral cooperation Legislative power MAAHF FAO MRRD Private sector Alternative livelihoods NGO’s Infrastructure NSP Implementing roles FAO ICARDA Provincial level District level Rural communities

  5. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 FREE SEEDS DISTRIBUTION Extension Vulgarization Private sector Wheat seeds entreprise Wheat seeds multiplication (DPs) Food processing Kitchen gardens Vegetables production Horticulture Animal health Broader livestock improvement programs ACTIVITIES IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR

  6. Focus on the seeds sector • Lots of improvement since 2001: • Seeds control procedures + seeds law • Many extension and DP programs took place • Many farmers are now willing to use improved seeds • However… • Free distribution have huge negative impacts (and is not relevant against poppy production!!!!) • In some areas, farmers remain reluctant to buy improved seeds (either from bazaar or from specialized shops) • The sustainability of the wheat seeds enterprise can not be assess with the presence of free distribution program in the area

  7. Transition LRRD: the main current evolution for the aid sector • Many NGOs are currentlyworking on the redefinition of their roles/mandate/ strategies for the coming years, some of them are preparing exit strategies • Some of them are willing to get more specialized (main tendency: NRM / Agro-business / livelihood) • Need of high technical advice and longer term approaches • More qualitative M&E systems and more capacity building at the local level is one of the main objective for the coming year • Most of the NGO’s understood the importance to collaborate and share information with the MAAHF • Want to decrease the expatriate staff and strengthen afghan expertise • Invest in applied research to increase quality of their projects

  8. The main issues at stake Free or earned? • Free distribution are strongly calling into question the durability of other programs (wheat seeds entreprises or contract growers) • Community involvement vs FFW? The scope of intervention:Whom and where? • Where are the limits of the aid communities/ state/ private sector/ communities mandate and legitimacy? • What are the needs assessment / beneficiaries selection mechanisms? • Who should be in charge of responding to emergency needs and how? =>If the donors are all phasing emergency response, the main risk is that emergency needs will be managed without global strategies Development approaches: how to fill the methodological gap? • Development methods require proper knowledge (often very different from the one acquired by the staff during the last years) • Qualitative assessment is needed to understand farmer’s strategies and diversities: this require a research-action methodology • What strategies towards community involvement: is there a common logic?

  9. What next? • Specialization? From the livelihood approach towards sector approach • Working with the private sector? How the development of the private sector will benefit the poorest ? • Implementing govt policies? • Working under the umbrella of the PRT? • How to improve aid effectiveness? • More lessons sharing between the different stakeholders at the local level • Build communities capacities • Build capacities at the district level • Project should be designed at the field level • Gaps to fulfill • Animal health (building material and technical capacities) • Fodder production remains weak? • What kind of programmes in the mountainous areas? • Environmental issues

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