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Solar System Notes. Earth moves in two ways. Rotation – spinning on an axis Revolution – one object moving around another. Seasons on Earth. Earth tilted 23.5 o ½ the year, North is pointed to the Sun, peaking in June solstice .
Earth moves in two ways • Rotation – spinning on an axis • Revolution – one object moving around another
Seasons on Earth • Earth tilted 23.5o • ½ the year, North is pointed to the Sun, peaking in June solstice. • ½ the year, South is pointed to the Sun, peaking in December solstice. • March (Spring) and Sept. (Fall) Equinox: neither pole is leaning to sun
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation • States every object in the universe attracts every other object • Force of gravity measured in newtons • Strength of gravity depends on 2 factors: • Masses of the objects • Distance between them
Phases of the moon • Changing relative positions of the moon, Earth, and sun cause them • The visible phase of the moon depends on how much of the sunlit side faces Earth
Eclipses • When the moon’s shadow hits Earth or Earth’s shadow hits the moon, an eclipse occurs • Solar eclipse: moon is between Earth and the sun • Lunar eclipse: Earth is between the moon and the sun
Tides • Tides are caused by the moon’s gravity pulling on different parts of Earth (pulling the sea level up) • Spring tides: sun and moon are lined up, causing highest high and lowest low tides • Neap tides: sun and moon at right angle to Earth, causing least difference between tides
The Moon • Dry, airless, with highly varied surface temps • Temp. range: -180o – 130o C because it has NO atmosphere • Diameter approx equal to distance across USA • Collision ring theory: a planet-sized object collided with Earth to form the moon
Our Solar System Inner Planets • Sun*, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars • Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto* Outer Planets
Solar System Powerpoint • Copy guidelines on separate sheet of paper • Groups 3-4 (3 preferred) • Select a member of our Solar System and get approval by Mr. Ladwig (1st come, 1st served) • Create Powerpoint to present to class • Include 1 quiz question given to Mr. Ladwig (with answer) • Don’t use images as backgrounds!
PPT Requirements • Size (km): diameter & radius • Period of rotation (Earth days) • Avg. distance from sun (AU) • Period of revolution (Earth years) • # of moons • Atmosphere contents • Planetary structure • Exploration missions • At least 2 images of it • History of its discovery